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Messages - Mark Smith

Community Projects / Re: Media Player 128
January 13, 2011, 06:42 AM
Just think how much fun you could have if you got one of those Chameleon carts (when they come out), more CPU power and more colours to play with :-)

I think having a CPU speed agnostic fast loader would be a good thing  as well.

Nice work, thanks for sharing!
Herdware / Re: megabit + Ultimate1541-ii
January 13, 2011, 06:36 AM
If you have a copy of the REU tester outside of the ROM I can test it (don't have a Megabit)
Auctions et al / Commodore 1700 REU
January 09, 2011, 04:52 PM
I'm selling a spare 512K 1700 REU

Quite happy to ship wherever in the world,buyer pays of course!  :)

Herdware / Re: How to detect Ethernet adapters?
November 29, 2010, 06:18 AM
For RR-Net this might help :

And for practically anything along those goes pop over to
GEOS / Re: GEOS Megapatch 3 ?
November 18, 2010, 01:49 PM
Quote from: dmackey828 on November 05, 2010, 08:37 AM
Here you go :

I don't suppose there is an unlocked/master copy of an English version floating around ? :-)
My hack involved pushing the switch in so the monitor was on, then jamming a paper clip in around the edge of the switch so it wouldn;t pop out again.

Probably not the safest thing in the world :-) but it worked ... till the monitors LOPT when sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pop!!  :-(
Software / Re: Rare hard to find software?
May 25, 2010, 11:19 AM
Of course if you let slip you have nifty toys then we'll all want to play!
Like the kid down the street with the new ball :-)
Community Projects / Re: Media Player 128
May 21, 2010, 03:17 PM
You can plug the MP3@64 into the IDE64 as well .. works a treat :-)
Software / Re: Rare hard to find software?
May 21, 2010, 02:34 PM
Ahhh .. so it's just a standard RS232 -> X10 interface box with just a cable to the C64 userport for the TTL RS232 interface :-)

Hmmm .. so chances are fairly good that the C64 software for your box would also work for the more modern RS232 -> X10 adapters out there!

Could you .D64 (Or .G64) any of the X10 software disks you might have and post them ?

Be interesting to play with.

Thanks for the pictures!
Software / Re: Rare hard to find software?
May 11, 2010, 06:37 PM
Quote from: RobertB on January 30, 2010, 12:02 PM
Quote from: redrumloa on January 29, 2010, 10:53 PMThen I remembered a gadget I had for my old Commodore computer called an "X10 Home Control Interface". So I went through some boxes and found my old X10 stuff. I found a computer interface with 8 on/off switches...
I have that!

Any chance of some photos, schematics etc ? :-)
YouTube videos / Pixels
April 09, 2010, 06:02 AM

You might have seen this allready, but was new to me :-)
GEOS / Re: What's the best GEOS setup ?
February 02, 2010, 08:59 AM
Quote from: Hydrophilic on February 01, 2010, 04:47 PM
No experience hacking the menuing system, just the turbo-loader / saver and copy protection.

What I would like to know is if anyone can provide the files / disks (or a link to such) that CMD Hard Drives provide for GEOS.

As I understand, the CMD Hard Drives came with special "patch files" that allowed them to work with GEOS.  By analyzing them, and building from my JiffySoft 128, I am confident I could produce a patch (disk drivers) that would allow GEOS to operate with modern mass storage devices, like the uIEC / MMC / 1541u... anything that supports JiffyDOS protocol.

Since I would REALLY like GEOS to have proper support for all those good things like 1541U, IDE64, MMCReplay I went and found the drivers for you ;-)

Also you might want to visit :  On there is a design for an IDE interface and GEOS driver source for the interface.

I attached the source here as well :

So you'll have it done by friday then ? ;-)


Software / Re: Rare hard to find software?
January 29, 2010, 03:15 PM
Quote from: redrumloa on January 26, 2010, 09:54 AM

X-10 Home Automation Version 1.0

Now that would be interesting ... do you have any more info on that ?  What the hardware and software combo is ?


Herdware / Anyone know much about the IDE64 ?
January 27, 2010, 07:23 PM
Cause mine arrived ;-)

Just wondering if I can make it play nice with the 1541U, they almost work properly in a Fotios 3XP expander, but the filemanager in the IDE64 dies horribly when the 1541U is in :-(  Bit of a bummer as it makes filling the IDE64 a bit harder or I have to resort to connecting the laptop up via USB (havn't woked out the ethernet side yet either)

Also can anyone explain how the plugin system works ... I'm sure there is logic to how it is implemented but I havn't grasped it yet, and certainly can;t get it to work!


I posted a reply over at retrohackers ... but let me post here as well ....


I'd say move the jumpers and DIP switches off to one side, most people are lazy (ok well maybe just me ..) and would not remove the carts from the board while trying to fiddle with the jumpers and DIP switches this runs the risk of over stressing a cart in it's slot.

Also put in the BIGGEST switches you can, nothing worse than fiddling with DIP switches with the end of a pen (ala back of 1541-II drives) .. plus all us "enthusiasts" are getting older

Being able to swap the IO1/2 lines is a good feature of the Fotios board.

The ability to easily (and completely) disconnect a board from the bus without removing it would be handy so that if you have 2 board that don't play nice together you can turn off one slot ... one big button per slot ?

And how about an option ROM socket ? Maybe taking up a pseudo "slot 4" with a bank select for the larger EPROMS ?

One other thing ... I've read that the C128 has a "noisy" bus ... is this noise something that could be cleaned up or filtered by some cleverness on the expansion port ?

Anyway .. whatever you make will be nice


Software / Re: Rare hard to find software?
January 26, 2010, 07:03 AM
If you happen to find the C64 version of Half Life 2 I wouldn't mind a look ;-)

News, views, help & info / Re: New forum software
January 24, 2010, 05:13 PM
Attached is a grab from Safari 4.0.4 on my Apple Mac Mini (OSX 10.6.2 Snow Leopard)

See where it's put your attachment ?

I shall try out the mobile version of the site ... any chance you could put it at an easier URL ?  ( for example ?)  It's fiddly tapping the screen to enter long URLs :-)



News, views, help & info / Re: New forum software
January 24, 2010, 10:21 AM
Hi there,

The new forum software has a few issues for non-IE and non-Firefox platforms

1)  Safari - Attachments (like pictures) are displayed shunted way over to the right edge of the screen.
2)  iPhone / IPod Touch Safari - the new "hover over a subject to see the text inside feature" (you know where you have the list of posts in a forum, you hover the mouse over it and it opens a window that follows the mouse as you move it along the post subject) .. that really doesn't work on my iPod, it opens the bubble window fine, but then you have to click a few times to get rid of it and into the posting proper.



Herdware / Re: GEOS 128 EPROM?
January 17, 2010, 07:22 PM
Do you need to hold down a key or something at power up time ?  Maybe "control" ? (or is that BASIC 8 ?)

Auctions et al / Re: FA: 1570 and 1581 Disk Drive
January 14, 2010, 06:16 PM
Ta muchly .. I'll lurk and the do some evil ebay sniping later ;-)
Auctions et al / Re: FA: 1570 and 1581 Disk Drive
January 14, 2010, 04:41 PM

Would you ship to New Zealand ?  (without the PSU, don't really need a 120V one here :-)



Assembly / Re: Manual for Turbo Assembler 128
January 10, 2010, 08:15 PM
Quote from: redrumloa on December 30, 2009, 03:49 AM
Quote from: zap on June 26, 2009, 10:58 PM
Try this site "Bookmark" it's a great site. :) Bombjack.

egad has that site gotten big!!!  :o

Sheesh!  No kidding!

Ooooh and he has the disk for the Computes 128 Programmers Guide! Yay! :-)
Ahhhh .. I can see a bit of my bonus money heading towards an IDE64!  wonder if it will share nicely with the 1541U ?
The book says you can buy a disk with all the programs in the book on it .. does anyone have this disk ?


Commodore News & Events / Re: geoLink released
December 11, 2009, 01:02 PM
Ahhh .. so a GEOS based network server might be possible then ? ;-)

Though I think 80column might be problematic .. as soon as you go 80 column don't you also go 2Mhz ?  And do any of the ethernet carts run at 2Mhz ?
