Commodore 128 Alive!

Commodore 128 => 128 programmers => BASIC => Topic started by: Blacklord on October 06, 2024, 08:53 AM

Title: Hangman (40 column)
Post by: Blacklord on October 06, 2024, 08:53 AM
10 rem hangman
20 scnclr
30 let x=0
40 let x=x+1:if x<2 then gosub 60
50 goto 140
60 tempo 12
70 play "v1o4t5u8xo":rem v1=guitar
80 a$="v1o4qc.qco3i$bqa$bo4qco3$b.qaigqfqcqc"
90 b$="v1o3hfififqgqaq$bqaqgqfqgqrqc"
100 c$="v1o4.qco3i$bqaq$bo4qco3q$b.qaigqgqeqc"
110 d$="v1o3hfififqgqaq$bqaqgf.f"
120 play a$:play b$:play c$:play d$
130 return
140 color0,7:color4,13:printtab(5)"{clear}{white}{reverse on}hangman "
150 print"{down}the computer will think of 10 words"
160 print"and you will try to guess them by":print"guessing all their letters."
170 print"{down}twelve wrong guesses build the hangman."
180 print"the alphabet will appear at the top of"
190 print"the screen to remind you what you have":print"already picked."
200 print"{down}hit any key to continue.":getkeyq$
210 dim w$(80),a(26),z(80):z(0)=80
220 forx=1to80:readw$(x):next
230 forx=1to80:z(x)=x:next:forx=0to9
240 r=int(rnd(1)*z(0)+1):w(x)=z(r)
250 z(r)=z(z(0)):z(0)=z(0)-1:next
260 forpl=0to9:gosub680
270 char1,1,20,"word #"+str$(pl+1)
280 forx=1 to len(w$(w(pl)))
290 char1,10+2*x,20,"-":next
300 char1,1,22,"pick a letter by hitting the key"
310 getkeyq$:ifq$<"a"orq$>"z"then310
320 l=asc(q$)-64:ifa(l)then310
330 char1,1,22,"{space*28}"
340 a(l)=1:char1,6+l,1,q$,1
350 p=instr(w$(w(pl)),q$):ifp=0thene=e+1:goto400
360 forx=1tolen(w$(w(pl)))
370 ifmid$(w$(w(pl)),x,1)=q$thenchar1,10+2*x,20,q$:cl=cl+1
380 next:ifcl<len(w$(w(pl)))then300
390 char1,1,21,"**success**":cw=cw+1:goto440
400 on e gosub720,790,850,870,900,920,940,960,980,1010,1040,1070
410 ife<12then300
420 char1,1,21,"sorry, the word was "+w$(w(pl))
430 gosub 60
440 char1,1,22,"hit any key for next word"
450 getkeyq$:scnclr:e=0:cl=0
460 forx=1to26:a(x)=0:next:nextpl
470 graphic0:print"{clear}out of ten words, you guessed"cw:print"of them correctly"
480 print"{down}play again (y/n)?"
490 getkeyq$:ifq$="y"thenrun:elseifq$<>"n"then490
500 end
510 data the,and,that,for,with
520 data was,his,not,but,have
530 data you,which,are,her,had
540 data from,this,they,their,she
550 data has,were,been,him,one
560 data so,will,there,who,when
570 data what,your,more,would,them
580 data some,than,may,upon,its
590 data out,into,our,these,man
600 data like,shall,great,now,such
610 data should,other,only,any,then
620 data about,those,can,made,well
630 data old,must,said,time,even
640 data new,could,very,much,own
650 data most,might,first,after,yet
660 data two,end,easy,fly,begin
670 rem set  up screen
680 graphic1,1:color0,7:color1,2:color4,13
690 forx=65to90:char1,x-58,1,chr$(x):next
700 return
710 rem gallows
720 box1,149,27,187,32,0,1
730 box1,187,32,182,142,0,1
740 forx=0to10step5
750 box1,122-x,142+x,192+x,147+x,0,1
760 next
770 draw1,151,32 to 151,37:return
780 rem head
790 circle1,152,47,15,10
800 circle1,152,48,2,2:box1,149,52,155,54
810 paint1,145,47
820 char1,18,5,"--",1
830 return
840 rem neck
850 box1,150,57,154,62,0,1:return
860 rem body
870 circle1,152,85,10,23:paint1,152,85
880 return
890 rem r arm
900 box1,141,65,137,94,20,1:return
910 rem l arm
920 box1,163,65,167,94,340,1:return
930 rem r leg
940 box1,145,97,140,132,10,1:return
950 rem l leg
960 box1,159,97,163,132,350,1:return
970 rem r hand
980 circle1,133,98,3,3:paint1,133,98
990 return
1000 rem l hand
1010 circle1,171,98,3,3:paint1,171,98
1020 return
1030 rem r foot
1040 circle1, 137,136,4,4:paint1,137,136
1050 return
1060 rem l foot
1070 circle1,167,136,4,4:paint1,167,136
1080 return
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