Winners - C128 4k Game Coding Comp

Started by Blacklord, May 26, 2007, 10:28 AM

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Only two submissions - the votes were :

Battle Blox - 18
Star Cruiser 128 - 11

Could the authors PM me their PayPal details please.




I actually won something!  Thanks to all who tried my game and voted, even if it was for the other guy (not everyone likes puzzle-type games).

If anyone has questions about the code, ask away!  Some of the code could be a lot better and the 4k factor made some of it ugly/difficult to understand.  I do think it demonstrates a few useful techniques so if some people can learn something that would be better than just fun playing it.

Obviously there is a lot of opportunity for improvement/expansion, and I hope any new version will be shared with everyone.

BTW, is there any other multi-monitor aps for the C128?  GEOS comes to mind, but you just switch screens without using both simulatenously so that doesn't count.

Stephane Richard

I don't know the name, but there was a 128 version of MathCad (well primitive version in comparisons) but basically it turned the 128 into a graphing programmable calculator the likes of the popular TI calculators.  give and take a few things.

man, wish I could remember the name.  anyway, formulars on the text screen graphing results (with navigation and such) on the 40 column display.
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



Hmm, only the second place - that's bitter :gråta:

Such a "highly sophisticated" space game, with the extraordinary graphic style of the eighties should have got the firts price! It's retro time ;)

Ok, 18:11 is not so bad... :D

@ Lance:

I  don't have any PayPal Account so I have to travel to down under to get the money by cash. :förvånad:
But I think that will take ages, as I don't have the time to do that now and in the next years.
So please, be so kind and invest my second price in another competition (sponsored by WTE) which hopefully have more entries.

Always support the famous C128!

best regards

Stephane Richard

Very noble and nice of your wte :-).  And I should add that I like the information on your website one of the more interesting thing is the graphic booster. :-).
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!
