CP/M Mini-Primer *** Easy Handling of DIRectories

Started by OzOne, March 30, 2007, 12:20 PM

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         CP/M Mini-Primer  ***  Easy Handling of DIRectories
                          By: Mike Mantino
                     GEnie Mail Address: MIKEM

    You've finally booted up CP/M Plus on your C-128.  There's that
cryptic A> prompt staring you in the face, waiting for you to do
something.  You say to yourself, 'Now how the heck do I see what is
on this disk?'.  Ah, glad you asked!

    Let's assume you have two 1571 disk drives and a 1750 RAM
expansion module.  In CP/M, the 1571 with device #8 is now referred
to as drive A and the 1571 with device #9 is now referred to as
drive B.  The 17xx RAM expansion should be thought of as another disk
drive, but lots quicker.  It is assigned the drive designation M.

    When CP/M is first booted up, the default drive is A, hence the
prompt A>.  You can change the default drive at any time by typing
the letter of the drive followed by a colon and .  The prompt
should then display the current default drive designation, such
as B>.

    If you still have your CP/M system disk in drive A, typing DIR
followed by will show you a listing of files that are on
that disk.  It may or may not be a total list, depending on whether
files have been saved to other portions of the disk which are called
USER areas.  A CP/M disk has 16 different sections which are
partitioned off from each other (labeled 0 thru 15).  That cryptic A>
prompt should actually read A0>, since the default USER area upon
boot-up is 0.

    One way to check to see if files are in these other nooks and
crannies, is to change USER areas and type DIR again.  Let's see if
there are any files in USER area 1 on that disk.  First, change USER
areas by typing A1 and hitting .  Your prompt should now be
A1>.  Next, check the directory by typing DIR and hitting
again.  You can do this for all 16 different USER areas on that
disk. You can also change to drive B or M and check all USER areas
one at a time in much the same fashion.  Not much fun, is it?  Well,
it *can* be easier, as you will see.

    The DIR command has two versions.  The one that you have just
used is the 'built-in' version. The wildcards * and ? can be used,
and it's simple and to the point, but not very versatile.  It is
built into the CP/M operating system and does not require loading in
any utility program in order to use it, but you *do* have more power
at your disposal through the 'transient' version of DIR.  This
transient utility is included on your CP/M disk and has the filename
DIR.COM.  If you type DIR, followed by a set of parameters enclosed
in brackets, CP/M will automatically search the disk for the
transient DIR.COM and act upon those parameters, giving you enormous
versatility when dealing with multi-USER areas and multi-drives.
Let's explore these parameters and find out what DIR.COM has to

     If you wanted to get a directory listing of all USER areas and
all drives with one command, you would type:

              DIR [DRIVE=ALL USER=ALL]

     The right bracket need not be typed, and you must hit
after typing the command.  You will then be shown a sorted directory
of all files in all USER areas on all drives.  If the listing takes
up more than one screen, CP/M will halt the listing to allow you to
view one screen at a time.  To continue the display, just hit the
spacebar.  To abort the display, hit CNTRL-C.

     You will notice that a summary at the end of the listings will
show the number of files and the total number of bytes used by the
files.  Also, the listings are placed in alphabetical order across
each line.  This can be helpful when trying to find a specific file,
but also can be a hindrance since long directories are noticeably
longer to sort.  You can turn off the sorting by adding the NOSORT
option inside the brackets.  Here is another example:

              DIR B: [USER=ALL NOSORT]

     These two commands will return the same unsorted directory of
files in all USER areas of drive B.

     What follows is a listing of parameters available for DIR.COM, a
description of each, and an example of each.  Note that references
are made to Time-Stamping and other attributes which are beyond the
scope of this primer.  These parameters must be enclosed in brackets,
and may be used in conjunction with other parameters.

DRIVE=ALL   -   Displays files on all online drives.

DRIVE=(A,B,C,.....P)  -  Displays files on the drives specified.

ATT  -  Displays the user-definable attributes

DIR  -  Displays only files that have the DIR attribute

DATE  -  Displays date and time stamps of files.

EXCLUDE  -  Displays files that Do Not Match the files specified in
the command line.  Example:   DIR [EXCLUDE] *.COM     This command
will list all files on the default drive that do NOT have a filetype
of .COM

FULL  -  Displays the name, size, number of 128-byte records, and
attributes of the files.

FF  -  Sends an initial form-feed to the printer device, if the
printer has been activated using CNTRL-P.  (To print the DIR listing)

LENGTH=n  -  Displays n lines of printer output before inserting a
table heading.  n is a number between 5 and 65536.

MESSAGE  -  Displays the names of drives and USER numbers the command
is searching.

NOPAGE  -  Continuously scrolls the listing on the screen. (Used for
printouts of listings, basically)

NOSORT  -  Displays files in the order it finds them on disk.

RO  -  Displays only those files having the Read/Only attribute.

RW  -  Displays only those files having the Read/Write attribute.

SIZE  -  Displays the filename and size in kilobytes (1024 bytes).

SYS  -  Displays only those files having the SYS attribute.

USER=ALL  -  Displays all files in all USER areas of the default or
selected drive.

USER=n  -  Displays all files in the USER area specified by n.

USER=(0,1,2,.....15)  -  Displays all files in the USER areas

     Although this article only scratches the surface of just one of
CP/M's combination transient/built-in commands, it should wing you on
your way to a better overall understanding of the environment.  If
you would like to see more of these primers or have questions about
this one, leave mail to MIKEM on GEnie, MEYEK on People/Link, or
72767,2533 on Compuserve.

-Mike Mantino  7/24/86