Some updates

Started by Blacklord, June 27, 2006, 09:50 PM

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Ok, I got creative, there's now a little Commodore logo next to each forum name, if it's yellow, then there are new topics in that forum.

We also have a logo (provided by xlar54, thanks!) - it looks best if you use the default skin which is Cornflower.

Removed the graphical links from the sidebar, they looked fine in Firefox, but stuffed up the formatting under IE (now, tell me I should be surprised......)

Trimmed down the amount of forum latest postings on the frontpage - 10 looked too messy, back to three.

Check the post in the BBS general discussion forum, I've created a SourceForge project for our proposed BBS system, the link is in the menu at the top or the side of the forums.
