C128 commercial releases

Started by Blacklord, March 31, 2007, 08:49 AM

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I'm attempting to get a hold of each commercially released piece of software for the 128 & provide a link to the software including manual & cover scans if possible. Only the abandoned stuff obviously as there are still commercial releases available.

Also, feel free to add to each entry any relevant info.

If anyone has anything available, please contact me.




Fotios has sent in a massive number of scans (thanks!) - I'll get all these up onto a separate page.


I am de-cluttering my basement.

I have a photocopy of TimeWorks DataManager 128.

Before I put this in recycle bin, has this been scanned elsewhere and archived?

I also have photocopy of Machine Language Development System manual by Micol Systems.

I think I have these disks somewhere as well.

I will scan this stuff to PDF if not archived elsewhere, otherwise recycling day is Thursday.


Added the following files into the C128 Abandonware Aplications downloads (http://www.commodore128.org/index.php?action=downloads;cat=70) :

Home Designer
Pocket Writer 2
Sketch Pad 128
Swift Calc
Word Writer
Your Commodore 128


Basic 8 4 disk set, includes run time creators, WIOS (GUI) and templates.