Looks like a scam to me...

Started by 8502, April 17, 2007, 04:37 AM

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Registered in South Africa, item located in UK. :ironisk:

No activity on account for at least 6 months. :ironisk:

Has 100% positive feedback but it's all been 'mutually withdrawn'. :ironisk:

Asking £450 buy it now. :ironisk:

c128dcr  |  1581  |  1750  |  1084s  |  1351  |  mmc64  |  super-g  |  competition pro



QuoteRatings mutually withdrawn: 0
True, he doesn't have any seller feedback, but his buyer feedback is 100% positive over 20 total purchases, with no withdrawals. Seems a while back he bought several items from people who often sell Commodore items, plus maybe some car parts, and 15 of those transactions were in the last year. All the people he's bought from have been in the UK, so it sounds like he's located there but perhaps South Africa is his home. Considering the UK takes in a fair number of South African immigrants or students each year, doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

I'd say his only mistake is going with a semi-pricey auction as his first sale. Even with good buyer feedback, it's generally better to start off small when branching into selling, and build up some more trust before doing the more expensive items.


Well it didn't sell, price way too high perhaps ? It did look in excellent condition though, if the seller had started at a reasonable price someone could have ended up with a nice system.
