Hello, everybody, and especially GEOS gurus!
I just received an inquiry from CBM engineer, Bil Herd. He wants to know "how well [you] think the GEOS code would work at 12mhz...". That is, if there is "access to local static ram @ 12Mhz (gets written to C64 dram by caching mechanism)" and "access to I/O â€" 1 Mhz".
If you have an answer, please post it here, and then I will forward the message to Bil or direct Bil to this thread.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
http://videocam.net.au/fcug (http://videocam.net.au/fcug)
I think it would work very well. Somebody with a SuperCPU could probably tell you for sure. It sounds like the same concept to me, from what I know. Of course the SuperCPU is a bit hard to come by and rather expense when it pops up, so if he has something new in mind, that would be great.
Bil Herd working on new herdware for the C128? Is that what you're doing Bil? Please come here and tell us!