Hello fellow Commodore 128 users!!! Here is the latest list of Commercial C128 programs that I have compiled. This is sort of a hobby of mine, so if there are any errors or programs missing that you feel should be here, PLEASE post here and let me know so I can update the list accordingly!!! Thanks and enjoy!
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (6/22/2006)
Miscellaneous Productivity
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
Trio 128
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128
Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
Wordfile 128
BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware
Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128
Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Rhapsody 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128
3-D Canvas v1.7
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter
Programming - Languages & Utilities
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8
Basic 8 Toolkit
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CP/M Kit
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit
Gnome Speed Compiler 128
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power C 128
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128
Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Business Form Shop
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2
GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128
Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *
* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.
C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board
KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips
ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed
ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant
** Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5
There's also the recent release of Cloneimals (http://cloneimals.com/).
Oh..good call, I read about that but forgot to add it!
Thanks again!!
C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
I'm sure the PSU works in C64 mode ;-)
Super C is available as a ROM? Will anyone here burn that for me? I'll pay!
Shouldn't Ultima V be under the enhanced in 128 mode category? All the 128 adds is the music to the game... at least that's what I was understanding about it.
Hello everybody!
I added 35 more programs to the list and made a correction ("Rhapsody" from King Microware is not a music program).
Here´s the updated list:
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (8/16/2007)
Miscellaneous Productivity
Bible Search (SOGWAP)
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Family Tree 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
The C128 Helper
Trio 128
Paperback Planner 128
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Rhapsody 128
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128
Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
Ultrabase 128
Wordfile 128
BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Pro-Term 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Prototerm 128
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware
Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
RAMDOS (Systems Software)
RAMDOS (Free Spirit Software)
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128
Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Music Maker 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128
128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7
Ante Up
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter
Programming - Languages & Utilities
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8
Basic 8 Toolkit
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CP/M Kit
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit
Gnome Speed Compiler 128
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Multisoft - Commodore
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power Assembler
Power C 128
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
Windows on Basic 7.0
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128
Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Bok 128 (program in Swedish)
Business Form Shop
Calc Result 128
Calculator 128
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Memory Academy 128
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2
V-Bok 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Fakt 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Med 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
X-REF 128
GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128
Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 3
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Illustrated Publisher
Page Builder 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
PaperClip II
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Wordfile 128
WordStar 3.0
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
The Great War
The Three Musketeers
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *
* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.
C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board
KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips
ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Quick Brown Fox
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed
ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant
** Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5
/bjorn a
You know, there's probably another 500 titles that are commercial releases that were sold through Loadstar 128. I've actually been in the process of making a Best of LS 128 Games collection in my (very limited) free time and am about half-way through the 43 disk collection. There's actually some pretty good games in there too.
Hi Payton,
Quote from: plbyrdYou know, there's probably another 500 titles that are commercial releases that were sold through Loadstar 128. I've actually been in the process of making a Best of LS 128 Games collection in my (very limited) free time and am about half-way through the 43 disk collection. There's actually some pretty good games in there too.
Do you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?
Great to see the list growing!
In the interest of seeing it expand further, I'll mention again that Cloneimals should be added. :P
Quote from: adminDo you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?
Loadstar was and
is still commercial, I believe. I don't think a compilation of Loadstar 128 games would be freely distributable without permission from Dave Moorman.
I purchased a Complete Loadstar CD a few years ago, that includes all the Loadstar 128 issues. As Plbyrd said, there is some really good stuff in there.
Quote from: 11001010Quote from: adminDo you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?
Loadstar was and is still commercial, I believe. I don't think a compilation of Loadstar 128 games would be freely distributable without permission from Dave Moorman.
I purchased a Complete Loadstar CD a few years ago, that includes all the Loadstar 128 issues. As Plbyrd said, there is some really good stuff in there.
I never said I was going to distribute it, but putting it together has been a lot of fun and a nice diversion. :) I especially like the Slot Poker game from one of the early disks.
Quote from: plbyrdI never said I was going to distribute it, but putting it together has been a lot of fun and a nice diversion. :) I especially like the Slot Poker game from one of the early disks.
My bad, I didn't mean to insinuate anything. I have a few 'greatest hits' compilations of my own from Loadstar.
The Complete Loadstar CD is well worth getting, I've spent years plowing through it and still discover cool things.
Is anyone interested in seeing SHORT descriptions of these programs added to Douglas's list?
I mean, if it's under 'Word Processing' it's a no-brainer, but what's included in TSDS? what's a 'Super Chip'? Is 'Format Executive' really 'Miscellaneous Productivity' or is it a 'Disk Utility'?
It might also help to include a publisher/manufacturer name. I know there's been some controversy in the past about similarly named products from different companies.
BTW, I don't think I'd want it to evolve into anything like a FAQ. It's too useful as it is. Short and sweet.
I'll be glad to start with the ones I know, and add some descriptions from the old INFO Product Guide listings if anyone is interested in having this VERY useful (Thanks, Douglas!!!) list become a bit wider.
Superbase 128, Precision Software, Powerful 80-column programmable database. Can be co-resident with Superscript 128. Not copy protected. Versions for PET & C64.
Perhaps it is time for a Wiki?
Wikis are cool, but I kind of like simple lists for this kind of thing. Though they could certainly complement one another.
Quote from: gklingerPerhaps it is time for a Wiki?
Yeah, I think a Wiki would be a nice thing for such a list.
I have pretty much info and pictures of many of the programs in the list, & BTW even more programs I´m going to add.
I think it would by nice to have:
Name, description/info and some pictures of every item..
/bjorn a
Quote from: adminQuote from: gklingerPerhaps it is time for a Wiki?
What's your rules for the wiki? I have content on my Wiki that I think would be great for cross-referencing to your wiki.
Sometimes I just want to quickly read a list, not click on 250 links to read each item one at a time. :(
Wikis are great for complex information sets like encyclopedias. And one would be great for in-depth information on all products.
But without a list to serve as a quick index, it would take a LONG time to wade through.
Maybe we can go the middle way:
A list with:
Name, publisher/manufacturer name, info/description
Superbase 128, Precision Software, Powerful 80-column programmable database
BUT, you can click on it AND get some pictures and some more info.
I'm trying to put together a presentation for the ECCC meeting in Chicago the end of September. Between that and a new job, I've been keeping pretty busy.
But when that all settles down (1st of Oct. or so) I want to revisit this topic. I'll start with the listings in my old INFOs and try to (a) add items to the list, and (b) add short descriptions and publishers.
Then maybe we can talk wikis. If we decide to set one up, I can donate software reviews from INFO to start.
Nice, sounds great!!
I have added a bunch of new programs and made some minor corrections.
And I have also started to name the publisher..
BTW, here´s the latest edition:
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (9/3/2007)
Miscellaneous Productivity
Bible Search (SOGWAP)
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Family Tree 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
The C128 Helper
Trio 128
Paperback Planner 128
Personal Choise Collection (Activision Software)
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Rhapsody 128
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128
Datafiler 128 (Free Spirit SoftWare)
Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
The Consultant 128 (By: Batteries Included)
Ultrabase 128
Wordfile 128
BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Pro-Term 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Prototerm 128
Sixth Sense 128 (Prism Software)
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware
Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
RAMDOS (Systems Software)
RAMDOS (Free Spirit Software)
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128
Audio & MIDI
Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Dr. T´s C128 Keyboard Controlled Sequenser (Dr. T´s Music Software)
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Mastertracks Pro (Passport Design Inc.)
Music Maker 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128
128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7
Ante Up
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter
T.H.I.S. (Micro Aided Design)
Programming - Languages & Utilities
BASICally SIMPLE 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
Basic 8 Toolkit (Free Spirit Software)
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CBasic Compiler
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit (SM Software)
Gnome Speed Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Hack-Pack (Systems Software)
How to get the most out of Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Multisoft - Commodore
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power Assembler
Power C 128
Programmer´s Notebook (Free Spirit Software)
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
Windows on Basic 7.0
Xper 128 (Abacus)
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128
Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Bok 128 (program in Swedish)
Business Form Shop
Calc Result 128
Calculator 128
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Memory Academy 128
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2
V-Bok 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Fakt 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Med 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
X-REF 128
GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128
Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 3
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Illustrated Publisher
Page Builder 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
PaperClip II
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
Text-Right (King Microware)
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Wordfile 128
WordStar 3.0
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Mr. Quizzer - (Free Spirit Software)
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
The Great War
The Three Musketeers
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *
* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.
C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board
KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips
ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Quick Brown Fox
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed
ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant
** Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5
Together we can make a VERY NICE list of items!!
This is a nice project!
/bjorn a
Nice List!
Now, see what you started, Douglas? :)
Quote from: bjorn aKERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
I've never seen the C128 Flash! Is it from Skyles Electric Works, because Bob Skyles put out the C64 Flash!
Quote from: bjorn aROM Cartridges
Quick Brown Fox
Quick Brown Fox was an early word-processor cartridge for the C64. Do you mean the Quick Brown Box (which is a program storage device in a cart)?
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
Hey, I'm making my own lists, seems I'm not the only one who had this idea ;)
A couple of notes:
There's some CPM software in that list, do you really want to list CPM stuff aswell? The list would grow quite large then :D
Quote from: bjorn a?Book (check book)
Does anybody have more info on that one? I only know of a freeware program called CheckBook
QuoteZork the Undiscovered Underground
This is a 1997 Windows freeware release from Activision that got converted to C64/C128 format using the INFTOD64 tool - i.e. it's not an original commercial title.
Quote* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.
This is misleading, and some titles are accidentally marked with a "*" aswell. Also, Border Zone is missing.
Infocom "Solid Gold" releases are rereleases of older titles with a better engine underneath. Solid gold releases can be run in both C64 and C128 mode, while the original version is C64 only. ("Zork I" = C64, "Zork I (Solid Gold)" = C64 and C128). The complete list of Infocom releases for the C128 looks like this (no footnotes required):
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Border Zone
Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The (Solid Gold)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold)
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head Nor Tail Of It
Planetfall (Solid Gold)
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
Wishbringer (Solid Gold)
Zork I (Solid Gold)
QuoteParadroid Turbo
There's no Paradroid Turbo, it's called "Heavy Metal Paradroid".
AFAIK, this one just autoboots on a C128, switches to C64 mode and then runs the normal C64 game (just like a lot of other titles).
QuoteWizardry 1,2,3,5
Apart from Wizardry 5, all of these were released years before the C128 was available.
Quote from: KorodnyHey, I'm making my own lists, seems I'm not the only one who had this idea ;)
A couple of notes:
There's some CPM software in that list, do you really want to list CPM stuff aswell? The list would grow quite large then :D
Possibly - there was at least one title that was a tutorial/trainer specific to the 128.
What might be of use is to compile a list of CP/M software that is known to work on the 128 (not all does).
Quote from: adminQuote from: KorodnyThere's some CPM software in that list, do you really want to list CPM stuff aswell? The list would grow quite large then :D
Possibly - there was at least one title that was a tutorial/trainer specific to the 128.
Would that be "I am the C128" from Personal Choice (searching for info on that one)? Granted, that should be on the list then.
But I was talking about Perfect Writer/Filer/Calc, Multiplan, Wordstar etc. - all standard CPM stuff.
QuoteWhat might be of use is to compile a list of CP/M software that is known to work on the 128 (not all does).
Uh, sounds boring ;)
"I am the C128" is one of them, there's another (will need to open up my storage boxes to find it though).
Ok, what might be of use (to people using CP/M) is a list of commercial titles & their setting (ie terminal etc) for getting 'em running on the 128.
I would suggest a separate CP/M header then, listing only those CP/M programs that were specifically written or bundled for the C128. "I am the C128" would certainly qualify, as would "CP/M Kit".
There was also a version of Big Blue Reader for the CP/M side of the C128.
Besides CP/M Kit, INCA also started a series of at least 20 CP/M public domain disks that they called the "CP/M Library" for the C128. The series contained only programs certified to run under C128 CP/M Plus. At $20/disk, it was pretty pricey. Poseidon Electronics' public domain series was much more reasonable at $2/disk, and they provided C128 support, too.
And Computer Answers had a C128-targeted program called "CP/M Tutor", too.
BTW, I HAVE begun updating this list from old INFO product roundups, but it will take awhile. I'll also be gone to ECCC next weekend, so it may take me a couple of weeks to get it done.
I'm adding company names and VERY short descriptions from our listings. I've added several new programs already, but I'm surprised at how many programs this list has that INFO never mentioned. So we definitely complement one another.
I've made a couple of small changes, like adding separate categories for Integrated and CP/M software. ('Jane' was NOT just a wordprocessor - it sucked at three separate tasks!) I've also fixed a couple of titles, etc.
And I found the mysterious checkbook program. It was called 'Checkbook 128', was published by a little company called 'Nu-Age', and cost $19.95. INFO says it works in 80-column mode using windows and has a pop-up calculator.
Quote from: airshipI would suggest a separate CP/M header then, listing only those CP/M programs that were specifically written or bundled for the C128.
I agree.
I would split the list into several parts anyway (Software, Games, Hardware, Books - that's how I did it with my lists). If there's to much CP/M stuff, make a seperate CP/M list aswell.
Quote"I am the C128" would certainly qualify, as would "CP/M Kit".
Do you have some more info? Never heard about this one.
QuoteBesides CP/M Kit, INCA also started a series of at least 20 CP/M public domain disks that they called the "CP/M Library" for the C128. The series contained only programs certified to run under C128 CP/M Plus. At $20/disk, it was pretty pricey. Poseidon Electronics' public domain series was much more reasonable at $2/disk, and they provided C128 support, too.
That's the kind of stuff I wouldn't list at all, even if it were commercial.
You know, I think the social bookmark tagging concept would be great for downloads as well as documentation.
Hint, hint, Lance.
I was about to post my own lists, but realised they need some major work before I can put them online. For a start, I cleaned up my list of commercial games for the C128 and opened a thread (http://landover.no-ip.com/128/viewtopic.php?pid=4257#p4257) in the "gaming" board. Please have a look and tell me if you have additional info.
Quote from: plbyrdYou know, I think the social bookmark tagging concept would be great for downloads as well as documentation.
Hint, hint, Lance.
No rest for the wicked huh ?
Ok, think I can implement direct to the forums via a plug-in, lemme work on it.....
Mostly a note here to myself to remember to add this C128 program to the list:
Diamond Text Editor (Robert Rockefeller), RAM disk-friendly text editor with user programmable macros, can be co-resident with assembler or used to write BASIC programs.
Found this in today a Transactor ad.
Midnight Assembly System [C128], (Matthew Chontain)
Supports the Commdore 1750 REU with its own built-in RAMDOS, complete with commands for automatically transferring entrire batches of files to and from the 1750 REU. Executes from either Bank 0 or Bank 1 and generates code into the Bank that is opposite the one that it resides in."
(Thanks to MachineDr for the heads up!)
Karma Assembler 64/128 [SuperCPU,C128] (PHD Software Systems)
"One of the fastest 6502 assemblers written" (up to 60KB object code per minute). Source is in BASIC program file format. Recently upgraded to version 2.2.
JCL Assembler and Program Development System [C64,C128,264,B-Series] (© 1983 JCL Software Ltd., © 1985 CBM and JCL Software Ltd.)
Provides conditional assembly, disk or memory input and output, object and include files. ML instruction set expandable for later processors. Max source size in memory: C128: 48K; C64: 30K shared with the symbol table. Consists of editor with syntax highlighting, assembler, monitor, and DOS support."
(Better Working) Power Assembler [C64,C128] (Spinnaker)
Assembles 6502 as well as Z80 code on the C128. Often included with Power C. Includes the .OUT pseudo-op which allows post-assembler processing for encryption, EPROM programming, sending object code to a separate computer, etc. May be an updated Buddy Assembler. C128 versoion works in 80 or 40 column mode. Available from Computer Station (http://home.pon.net/amc/).
(Since it was also available separately from Power C, and sold under a different name than Buddy Assembler, seems it deserves its own entry.)
SAKU [C64,C128 ROM] (Jukka Marin)
Assembler which doesn't have macros. C128 version has more features than C64 version. Limited commercial release.
GeoCom [C64 GEOS,C128 GEOS] (D. Doehler, GUSS)
A BASIC-like language for developing GEOS applications. C128 version runs in 40 or 80 column mode, and compiled programs can also run in 40 or 80 columns. Requires geoWrite 2.0 or higher.
Descriptions from the Commodore Languages List (http://www.npsnet.com/danf/cbm/languages.html).
Available from Computer Station (http://home.pon.net/amc/):
C-128 80 Column Pro (Jem Software), some sort of utility
Kracker Jax C-128 Cannon (Kracker Jax), copy program
Multiterm 128 (CBM), terminal program (is this the same as the Multisoft package?)
Also, the infamous...
Graphic Booster 128 (T. Giger), variously released as a 64K upgrade plus function ROM and disk, function ROM plus disk but no memory expansion, and a disk version with neither the ROM or the memory. Added new BASIC commands for 80 column graphics.
Quote from: nikonikoAvailable from Computer Station (http://home.pon.net/amc/)
Hmm, a name from the past. I went to Computer Station's storefront a few years ago, and the store was gone... empty. I tried telephoning. No answer.
Maybe I should try again,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
I hope they're still in business. I suppose the store may have closed down and they forgot to take down the page for it.
The HTML page source was last modified on November 15, 1999. But SOMEBODY has got to be paying to keep the web site up, you would think. I'm sure Pacific Online isn't letting them stay up there for free!
In any event, their prices are certainly sky-high!
Hello again everyone!!
It is nice to see people using the list that I made! I actually started the list for myself as I had always wondered how many c-128 specific programs had been released and could never find any kind of actual list anywhere, so I made one myself!! Anyways, I do realize that the present list is not perfect, and probably isn't complete either. I always love getting help and suggestions for it so thanks for all the posts!!! Here is where I stand on the list right now...
1) I haven't included Load Star stuff because I think that would be a nightmare and I feel that would be better suited as a list by itself.
2) I have thought about including more info on each program like the manufacturer, etc..I would probably need help with some of the info if this was implemented as I own very few of the programs myself and rely on magazines, web sites, etc for the info.
3) There seem to be conflicting reports from various people on some of the programs as to exactly what they do, versions, modes the run in, etc...help in this area would be greatly appreciated.
Anyways, thanks for the input so far, I enjoy maintaining the list and it seems to be something that others enjoy also so that is nice!
You're doing a great job, Douglas. You put together an important resource that no one else had taken the time to do. I know how much work that is, and I appreciate it, as I'm sure everyone else here does. I'm planning on doing some research with my old copies of INFO this Winter to help add some information. But it wouldn't be happening at all if it wasn't for your work up front. Thanks.
Quote from: Douglas** Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
Isn't the 128 version of Qix different to the 64 version ? I believe both versions were inluded on a "flippy" disk.
If so, I'd like to pick up a copy. Qix was one of my favorite arcade games, along with Tempest.
I've searched several times before but I've never found a version for the 64 or 128. I've been thinking about making one if it doesn't already exist. Of course its been years since I've played the arcade so I couldn't make a perfect clone, but I'd settle for something close :)
Dawnstar terminal program should be added to this list (see the forwarded post in this forum) - it was commercial.
Some programs that were for sale in various issues of Compute's Gazette and Ahoy:
Super Nibbler 128
SpeedPlus-128 (Upgrade C64 Speedscript to an enhanced 128 mode version)
Handle 128 (Disk and modem utilities)
File 128 (Database manager)
Trek 128 (80 column game)
BBS 128
Golf Handicapper
Pro Coach: A Football Strategy Game
Rule Master 128 (Learn about expert systems)
More from Gazette:
Alpha File (file management / search)
Alpha Utility (miscellaneous utilities)
Symbol Master (multi-pass symbolic disassembler) -- by the way, anyone have a copy of this?
Videx (Video tape database)
Label Maker
CCI Bottom Liner (personal and small business accounting)
CCI Property Rental (Bottom Liner expanded with property file for up to 500 rental units)
CCI Mortgage Manager (Bottom Liner expanded with property file for up to 400 mortgages)
OmniCodeI (code generator system which outputs BASIC 7 programs and subroutines for common tasks)
128 Monitor Extension (adds new feature to the MLM)
DV Typer (use Dvorak layout)
PCSecure (key-based datafile encryption)
Found another : "Psychology Laboratory on a C-128" referenced here (http://www.psychonomic.org/search/view.cgi?id=6710) under "A review of software for
introductory psychology instruction".
Truly riveting stuff:
"This package is unique in several ways. It is designed to run on the Commodore 128, which is generally a less expensive piece of equipment, but also one that is less
likely to be available in most departments. The package is clearly intended to support a full laboratory component for the introductory course. It contains interactive demonstrations
that involve mapping the somatosensory and motor cortex, as well as a task that involves mapping the visual blind spot, in which the student serves as the subject.
A series of exercises on operant conditioning and avoidance conditioning utilizes a fairly sophisticated, simulated apparatus and an animated rat that is quite realistic.
Forexperiments on information processing, an on-screen replica of a tachistoscope is provided, which the student can use to present stimuli for a series of experimentsdealing
with sensory memory, span of apprehension, shortterm memory scanning, mental rotation, and semantic priming. In each of these experiments, the student can
manipulate a number of variables, and data from individual students are displayed. An additional programemploys a simplified flight simulator, which is used to test the impact
of digital versus analog instrument displays. Some of the unique features of this package include high-quality graphics, an extensive instructor's manual
with background information, learning objectives, and student worksheets for duplication. References, discussion questions, and potential quiz questions are also provided.
A hard copy of the source code is also available. This package takes full advantage of the Commodore's graphics capability, and it could serve in its present form as the
basis for a laboratory component based primarily on conditioning and information-processing research activities."
Now don't you feel like rushing out & buying a copy ?!
Does it give freshman psych majors electric shocks? If so, I'd buy it in a minute! :D
Here is one for the BBS caregory:
Omni 128 BBS
And dont forget the c128 80 column game, Quest For Adventure by Russian Wyatt
Great list man, more of a shopping list for me {G}
But unless I missed something in the BBS area. I didn't see either Centiped or Omni for the 128????
Lord Ronin from Q-Link
Quote from: lord ronin from q-link on February 26, 2008, 04:52 PM
Great list man, more of a shopping list for me {G}
But unless I missed something in the BBS area. I didn't see either Centiped or Omni for the 128????
Lord Ronin from Q-Link
Hmm... Now that you mention it, All American BBS 128 isn't on there either. And there was a Color 64 V128, too, although I haven't been able to find a copy of that so far.
Here is the latest version of the list:
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware list - (23/3/2008)
Miscellaneous Productivity
Alpha Utility
C-128 80 Column Pro (Jem Software), some sort of utility
Bible Search (SOGWAP)
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Desk Manager (Softsync, inc), Calculator, Notepad, Phone Book etc., 40 & 80-col
ESP tester (Free Spirit Software)
Family Roots 128 (Quinsept inc.)
Family Tree 128 (??? Software)
Fontigus 128 (PHD Software), Font design..
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128 (Free Spirit Software)
HomePak 128
I am the C128 (Personal Choice)
Label Maker
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128 (Free Spirit Software)
PCSecure, key-based datafile encryption
PPM 128 (Abacus Software)
Psychology Laboratory on a C-128, software for introductory psychology instruction
Rule Master 128, Learn about expert systems
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
The C128 Helper (Hand on Software)
Trio 128 (Softsync, inc)
Paperback Planner 128 (Digital Solutions Inc.)
Personal Choise Collection (Activision Software)
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Rhapsody 128 (King Microware)
Swiftcalc 128 (Timeworks)
SwiftSheet 128 (Cosmi)
VizaStar 128 (Viza Software), also contains a cartridge
Alpha File, file management / search
Datafiler 128 (Free Spirit SoftWare)
Data Manager 128 (Timeworks)
Data Master 128
DFile 128 (MichaelSoft)
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Flex File 128 (Woodsoftware)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128 (Digital Solutions Inc.)
Perfect Filer (Commodore), "Professional Database"
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128 (Precision Software)
The Consultant 128 (Batteries Included)
Ultrabase 128 (Gold Disk Inc.)
Videx, Video tape database
Wordfile 128
BBS - Online
All American BBS 128
BBS 128
Bobsterm Pro 128 (Progressive Peripherals & Software)
C-Net 128
Dawnstar, terminal program
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 (Tripple Point Software)
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Handle 128, Disk and modem utilities
Multiterm 128 (CBM), terminal program (is this the same as the Multisoft package?)
Omni 128 BBS
Pro-Term 128 (King Microware)
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Prototerm 128 (B-wARE Computer Systems)
Sixth Sense 128 (Prism Software)
Speedterm 128 (Abacus Software)
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware
Disk Utility
Ack! 128 (PHD Software), 80-col disk editor & disk shell
1541/1571 Drive Alignment (Free Spirit Software)
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon (Kracker Jax), copy program
Copy II Version 3.4
Fast Hack´em (Basement Boys Software), Also a cartridge
FasTrac 128 (Basement Boys Software)
N.U.R.S.E. (Free Spirit Software)
RAMDOS (Systems Software)
RAMDOS (Free Spirit Software)
Super 81 Utilities 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Super Disk Librarian 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Super Disk Utilities 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Super Nibbler 128
Audio & MIDI
Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Dr. T´s C128 Keyboard Controlled Sequenser [KCS] (Dr. T´s Music Software)
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Mastertracks Pro (Passport Design Inc.)
Music Maker 128 (Commodore)
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128 (Sonus), a MIDI interface requires
128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7 (Capp/co)
Ante Up
CadPak 128 (Abacus Software)
Colorez 128 (B-wARE Computer Systems)
Graph Master
Graphic Booster 128 (T. Giger), variously released as a 64K upgrade, Added new BASIC commands for 80 col graphics.
Ipaint (Living Proof, Ltd.)
Iport (Living Proof, Ltd.)
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator (Patech Software)
Poster Maker 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Spectrum 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Spray Paint 128 (PHD Software)
Star Painter
T.H.I.S. (Micro Aided Design), Needs a REU to run..
Programming - Languages & Utilities
128 Monitor Extension, adds new feature to the MLM
Basic 128 (Abacus Software)
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
Basic 8 Toolkit (Free Spirit Software)
BASICally SIMPLE 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Blitz 128 (Supersoft)
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (Commodore)
C128 Helper
CBasic Compiler (Digital Researsh)
COBOL 128 (Abacus Software)
Diamond Text Editor (Robert Rockefeller), RAM disk-friendly text editor
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit (SM Software)
Gnome Speed Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Hack-Pack (Systems Software)
How to get the most out of Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
JCL Assembler and Program Development System [C64,C128,264,B-Series] (CBM and JCL Software Ltd.)
Karma Assembler 64/128 [SuperCPU,C128] (PHD Software), One of the fastest 6502 assemblers written
Kyan Pascal (Kyan)
Matrix 128 (Progressive Peripherals & Software)
Merlin 128 (Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.)
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Midnight Assembly System [C128], (Matthew Chontain), Supports the Commdore 1750 REU with its own built-in RAMDOS
Multisoft - Commodore
OmniCodeI, code generator system which outputs BASIC 7 programs and subroutines for common tasks
Oxford Pascal 128 (Systems Sofware)
Peek a Byte 128
Perfect Writer (Commodore), "Professional Database"
Petspeed 128
Power Assembler (Spinnaker)
Power C [C64&C128] (Spinnaker)
Programmer´s Notebook (Free Spirit Software)
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Super C 128 (Abacus Software)
Super Pascal 128 (Abacus Software)
Symbol Master, multi-pass symbolic disassembler
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
Windows on Basic 7.0 (Northen Blue Marketly)
XPER 128 (Abacus Software)
XREF 128 BASIC Cross Reference (Abacus Software), Basic 7.0 Tool
Zoom! 128
Accounting & Financial
Checkbook 128 (Nu-Age), 80-column check book program using windows
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Bok 128, (W Prosoft), program in Swedish
Business Form Shop (Spinnaker)
Calc Result 128 (Commodore AB)
Calculator 128 (Education Software)
Cash In-Cash Out
CCI Bottom Liner, personal and small business accounting
CCI Mortgage Manager, Bottom Liner expanded with property file for up to 400 mortgages
CCI Property Rental, Bottom Liner expanded with property file for up to 500 rental units
ChartPak 128 (Abacus Software)
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Memory Academy 128
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting (PSI)
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128 (Timeworks)
Sylvia Porter's Personal Finance 128 (Timeworks)
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128, (TAS 128) (Abacus Software)
The Strategist (Strategy Software)
TISAR 128 V2.2 (CW Data-labs.)
V-Bok 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Fakt 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Med 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
X-REF 128
GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
GeoCanvas 128 (Nathan Lyle Fiedler), GEOS utility/Extension
GeoCom (D. Doehler, GUSS), A BASIC-like language for developing GEOS applications
GeoFAx (CMD)
GeoMake Boot (CMD)
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128
Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128 (Spinnaker), includes also "filepro"
Braintrust 128
DV Typer, use Dvorak layout
Fleet System 3 (PSI)
Fleet System 4 (PSI)
Fontmaster 128 (Xetec)
Ghostwriter 128
Illustrated Publisher
Jane (Commodore), includes "Janewrite", "Janecalc" & "Janelist"
Page Builder 128 (Patech Software)
Paperback Writer 128 (Digital Solutions Inc.)
Paperclip 128 (Batteries Included)
PaperClip II (Batteries Included)
Paperclip III (Batteries Included)
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
SpeedPlus-128, (Precision Software?), Upgrade C64 Speedscript to an enhanced 128 mode version
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128 (Commodore), maybe same as the program from Precision Software??
Superscript 128 (Precision Software)
Term Paper Writer
Text-Right (King Microware)
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128 (Viza Software), also contains a cartridge
Wiz-Bang 128 (Phillip Hughes) (Compiled version of a type-in program of Februari 1989 issue of Commodore Magazine..)
Word Pro 128 (Pro-line)
Word Writer 128 (Timeworks)
Word Worker
Wordfile 128 (Michaelsoft)
WordStar 3.0 (MicroPro)
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128 (Busy Bee Software)
Write Stuff v2.0 (Busy Bee Software), 80-col
A Mind Forever Voyaging - Infocom
Beyond Zork - Infocom
Border Zone - Infocom
Bureaucracy - Infocom
Golf Handicapper
Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128 (Super Soft Games)
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold) - Infocom
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold) - Infocom
Maidstone Quest
Mr. Quizzer - (Free Spirit Software)
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head Nor Tail Of It - Infocom
Planetfall (Solid Gold) - Infocom
Pro Coach: A Football Strategy Game
Quest For Adventure (by Russian Wyatt), 80 column game
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels - Infocom
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
The Great War (Free Spirit Software)
The Three Musketeers (Computer Novels)
Trek 128, 80 column game
Trinity - Infocom
Ultima V (Origin Systems Inc.)
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold) - Infocom
Zork I (Solid Gold)
C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board
KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
SAKU (Jukka Marin)
Super Chips
ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128 (Timeworks)
Quick Brown Box (Brown Boxes inc.)
SID-symphony (Dr. Evil Labs.)
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed
ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant
** Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
Heavy Metal Paradroid
HyperLink 2.5e
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 5
I´ve added some publishers and some programs..
/bjorn a
Superscript 128 (Commodore), maybe same as the program from Precision Software??
Superscript 128 (Precision Software)
I seem to recall that the CBM version was slightly watered down.
There's a 128-only program listed on eBay right now called EMED. The guy says it's a 'game' but I deduce from the cadeuseus on the package that it's actually some kind of medical program. I couldn't find it on the list. Anyone know what it is?
(http://i19.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/e5/02/ab09_1.JPG) (http://cgi.ebay.com/Commodore-128-EMED-by-DMC-Software-Co-Boxed_W0QQitemZ280212832299QQihZ018)
Quote from: airship on March 29, 2008, 03:11 AM
There's a 128-only program listed on eBay right now called EMED. The guy says it's a 'game' but I deduce from the cadeuseus on the package that it's actually some kind of medical program. I couldn't find it on the list. Anyone know what it is?
Too bad that photo isn't big enough so that it's readable... :|
Have you tried contacting the seller to ask for a higher resolution photo? Or at least more information about the item?
Quote from: airship on March 29, 2008, 03:11 AM
There's a 128-only program listed on eBay right now called EMED. The guy says it's a 'game' but I deduce from the cadeuseus on the package that it's actually some kind of medical program.
Ah, it's being sold by Jay from the 4Jays in Antioch, California. It's been a few years since I visited his retrogaming storefront in old downtown Antioch. His storage basement, a few blocks away, was neatly stuffed with lots of gaming and Commodore/Amiga hardware.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.oldsoftware.com/Commodore.html (http://www.oldsoftware.com/Commodore.html)
EMED by DMC software Electronic Medical Database for Commodore 64. Diagnose various diseases by inputting symptoms. New or like-new. This is one of the oldest medical diagnostics programs ever made! $39
Hmm... an eBay user named rbernardo17 was the winning bidder on that auction... I wonder who that could be? ;)
It's nice to know it went to someone who will preserve it. Though I don't have any idea what will happen to it when he croaks. :)
As we all will someday, you know. Of course, by then there won't be anyone left who appreciates this stuff anymore anyway. *sigh*
Quote from: airship on April 03, 2008, 08:31 AM
Though I don't have any idea what will happen to it when he croaks. :)
As we all will someday, you know. Of course, by then there won't be anyone left who appreciates this stuff anymore anyway.
As mentioned before, all my Commodore/Amiga items will go to the person in the will.
That person is a big-time enthusiast,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: RobertB on April 03, 2008, 12:40 PM
As mentioned before, all my Commodore/Amiga items will go to the person in the will.
That person is a big-time enthusiast,
Strange... I don't remember signing those papers... hehehehe ;)
Seriously, though... It's good to know that you have a well-laid plan in place to keep what you've aquired in good hands.
A good example of what can go terribly wrong when a plan is not made is the case of Xetec's remaining inventory and parts for Lt Kernal hard drives, which went to Ron Fick after Xetec ceased doing business in 1995. Ron passed away in December 1999. eBay's 94Bravo (the guy who runs the Lt Kernal website (http://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/ckb/ltk/index.htm)) told me that as far as he knows, all remaining Lt Kernal hard drives and parts went to a landfill because Ron's family thought it was all old, worthless junk. Oh, the pain! :(
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on April 03, 2008, 04:20 PMeBay's 94Bravo told me that as far as he knows, all remaining Lt Kernal hard drives and parts went to a landfill because Ron's family thought it was all old, worthless junk.
Yup, that's the story I've heard.
Expect an EMED presentation at a
future FCUG meeting,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: I on April 03, 2008, 05:00 PMExpect an EMED presentation at a future FCUG meeting...
Received EMED the other day. What arrived was a C64 program, not a C128 program, not even a booter from C128 mode to C64 mode. The instructions clearly state that when used with a C128, it must be in C64 mode.
It is a database of relative files. Though the instructions tell of different screens (for a different platform?), it was relatively easy to figure out how to input the information of your medical symptoms. However, when I go for a diagnosis, the program crashes with the words, "File exists... line xxxx". I will try to figure what's going on with it, but so far, it has been a disappointment.
Back from BlockParty 2008,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
I wondered if it wasn't being misrepresented. That's the biggest problem with being a C128 fanatic - figuring out whether a product that says it's 'For the C128' has conveniently forgotten to add '...in C64 Mode'.
I have now done a big update of the "Commodore commercial 128 programs list" with more info AND over 130 pictures added!!
You can find it here: www.commodore.se/128 (http://www.commodore.se/128)
Some pictures from my own collection and some from Internet..
: )
/bjorn a
Now THAT is a big heap of AWESOME!!
See what you started, Doug? :D
BTW, bjorn, are you set up to create ROM images? I have searched in vain for COMAL 80. :(
Sorry, but I don´t have Comal 80 myself, I find this picture some years ago on the web.. ) :
/bjorn a
Quote from: bjorn a on March 24, 2008, 09:01 AM
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware list - (23/3/2008)
128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7 (Capp/co)
Ante Up
CadPak 128 (Abacus Software)
Colorez 128 (B-wARE Computer Systems)
Graph Master
Graphic Booster 128 (T. Giger), variously released as a 64K upgrade, Added new BASIC commands for 80 col graphics.
Ipaint (Living Proof, Ltd.)
Iport (Living Proof, Ltd.)
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator (Patech Software)
Poster Maker 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Spectrum 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Spray Paint 128 (PHD Software)
Star Painter
T.H.I.S. (Micro Aided Design), Needs a REU to run..
A week or so ago, when I was making a news report on the Commodor mailing list, I realized that I had forgotten the C128 enhancements of the venerable graphics manipulation program, Godot 64/128. Originally, Godot was a commercial program, but nowadays it is freely distributable.
Here are the C128 enhancements of Godot, as described by developer, Arndt Dettke: (ldr. = loader, svr. = saver, mod. = modifier)
GoDot only runs in 64 mode but uses the capabilities of a 128. It will recognize the type of the VDC and open it for three different purposes: The first is to display the image in memory on the 80 column screen (monochrome only), this is mod.4Bit2VDC1 (which produces a 640x200 pixel image on a 16K VDC) and mod.4Bit2VDC2 (which will give a 640x400 pixel image (only) on a 64K VDC). With these two modules the image gets dithered through the settings in the main screen balancing requester. You can determine which VDC your system has built in when opening the file requester and checking the RAM setting there (VDC1 = 16K; VDC2 = 64K). The other module to display images on a VDC is mod.ShowVDCFloyd which will show a monochrome image ithered by an error diffusion algorithm (Floyd-Steinberg). The main screen requester won't affect this modifier.
The other purpose is to use the VDC as extra RAM. We have svr.Temp to perform this task: if you have also an REU plugged in, you can even use two temporary files to work with (one on the VDC and one on the REU). The way how to do this is explained on www.godot64.de (English section, keywords UNDO and svr.TEMP). All 4Bit loaders are prepared for retrieving their data from any one of the TEMPs.
Well, and the third thing is a single module to play around with the VDC settings (mod.VDCEd, available as a part of older distributions of GoDot, or if you send me an email).
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
There's a guy on eBay selling a batch of books, magazines, and manuals. One is for a program I don't believe is on the list:
Disk List for the Commodore 128, by Ray Previ
I'm assuming it's commercial since the manual in this lot is comb-bound with a yellow cardstock cover.
Disk cataloging program? Of course, it could just be some guy's list of C128 disks, either for his own collection or for his user group. But I'm guessing it's a program manual. Anyone know for sure?
Quote from: airship on November 06, 2008, 04:12 AMDisk List for the Commodore 128, by Ray Previ
I tried several different searches on eBay, and I can't find this anywhere. Can you provide a link?
I KNEW if I didn't provide a link someone would want it! :)
What happened to the ebay tag? ???
Just add the auction # to http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item= and you're good to go. :)
Quote from: airship on November 06, 2008, 06:48 AM
I KNEW if I didn't provide a link someone would want it! :)
What happened to the ebay tag? ???
I don't know what happened to the eBay tag, but here is a working link to the auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350117831953). Now I see why I wasn't able to find it in a search. The auction description lists it as "dish list". The only place it's called "disk list" is in the photo, which wouldn't come up in a search.
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 09, 2008, 02:42 AMI don't know what happened to the eBay tag, but here is a working link to the auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350117831953).
He's asking $69.99 for that? We give those extra copies away for free at our table when there is a Classic Gaming Expo or a Vintage Computer Festival.
Met with the Amigaclub.be members yesterday
in Los Angeles,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: RobertB on November 09, 2008, 05:37 AMHe's asking $69.99 for that? We give those extra copies away for free at our table when there is a Classic Gaming Expo or a Vintage Computer Festival.
While I might agree that he's asking a bit much, Robert, I must remind you that not everyone can make it to or even knows about computing expos and festivals, nor can everyone afford to go to them even if they do.
Yeah, some people live in crazy out-of-the-way places like Iowa... ;)
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 10, 2008, 02:02 AMYeah, some people live in crazy out-of-the-way places like Iowa... ;)
I'd challenge you to a duel over that comment, Andrew, but I'd have to travel three days by tractor just to get to the nearest airport to fly out to California to fight you. :)
Don't worry... We're seriously considering moving to another "crazy out-of-the-way place" when I retire from the navy in another 5 years... It's a place called Wisconsin. ;)
Hello everyone!
Wow, I haven't been by in quite awhile but I'm very happy to see that the list keeps growing, and I really like the site with the pictures of C-128 programs, very nice!
I've been busy with work (I own my own business) and I have also gone back to school to get an electrical technology degree so I've been a bit preoccupied.
I am actually looking forward to possibly developing some Commodore related hardware "stuff" in the future, but school first (you have to actually understand how this stuff works I hear...) so maybe I can have some more fun with my old C128 again at a future date!
Anyways, I hope that the list keeps expanding and people keep finding lost C-128 Gems.
If only someone would come across the rumored c-128 game "The great War" I would be happy...
Quote from: Douglas on November 10, 2008, 05:28 AMWow, I haven't been by in quite awhile but I'm very happy to see that the list keeps growing, and I really like the site with the pictures of C-128 programs, very nice!
Good to hear from you, Douglas. I should be passing by your town on the way to Portland, Oregon during my Thanksgiving break.
Prepping for the SCCAN meeting,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 10, 2008, 02:48 AM...when I retire from the navy in another 5 years...
Hmm, retirement for me is anywhere between 2 and 7 years away. But of course, early retirement in 2 years means a miniscule pension. If I wait for 5 to 7 years, it's a much better deal, pension-wise.
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 10, 2008, 02:48 AMIt's a place called Wisconsin.
I'm staying put. The house is paid off.
A late return from Los Angeles,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: airship on November 09, 2008, 02:09 PMWhile I might agree that he's asking a bit much, Robert, I must remind you that not everyone can make it to or even knows about computing expos and festivals, nor can everyone afford to go to them even if they do.
Heh, at today's SCCAN meeting, one member was just giving away his manuals for free.
Interesting to see a Minimig in operation,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Andrew, you do realize that in Wisconsin only cows have the right to vote? Where are you thinking about moving to? If it's just about anywhere in the southern half of the state, that's very accessible from Iowa City. I'm 7.5 years away from retirement if I wait (like Robert) for a decent level of Social Security. I'm only 4.5 years away from 62, but a cow couldn't live on that kind of money, even in Wisconsin.
Douglas, good to see you again! Your list is an invaluable resource to us all. Sometimes in this thread, we even talk about it! :)
Robert, I couldn't be happier for you and your fellow clubmates. May the free goodies flow like water. But out here in the boonies we still have to pay for our swag. Then wait for the Wells Fargo wagon to deliver it a few months later. :(
Quote from: airship on November 11, 2008, 02:35 AMThen wait for the Wells Fargo wagon to deliver it a few months later.
Pony Express would be faster. ;)
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Quote from: airship on November 11, 2008, 02:35 AMAndrew, you do realize that in Wisconsin only cows have the right to vote? Where are you thinking about moving to? If it's just about anywhere in the southern half of the state, that's very accessible from Iowa City. I'm 7.5 years away from retirement if I wait (like Robert) for a decent level of Social Security. I'm only 4.5 years away from 62, but a cow couldn't live on that kind of money, even in Wisconsin.
Where we end up living after I get out of the navy will mainly depend on
where I can find work. Yes, I'll be retiring from the navy, but the navy retirement pay, while it's something nice I'll receive for the rest of my life, isn't really something that I can live on comfortably, so I'll have to continue to work
somewhere. As for where we may end up if we were to move to Wisconsin, I have family in Merrill, Wausau, Mosinee, Schofield, and Marshfield, so I'd guess that we'd end up living around there. Also, my wife liked the city of Oshkosh when we drove through there in July, so that's another option...
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 20, 2008, 09:45 AM...the navy retirement pay, while it's something nice I'll receive for the rest of my life, isn't really something that I can live on comfortably, so I'll have to continue to work...
Yes, my uncle had to find work when he retired from the Navy
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore/Amiga Network
Moving to the mid-west has the advantage that you'll be closer to the big Commodore expos. :)
Quote from: Golan Klinger on November 20, 2008, 02:33 PM
Moving to the mid-west has the advantage that you'll be closer to the big Commodore expos. :)
True. :)
15 August 2013 is still a long way off, however... A lot could happen between now and then.
Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on November 20, 2008, 05:03 PM
True. :)
I'll mark you down as a tentative for World of Commodore 2013 then. Might be a shock to your system to attend an expo with so many attendees.
QuoteA lot could happen between now and then.
You're not planning on taking all your Commodore hardware to the tip and getting that TI-99/4A you've had your eye on, are you? You'll regret it.
Quote from: Golan Klinger on November 20, 2008, 10:46 PMYou're not planning on taking all your Commodore hardware to the tip and getting that TI-99/4A you've had your eye on, are you? You'll regret it.
Ha! Not likely! :P
Quote from: airship on November 11, 2008, 02:35 AMMay the free goodies flow like water.
At this month's TOGA meeting, president Randy Abel was giving out various Amiga disks, loose and packaged; books, and hardware bits like Amiga mice and cables. I picked up some Amiga video cables. Next month Randy will give away A500s, Commodore 10xx monitors, and more! What a Christmas meeting!
Now... now... you already have too much stuff,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore/Amiga Network
Hey guys,
A question that has been bothering me, if I find some old software deep in my C128 stash, is it OK to distribute it on the internet? Or are there still companies that claim there copyrights? I want to share all my old software but I don't want to be hunted down by some lawyer who comes after me with a lawsuit for a program that is 25 years old!
For example, I have "Fastrac 128" from FSSL and I would like to D64 its disc and PDF its manual and then share them with everyone. But is that OK to do?
There is a site that sells this software http://www.sharewareplus.co.uk/products.asp?partno=A0010 (http://www.sharewareplus.co.uk/products.asp?partno=A0010), but I don't know whether this is a company or a person. On the other hand, there is a guy on ebay-UK (alee650 - you may have heard of him) who sells this software over and over and I don't think he has had these in stock for 25 years, they are most likely duplicates.
Quote from: SmallCleverDinosaur on January 03, 2009, 06:23 AM
A question that has been bothering me, if I find some old software deep in my C128 stash, is it OK to distribute it on the internet?
Define "OK". It isn't legal in the strictest sense but generally falls into the category of victimless-crime/nobody cares. I say go for it and if someone objects, stop. Simple.
QuoteOn the other hand, there is a guy on ebay-UK (alee650 - you may have heard of him) who sells this software over and over and I don't think he has had these in stock for 25 years, they are most likely duplicates.
He (Tim aka alee650) is well known for selling duplicates (fakes, copies, clones, whatever you want to call them) and doesn't go to great lengths to inform that what he is selling isn't original (that goes for software and hardware). If you're a user, his stuff is fine. If you're a collector, it's worthless.
Quote from: SmallCleverDinosaur on January 03, 2009, 06:23 AM
A question that has been bothering me, if I find some old software deep in my C128 stash, is it OK to distribute it on the internet? Or are there still companies that claim there copyrights?
Most likely, the companies that claim the programs wouldn't do anything. However, every once in awhile, a company (companies) may enforce their rights, as in the case of Commodore Free magazine. Issues 1, 2, and 3 were pulled, due to the companies complaining that their copyrights were infringed.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore/Amiga Network
Quote from: Golan Klinger on January 03, 2009, 12:27 PM
Define "OK". It isn't legal in the strictest sense but generally falls into the category of victimless-crime/nobody cares. I say go for it and if someone objects, stop. Simple.
Well, I guess that was my conclusion as well. And by OK I probably mean software that has been released into the public domain. To distribute them is OK (and legal) even in the strictest sense. The problem is to know which software is regarded as public domain and which is not.
Quote from: Golan Klinger on January 03, 2009, 12:27 PM
He (Tim aka alee650) is well known for selling duplicates (fakes, copies, clones, whatever you want to call them) and doesn't go to great lengths to inform that what he is selling isn't originals (that goes for software and hardware). If you're a user, his stuff is fine. If you're a collector, it's worthless.
I actually bought a few items from that guy. Not beleiving they were originals though :) But to satisfy my needs as a user. From a collectors point of view I would never buy from that guy. As you say, it's pretty sad that he doesn't go to greater lengths to inform the buyer that the items are not originals and even worse, I think he's quite expensive. There are probably many Commodore users that recently have renewed their interest for the Commodores, that have been fooled to buy (expensive) software from him that can actually be downloaded from the internet for free.
When it comes to duplicates of hardware I think it's somewhat strange that a company like Datel, who still exists, don't mind that Tim is selling duplicates of a lot of their hardware over and over again. He's probably making a great deal of money from it. On the other hand, it's great for the Commodore community that some of the great hardware that Datel created is being "reborn" :)
Quote from: SmallCleverDinosaur on January 03, 2009, 08:52 PMWell, I guess that was my conclusion as well. And by OK I probably mean software that has been released into the public domain. To distribute them is OK (and legal) even in the strictest sense. The problem is to know which software is regarded as public domain and which is not.
Whenever possible, it's best to at least make an attempt to contact the original author. I've done this with a few BBS programs that I've made available for download on my website. Usually, the original authors will have no problem with their program being distributed. Occasionally, however, they do mind (as was the case with a BBS program that the author was trying to sell the rights to here), so it's always best to ask. If you can't find the original author, then like Golan already said, it's probably okay to distribute it, and if someone tells you to stop later, then stop.
Has anyone ever found a disk image of Master Paint for the 128?
Today I received the new IDE64 v4.1 cartridge in the mail (thanks to developer Josef Soucek in the Czech Republic). Though it doesn't work in C128 mode, it does make use of the C128 keys in C64 mode. According to the PDF manual, here are what the extra keys do --
Key Function
----- -----------
ESC CHR$(27)
ALT Nothing
HELP Enter monitor
CURSOR KEYS and NUM PAD Their usual meaning
So it isn't C64 software enhanced by the C128 but C64 *hardware* which is enhanced by the C128.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/ (http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
http://www.sccaners.org (http://www.sccaners.org)
Digimaster for the C64 includes a 128PlayFile player program (later replaced by 128PlayIt!) for playing back its proprietory DFF sound files, 128Player machine language routines for inclusion in Basic or machine language programs, and 128Routines which was a collection of Basic routines for Basic programs.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/ (http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
http://www.sccaners.org (http://www.sccaners.org)
Add to the list
GEOS StereoSID Player (64 or 128 mode - 40-column) -- from SWRAP/Roger Lawhorn
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/ (http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
http://www.sccaners.org (http://www.sccaners.org)
I'm not sure the list is being actively maintained any more - anyone want to take it on ? I'd offer but I'm rather busy with a 67 metre, 88 year old ferry which is consuming all my free time (& not-so-free time too). Fortunately this site looks after itself :)
Quote from: Blacklord on March 17, 2010, 09:35 PM
I'm not sure the list is being actively maintained any more - anyone want to take it on ?
I'm not sure I understand what is involved. I do post to the thread when any new discoveries are found.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
Redoing the list so it's all in one doc ?
Also, The Elite Accountant for the C128 in 40- or 80-column mode.
Quote from: Douglas on June 23, 2007, 06:34 AM
Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4 ...
There is Copy II v4 with true 80-column mode.
Just was using it tonight,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/ (http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
http://www.sccaners.org (http://www.sccaners.org)
Quote from: Douglas on June 23, 2007, 06:34 AM
Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (6/22/2006)
Miscellaneous Productivity
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
While visiting the Commodore/Amiga dealer, Computer Station, in Long Beach, California today, I saw the package for "I Am the C128". I wouldn't call it a productivity program but more of an educational program.
FCUG celebrating 30 years,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
Quote from: me on January 08, 2011, 12:41 PMWhile visiting the Commodore/Amiga dealer, Computer Station, in Long Beach, California today, I saw the package for "I Am the C128".
Oops, I forgot to give the website for Computer Station.
http://home.pon.net/amc (http://home.pon.net/amc)
Check out those wild prices!
FCUG celebrating 30 years,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
Reminded from another thread, I know of and have seen in action the utility, CD-ROM Commander 128, commercially sold and distributed by K. Dale Sidebottom.
There's another one for the list,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
The Other Group of Amigoids
http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/ (http://www.calweb.com/~rabel1/)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
http://www.sccaners.org (http://www.sccaners.org)
Maidstone Quest by Silvasoft - it was advertised in Run! in 1990, but appears to be a "lost" game.
Mr. Quizzer by Free Spirit Software appears to be another lost title.
Covers for several commercial titles.
Covers for several titles
Covers for several titles
More covers
And more
Even more :)
Next set
Last one
Sorry for asking but why - are you adding C64 covers on this "commercial 128 programs list" - and why at such a low quality?
Quote from: Count Zero on September 27, 2024, 09:04 AMSorry for asking but why - are you adding C64 covers on this "commercial 128 programs list" - and why at such a low quality?
Because some are for the 128 (or boot in 128 mode and run under 64 mode) - as for the images, restored from the old backup, so until they get replaced they're the originals from way back when :)
When the original Commodore128 website went down many years ago, I kept a copy of the list and updated it regularly at https://portcommodore.com/retro-link You can find the Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware list at
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network - http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan
Quote from: RobertB on September 30, 2024, 09:16 AMWhen the original Commodore128 website went down many years ago, I kept a copy of the list and updated it regularly at https://portcommodore.com/retro-link You can find the Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware list at
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network - http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan
Hi Robert,
I've extracted the BBS software and noted what I do and don't have :
All American BBS 128 - have
BBS 128 - have (as 128 BBS)
C-Net 128 - have
CBase BBS - have
Centipede - have
Dragonfire BBS - don't have
EBBS 128 - have
Omni 128 BBS - have
Protolinc BBS - don't have
Spicenet 128 - don't have
These ones are missing from your list that I do have :
Intelligentsia 128
Supra 128
Vortex Net
These ones are known but I haven't tracked down yet :
Frontier 128
Searchlight (ancestor of the current Searchlight by Rob Swindell)
Star 128
Quote from: Blacklord on September 30, 2024, 12:19 PMI've extracted the BBS software and noted what I do and don't have :
I'll have to update my list so that it shows the latest C128-enhanced games in C64 mode and one more important bit of hardware. :)
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm (http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm)
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network - http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan (http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan)