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Messages - orb85750

C64 general talk / Best/most popular forum for C64?
November 15, 2010, 07:03 AM
I gather that this is the best C128 forum, but what is the best/most popular C64 forum, please?
Commodore 64 gaming / Real or fake?
July 25, 2010, 01:31 PM
This seller seems to have an unlimited supply of M.U.L.E. disks without instructions or boxes, and without the EA sleeves.  (I see one of these disks
for sale every week, and they do sell).  What do you think?
Software / Best of the best books on the C128?
July 14, 2010, 09:49 AM
I looked at the definitive book list.  Any opinions about which ones are the absolute best?
Quote from: redrumloa on July 03, 2010, 01:34 AM
Quote from: orb85750

What is the best way for me to diagnose the problem, given that there are a number of possibilities?  Thanks.

First try a drive cleaning kit if you have one. If you don't have one, rubbing alcohol and a q-tip will work but you will have to open the drive to get to the head. The 1571D drive in my 128T throws fits if I try to use a highly degraded old floppy. If I clean the head, it works again.

I'd recommend a 1541 for trying to read failing old floppies.

Wow, thanks.  To my surprise, the cleaning kit actually did the trick!  Before using it, the drive was making so much noise that I was sure it had to be something more serious.  But it's back up and working once again. 
Quote from: Blacklord on July 02, 2010, 03:53 PM
Four out of the five D's I've had have all had floppy failure (all fixable though) - most common problem I have with my Commie machines.

What is the best way for me to diagnose the problem, given that there are a number of possibilities?  Thanks.
It was working well.  The last program successfully loaded was Fight Night (in 64 mode, of course).  Now the drive won't load a single thing.  It tries, but to no avail.  Any thoughts/ideas?  Thanks.
Also, The Elite Accountant for the C128 in 40- or 80-column mode.