What the subject says. Has anyone got one of these manuals? I bought the hardware today at the used computer dealer for $7, but after hours of Googling I am no closer to finding out exactly what it is capable of.
I did find out that it doesn’t do descenders â€" I seem to have a knack for accidentally acquiring Commodore printers that lack that functionality, as my other specimen is an MPS-803 â€" and also that it is supposed to be considerably quieter than its predecessor, the 3022. Nice to know but not terribly helpful. :¬)
Quote from: gsteemso on October 22, 2009, 05:55 AM
Has anyone got one of these manuals?
Ack! I was at the storage house last weekend (yes, the 2040 is still sitting there, waiting for you). If I had known that you wanted such a manual, I could have dug through the PET books there. I won't be returning to the storage house now until the Halloween weekend or the weekend thereafter.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
No worries, Robert, a fellow on a Dutch Commodore group pointed me to a nice scanned copy on Bombjack. Darned if I know why Google doesn’t know about it, but whatever. If you do happen to run across a physical copy next time you’re looking, I’d appreciate the option to acquire it, but there’s no longer any urgency.
I would assume the Bombjack site uses robots.txt and other means to shut search engines out of it. Since the vast majority of documents still are under copyright and probably only a few have been cleared with copyright holders (I could be terribly wrong on this point), there is probably a good idea if only those who need to know about it find it. Of course forum links here and there will lead spiders into the site anyway, but if they obey robots.txt to not look or index stuff, you won't find it with a straight search.