Commodore 128 Alive!

Commodore 64 => GEOS => Topic started by: RobertB on February 10, 2011, 03:06 AM

Title: GEOS at a higher speed
Post by: RobertB on February 10, 2011, 03:06 AM
Hello, everybody, and especially GEOS gurus!
     I just received an inquiry from CBM engineer, Bil Herd.  He wants to know "how well [you] think the GEOS code would work at 12mhz...".  That is, if there is  "access to local static ram @ 12Mhz (gets written to C64 dram by caching mechanism)" and "access to I/O â€" 1 Mhz".
     If you have an answer, please post it here, and then I will forward the message to Bil or direct Bil to this thread.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group
Title: Re: GEOS at a higher speed
Post by: Hydrophilic on February 11, 2011, 11:05 AM
I think it would work very well.  Somebody with a SuperCPU could probably tell you for sure.  It sounds like the same concept to me, from what I know.  Of course the SuperCPU is a bit hard to come by and rather expense when it pops up, so if he has something new in mind, that would be great.
Title: Re: GEOS at a higher speed
Post by: bacon on February 11, 2011, 06:02 PM
Bil Herd working on new herdware for the C128? Is that what you're doing Bil? Please come here and tell us!
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