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General => General chat => Topic started by: quarkx on January 15, 2011, 02:40 AM

Title: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: quarkx on January 15, 2011, 02:40 AM
So, it's the deep heart of winter here in Canada. The past week, we sit at minus -20 C weather, snowing every day! last weekend we got a dump of 29 cm and today we are expecting another 17 cm or so.
I walk to and from work every night. It's only 4 blocks, but the last 2 nights it has been below -30 with the wind chill.
I snapped a few pictures of the snow plow fleet that has been running 24/7 for the last few weeks trying to keep the roads clear. yes those are piles of snow from when the bobcat cleared our parking lot.
This is actually pretty typical for this time of year temperature wise, but it seems we have had a bunch more snow than usual.
and people wonder why I want to move to California.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Hydrophilic on January 15, 2011, 11:57 AM
Cool photo!  (Umm, cold photo?)  Here in the midwest US we normally only get a mild dusting of snow, but this year we've got several inches.  My problem is I can't find anybody who wants to play in the snow.  :(  They just want to hibernate....  Of course if we had as much snow as you, I would hate it too. :)

Try to stay warm, and remember, the days are getting longer now.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: quarkx on January 16, 2011, 12:01 AM
It's like "bring on the Tauntauns" lets re-name it Hoth!
Sorry for the blurry iphone photo, I was actually surprised that it took such good pictures at that temperature!
Last night, it was down to minus 40 with the wind chill, I was in 3 layers of clothing with a good winter jacket and I still was freezing by the time I got home! I am not one to normally gripe about the weather, but at that temperature, winter is not fun.
Sad related story is that one guy here decided he would help out his neighbors (who were seniors) by plowing their sidewalks with his ATV. The Cops came by and ticketed him for riding his ATV in the city. When he explained what he was doing, they arrested him and charged him with resisting arrest.
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Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on January 16, 2011, 04:10 PM
Quote from: quarkx on January 16, 2011, 12:01 AM
It's like "bring on the Tauntauns" lets re-name it Hoth!
Sorry for the blurry iphone photo, I was actually surprised that it took such good pictures at that temperature!
Last night, it was down to minus 40 with the wind chill, I was in 3 layers of clothing with a good winter jacket and I still was freezing by the time I got home! I am not one to normally gripe about the weather, but at that temperature, winter is not fun.
Sad related story is that one guy here decided he would help out his neighbors (who were seniors) by plowing their sidewalks with his ATV. The Cops came by and ticketed him for riding his ATV in the city. When he explained what he was doing, they arrested him and charged him with resisting arrest.
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Good to hear that the police in the USA aren't the only ones with no common sense.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: RobertB on January 16, 2011, 04:18 PM
Quote from: quarkx on January 16, 2011, 12:01 AMLast night, it was down to minus 40 with the wind chill, I was in 3 layers of clothing with a good winter jacket...
Today when I got out of the San Jose hotel room to go to the TOGA meeting, the sky was blue with high cirrus clouds, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was just perfect with a slight breeze.  The highs got into the 60's F. (15's C.).  I was in shirt sleeves all day.  After the meeting, I hung out outside the pizza parlor with TOGA tech, Duncan M., enjoying the sunshine and talking about computers, games, technology, and cars.

          FCUG celebrating 30 years,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group
          The Other Group of Amigoids
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on January 17, 2011, 04:20 AM
Quote from: RobertB on January 16, 2011, 04:18 PM
Quote from: quarkx on January 16, 2011, 12:01 AMLast night, it was down to minus 40 with the wind chill, I was in 3 layers of clothing with a good winter jacket...
Today when I got out of the San Jose hotel room to go to the TOGA meeting, the sky was blue with high cirrus clouds, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was just perfect with a slight breeze.  The highs got into the 60's F. (15's C.).  I was in shirt sleeves all day.  After the meeting, I hung out outside the pizza parlor with TOGA tech, Duncan M., enjoying the sunshine and talking about computers, games, technology, and cars.

          FCUG celebrating 30 years,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group
          The Other Group of Amigoids
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
And your point is...?  :)

It isn't blue skies and warm, gentle breezes around here, which means it's time for the Bears to send the Seahawks packing.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on January 17, 2011, 05:39 AM
And right now it's a very unseasonable 12 degrees here. Bizarre summer we are having, a week ago it was 40 (which is somewhat more normal for this time of the year).
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: airship on January 18, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: Hydrophilic on January 15, 2011, 11:57 AMHere in the midwest US we normally only get a mild dusting of snow
Huh?!?  ???

What Midwest do YOU live in? I've lived in Iowa for almost 60 years now, and while I've seen a few relatively mild winters in that time, I've never seen one that could be described as having just a a "mild dusting of snow"!

Just to quantify, here's a quote from the NOAA:

QuoteSeasonal snowfall averages 32 inches across Iowa and varies from around 40 inches in northeast Iowa to about 20 inches in the extreme southeast corner of the State. The snow season normally extends from late October through mid-April but significant snows have fallen as early as September 16 (1881) to as late as May 28 (1947). The average number of days per season with snow cover one inch or deeper varies from about 40 days along the Missouri border to around 85 days along the Minnesota border. In about half of all winters, a daily snowfall of five to six inches or more is recorded in southern Iowa and seven to eight inches or more in northern Iowa. December, January and February are normally the snowiest months, averaging about seven inches each. However, late winter and early spring storms in March and April have produced as much as 27 inches of snow in a single storm and 24-hour amounts have reached 24 inches. The snowiest winter of record (since 1887 - 1888) was 1961 - 1962 with a statewide average of 59.0 inches while the lowest State average, only 11.9 inches, occurred in the winter of 1965 - 1966. Seasonal snowfall totals have varied from 2.4 inches at Keokuk in 1965 - 1966 to 93.1 inches at Elkader in 1950 - 1951.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Hydrophilic on January 18, 2011, 09:23 AM
I'm sure you get a healthy dose of snow, Airship.  I live a bit more south... but north of the Mason-Dixon line... that part of the midwest.  Now 12C in Australia is weird!  And arresting somebody for plowing snow is stupid.  I guess that about covers it.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on January 18, 2011, 09:26 AM
Quote from: Hydrophilic on January 18, 2011, 09:23 AM
I'm sure you get a healthy dose of snow, Airship.  I live a bit more south... but north of the Mason-Dixon line... that part of the midwest.  Now 12C in Australia is weird!  And arresting somebody for plowing snow is stupid.  I guess that about covers it.

Somewhat better today - 17 :)

I have no doubt though that Melbourne will head for the low 40's before too long though - always hot here in summer! And bloody freezing in winter - I really should move back to Sydney.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on January 18, 2011, 10:22 AM
Quote from: BigDumbDinosaur on January 17, 2011, 04:20 AMIt isn't blue skies and warm, gentle breezes around here, which means it's time for the Bears to send the Seahawks packing.
The Bears did the job.  The local weather forecast yesterday was a "falling bird alert."  :)
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on January 18, 2011, 10:25 AM
Quote from: Blacklord on January 18, 2011, 09:26 AMI have no doubt though that Melbourne will head for the low 40's before too long though - always hot here in summer! And bloody freezing in winter - I really should move back to Sydney.
Come to Chicago and you'll feel like you are in Melbourne, except the seasons are reversed and the local politicians are more crooked.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: airship on January 19, 2011, 07:34 AM
Immediately after the Bears game I texted my buddy in Wisconsin and said "The Bears are going to the Superbowl!" He was not amused*. :)

*For our friends overseas who think "football" is "soccer", let me explain that the Bears still have to play Green Bay (Wisconsin) next weekend.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on January 19, 2011, 09:24 AM
Quote from: airship on January 19, 2011, 07:34 AM
Immediately after the Bears game I texted my buddy in Wisconsin and said "The Bears are going to the Superbowl!" He was not amused*. :)
Well, I'm certainly impressed with your confidence in the Bears.  Me, I'm a bit more pessimistic.

In any case, next Sunday's game should have everyone who is not
shivering their gazoogies off at Soldier Field glued to their TVs.  We have a nice 42 inch plasma unit here, with an almost life-like picture.  :)  When I first got it, I remarked to a friend, as we were watching everything in a Bears game going wrong, "never has the Bears' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory been displayed with such clarity."  Let's hope that isn't the case on Sunday, as no one within fifty miles of Chicago likes those lame Cheese-Heads and their football team.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on January 19, 2011, 01:20 PM
Quote from: airship on January 19, 2011, 07:34 AM

*For our friends overseas who think "football" is "soccer", let me explain that the Bears still have to play Green Bay (Wisconsin) next weekend.

Actually, soccer is soccer - football is Rugby League :)
Title: Superman... or not
Post by: Hydrophilic on January 21, 2011, 06:28 PM
Just a few minutes ago, I went outside to get some firewood.  When I opened the door, I could see the buildings, fields, and trees clear as day.  A snow covered day mind you.  But it is like 2:15 in the morning.  I was really freaked out for a moment... like I had super human night vision or something.

Then I stepped out from under my porch and noticed there was a full moon.  Normally a full moon will allow a limited sort of vision, but when the ground is covered in snow, everything is remarkably visible.  Almost 4 decades now on planet Earth, and it's the first time I ever noticed.  Call me slow.  ::)

Also, doing donuts in retailers' parking lots is fun!  I recommend doing this after closing time to reduce the risk of damaging other people's autos.  Of course if I lived on planet Hoth, I might have a different opinion...
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: 128user on January 22, 2011, 02:48 AM
Winter is winter and it is cold.  Just get used to it.  Here in Erie(Pa) it is cold and windy.  On top of it all my snow blower gave up the ghost yesterday and it needs to be replaced. I am not complaining because the cheeseHeads will beat the bears.  Long live the Packers and the C128.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: quarkx on January 22, 2011, 05:11 AM
Well, it's warmed up! We are hovering around Zero today, but with the near record (of 50 CM) of snow JUST since new years, now the real fun begins with the thaw. People are scrambling, to get the snow off the roofs, as once this soup warms up, it becomes HEAVY! Last year, we had a bunch of roof cave in's during the thaw, and no where near as much snow. Also, when snow like this begins to thaw, it becomes like loose sand to walk on, and the ice underneath makes it very slippery.
Such is the joy of living in Alberta, the sad part is, it is not over until about March, this is just a temporary reprieve and then its back to sub-arctic conditions.

BTW, in an off topic- I have broke down and got a twitter account under GlenVDB1, so you can follow my exploits there also.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on January 28, 2011, 06:47 PM
And back to normal here (for summer) - 30 tomorrow and then two days straight of 40 degree heat (that's around 104 on the old imperial system). Next month is normally our hottest with several days in the mid to high 40's pretty normal.

At least Melbourne doesn't suffer from humidity.......
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on February 01, 2011, 02:43 PM
Okay, here we go.  A blizzard is spreading through the midwestern USA and is predicted to dump as much as two feet of snow in Chicago.  The last time that much snow shoed up, I was in the Carribean reading about it aboard a U.S. Navy warship.  This time, I'm at home and hearing about it on TV.  I've made sure the refrigerator is well-stocked (and not just with beer) and the furnace is on the job.  :)  Not much more a bloke can do except wait it out and then figure out how to get rid of all the white stuff that's blocking everything.  It sure beats 104 degree weather in Melbourne.   :o
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on February 01, 2011, 05:19 PM
....and after some of the worst flooding in Queensland's history they now have a category 5 cyclone bearing down on 'em.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: RobertB on February 01, 2011, 05:36 PM
     The Central Valley fog here finally burned off around 1 p.m. today.  Then there was bright sunshine.  Sweater weather!

          FCUG celebrating 30 years,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group
          The Other Group of Amigoids
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on February 02, 2011, 04:16 AM
Quote from: Blacklord on February 01, 2011, 05:19 PM....and after some of the worst flooding in Queensland's history they now have a category 5 cyclone bearing down on 'em.
Those poor folks in Q'Land just can't get a break.  At least around here we expect winter weather each winter.  We also expect a blizzard now and then (preferably then).   ;D   But to first get flooded out and then blown away by a cyclone (hurricane on this side of the world) is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on February 02, 2011, 12:45 PM
A little more on Cyclone Yasi:

The Bureau of Meteorology has warned the storm is "likely to be more life threatening than any experienced during recent generations" and predicts winds of up to 320km/h and a 7m storm surge"
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Blacklord on February 02, 2011, 01:54 PM
And here's a nice image of it that shows the storm superimposed over the continental US to give you an idea.

This is a monster storm.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Hydrophilic on February 03, 2011, 01:01 AM
Awesome image!  The "eye" of the storm (the big red swirl) seems to be almost as large as the state of Texas, which is like a whole other country if you believe the travel ads.  Having spent many years along the Gulf (of Mexico) coast, I've become accustomed to these every two years or so... but I've never seen one that big!  :o

All I can say is "batten down the hatches" and be prepared for clean-up.  Hopefully you won't suffer wide-spead looting like we had after hurricane Katrina...
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on February 03, 2011, 01:28 AM
Well, the snow seems to have tapered off.  Here are some pics: the first is a view out the sliding door that goes out on to the deck.  The other is a view out the front window in the kitchen.  Snow is everywhere.  It's piled up about two feet against the front door, so no one is getting out of here today.
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: Hydrophilic on February 03, 2011, 01:50 AM
I love pic#2 !  :)   It looked like that last week here, but has since cleared up... although it was never piled up against the door that high... I hope you have a strong back, a snow blower, or healthy young relatives to help clearing all that :)

Ummm... now that I think about it... what part of Chicago is that???
Title: Re: Winter..Got to hate it
Post by: BigDumbDinosaur on February 03, 2011, 02:37 AM
Quote from: Hydrophilic on February 03, 2011, 01:50 AMI hope you have a strong back, a snow blower, or healthy young relatives to help clearing all that :)
None of the above.  My strong back and weak mind have degenerated into a weak back and a weaker mind.  Our homeowners' association has a contractor that plows driveways and clears sidewalks and front porches.  The back porch will have to wait for the great melt-off, whenever that arrives.

QuoteUmmm... now that I think about it... what part of Chicago is that???
Actually, it's rural Will County, about 40 miles southwest of Chicago.  There is a lot of open space, so when the weather gets like this the snow drifts become quite impressive.

Speaking of snow piling up, here's another pic.
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