1 print chr$(147)
10 for i =0 to 255
20 poke 646,i
25 print i;"hello world"
30 next i
i ran this in vice by mistake
this is what it should of been
1 print chr$(147)
10 for i =0 to 15
20 poke 646,i
25 print i;"hello world"
30 next i
c128 mode tried in c128 mode
1 print chr$(147)
10 for i =0 to 255
20 poke 241,i
25 print i;"hello world"
30 next i
correct code
1 print chr$(147)
10 for i =0 to 15
20 poke 241,i
25 print i;"hello world"
30 next i
how can this happens there are only 0 to 15 colours and I can poke up to 255 values