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Commodore PET => Commodore PET => PET tips & tricks => Topic started by: wte on March 27, 2009, 10:13 AM

Title: The so-called Fast Print or Killer Poke
Post by: wte on March 27, 2009, 10:13 AM
I have a question about the so-called Fast Print or Killer Poke for early PET / CBM Computers.


POKE 59458,PEEK(59458)OR 32

This poke speeds up early PETs (old boards) but is a problem for machines with a CRTC (newer boards).

As I want to write a little multi platform BASIC programm I need a peek to distinguish between old and new boards. So that I'm able to poke or not to poke. I've read that there had been a solution for this problem long time ago in an US computer magazine. Is there anyone who can remember this?

Regards WTE
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