DIY mouse adapter

Started by Mark Smith, November 24, 2009, 07:43 PM

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Mark Smith

The talk of mice in another thread reminded me of a link I came across on

Might be of interest to people.


Commodore 128, 512K 1750 REU, 1581, 1571, 1541-II, MMC64 + MP3@64, Retro-Replay + RR-Net and a 1541 Ultimate with 16MB REU, IDE64 v4.1 + 4GB CF :-)


There is also the commercial product Micromys from Individual Computers:

To read about what it can do, you can download the manual here.
Ignorance is a precious thing. Once lost, it can never be regained.

Mark Smith

Just a minor warning about the Micromys .. it doesn't physically fit on port 1 of the flat C128s :-(

Apart from that it works great and does everything it says it does! Once I find a suitable small D9 connector I'll try and swap the big black D9 on the Micromys.

Oh the only other "issue" is that modern mice have a much higher sensitivity than the old 1351, which means if you move them to fast on a C64/128 strange things happen to the mouse pointer, tries to loop back on itself or appears in random locations .. guess the modern mice send data faster than a CBM is expecting :-)


Commodore 128, 512K 1750 REU, 1581, 1571, 1541-II, MMC64 + MP3@64, Retro-Replay + RR-Net and a 1541 Ultimate with 16MB REU, IDE64 v4.1 + 4GB CF :-)