Vice 3.8 was released in December '23 (been a while since an update has been announced here :) )
* Changes in Vice 3.8
** general
- added WIC64 support for C64,C128,SCPU64,VIC20
- virtual device (host directory) fixes (Scratch command correctly returns
number of scratched files, Rename command produces "file exists" error if the
destination file exists)
- added video capture in ZMBV format. This will produce lossless videos at correct
emulated FPS.
- the old FFMPEG support was deprecated and is disabled by default. New experimental
code was added that will work with external ffmpeg executable instead.
- reSID: fixed a Noise Init problem
- reSID: filter tweaks
- reSID: The 6581 saw+pulse waveform was wrong
- reSID: tweak shift register reset time for 6581
- reSID: 8580 Filter ringing fix
- reSID: 6581 filters: allow negative values for kVg-Vx
- made raw printer driver pass through all bytes 1:1
- Tape: changed default zero-gap delay from the rather weird (and way too large)
value 20000 to the more sane 2500 which MTAP uses
- RS232: handle RI line in IP232 (requires updated tcpser, see
- Add option to invert the RI line. This should help to make some more obscure
BBS programs work
- RS232: removed undocumented feature to use unix domain sockets when the first
character of a rs232 device is a pipe character, and instead used pipes, like
it will be done on windows too
- Drives: fixed 1571CR emulation
- Drives: allow up to 83 tracks for 3.5inch mechs
- Drives: fixed clock rollover in rotation code
- REU: fixed DMA access to C64 RAM at $00/$01
- Added PaperclipE, PaperclipSC, and Paperclip2 dongle support.
- Added woj userport joystick adapter emulation.
- provide fake sid hooks so hardsid can be used when fastsid is disabled
- Printer: new reworked emulation handles various CBM Printers: 2022, 4023, 8023,
MPS801, MPS801, MPS803
- Printer: tweaked MPS page height, now allows print shop to print a greetings
card on a single page.
- Printer: do not produce any output for non-printable codes
- Printer: when using the graphic output driver, only produce a new file when
actually doing a formfeed.
- Build the list of available palette files at runtime, scan system path/dirs as
needed. Also read extra info from the .vpl files. New palettes can now be just
dropped into the data dir and they will appear in the UIs.
- allow color controls to be used with external palette and when no crt emulation
is active.
- Added more realistic vicii color ram init code.
- CIA: shiftregister fixes
- CIA: fixed ICR timing/behaviour (This fixes the dd0dtest from the testbench)
- Support for ISA/PCI devices that were accessed via direct I/O was removed,
since this would not work in any sane modern OS anymore. The affected devices
are: parsid (windows), ssi2001 (all)
- Z80: OUT, OUTD, OUTI, OTIR, OTDR instruction fixes
- Fixed -initbreak reset so that the first instruction doesn't run
** Buildsystem
- add configure switch `--enable-experimental-devices` to enable experimental
emulation of some devices.
- changed configure switch `--with-libcurl` to `--without-libcurl`.
- changed configure switch `--enable-lame` to `--with-lame`
- changed configure switch `--enable-libieee1284` to `--with-libieee1284`
- changed configure switch `--enable-portaudio` to `--with-portaudio`
- configure: change `--with-zip-bin` to `--with-unzip-bin`
- remove the configure switch --with-readline/--without-readline.
- Do not build PDF docs unless --enable-pdf-docs
- Fixed macOS bindist. Probably doesn't work without code signing, however an
attempt is now made to detect and use a signing identity.
- when installing with x64 not enabled, install a symlink x64->x64sc instead
- Add unzip.exe and its deps to Gtk3 bindist
** C64 fixes
- Blackbox 9 garbled screen problem was fixed
- added 'Hyper-Basic' cartridge support
- fixed "MAX-BASIC" cartridge support in "MultiMAX" emulation
- more correct memory map for the "Max Machine"
- fix attaching 8k ultimax .bin cartridge images
** C128 fixes
- Cartridge system now supports cartridges that work in both C128 and C64 mode
- added "RAM-Link" support
- added LTK support, as well as other kernal replacements carts
- comal-80 (c128) fixed
- MMU fixes
- Keep currently set c128 bank when changing the c64mode mmu bit.
- Fix x128 c64 mode p0/p1 relocation
- Added proper z80 mmu control
- add a 'SCART' VDC palette, which contains 'dark yellow' instead of the (correct) brown
- Fix x128 VDC mirroring
- x128 properly starts with Z80 and then transfers control to 8502
- Z80: various I/O mapping fixes
- use separate resources for localized chargen and c64 kernal
** VIC20 fixes
- fixed NTSC colors
** PLUS4 fixes
- Map out pio-1 and only handle datasette sense in the fd10-fd1f range when
c16/c116/c232 model is selected.
- added reference image of native Plus4 keyboard layout
- added reference image of Plus4, symbolic, US layout
- added reference image of Plus4, symbolic, german layout
- added reference image of Plus4, positional, US layout
- added reference image of Plus4, positional, german layout
** C64DTV fixes
- loading flash image was broken
- use DTV model specific flash ROM content
** PET fixes
- Implement some beam-racing timing improvements for models with and without CRTC
- Add a PET palette that approximates the slightly blue white of the 2001 model.
- Monitor: handle SuperPET 6809 banking correctly
** CBM-II fixes
- CRTC: Esc+U / Esc+S - underscore cursori on / off: now works.
- Fix monitor watchpoints on indirect accesses to a zero page.