KIMplement on the 128

Started by Blacklord, January 23, 2007, 05:49 PM

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Below is my email & response from Cameron regarding porting KIMplement to the 128 (reproduced here with his permission) note his comments about using 64 mode with the VDC :


> What are the chances of cajoling you into creating a 128 version of
> your emulator ?

Believe it or not, I had thought of this beforehand, mostly because there
is going to come a time when I can't wring any more performance out of the
CPU emulation (and it's getting close). It would instead use the VDC for
output, and then be able to run at 2MHz.

Note that for simplicity's sake, it would still run in 64 mode so that I
can reuse most of the same code, but with extensions to use the VDC and
the 2MHz speed. Obviously it would not be able to use sprites, so it would
be hardwired to be TTY driven (thus two parallel builds, the standard 64
build and the TTY-only "128" build).

However, I'm not ready for this yet -- I have some neglected projects that
need attention. I'm mulling it over for 0.3.

Was this what you had in mind?

--------------------------------- personal: ---
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- Last one in's a freemason! -- Old Timey Strong Bad #150 --------------------