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Messages - xlar54

GEOS / geochess
November 08, 2024, 08:08 PM
Wrote this awhile back.  Still some bugs but i was kinda surprised that no one had done it yet:

Alt text
General chat / We're baaaaack!
September 25, 2024, 05:36 AM
Good to see you, Lance!
Software / Re: Introducing CBM-Command
May 30, 2010, 01:58 PM
As a frequent user of this app now,... all I can say is DAAAAaaaaamm... Nice work Payton.
Copied from comp.sys.cbm (because Im lazy):

Hey folks,
A little contribution Id like to share...

Ive been working on a text GUI C library for the 128's VDC, using
CC65.  Its still young and has bugs, but in its current state, you can
create overlapping windows, create controls like labels, textboxes,
etc, and respond to user interaction via callback functions.  Im no
GUI expert, but its taking really good shape and I feel its at a point
where it should be opened up to the community to improve and solidify
the code.  So, if you like what you see, I welcome more developers to
help me out and really make this into something nice.  It is built to
simulate object oriented development.  The library comes with a simple
test application so you can see how it works.

The upload to sourceforge is in VC++ 2008 project (you dont need it,
but Visual Studio rocks...)  The project allows you to build and
compile CC65 projects directly inside Visual Studio.  (See Clean.bat
and Compile.bat for paths which you will need to adjust for your copy
of CC65).  After compilation, just DLOAD"OUTPUT" and run.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining the project, Id love the
help.  I have *no clue* how to administer sourceforge, so help there
would be good too.  Consider the source code itself to be the current
documentation :)



Below is some sample code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "vdc_gui.h"

void txtBox1_keyPressed(TEXTBOX *textBox, BYTE c);
void txtBox1_onEnter(TEXTBOX *textBox);

WINDOW *win1, *win2;

int main (void)
    int x;

    TEXTBOX* txtBox1;

    // Set the background color to blue
    // Generate a background pattern
    // Create the windows
    win1 = CreateWindow(5,5,20,10,VDC_WIN_BORDER_LINE);
    win2 = CreateWindow(18, 12, 41,5, VDC_WIN_BORDER_LINE);
    // Create the controls
    CreateLabel(win2, 2, 2, "this is a demo of the vdc gui library.");
    txtBox1 = CreateTextbox(win1,8,5,10);

    //Add callback to handle key events
    txtBox1->OnKeyPress = txtBox1_keyPressed;
    txtBox1->OnEnter = txtBox1_onEnter;

    //Show the windows

    // Begin message processing

    return 0;

A quick note about the code..
After setting up the windows and controls, the WinMain() function is
the message loop which handles the user input and message dispatch
(callbacks, etc).  This function *should* put the focus on the first
"focus-able" control.  I hadnt gotten that far yet, so for sake of the
demonstration, i just sent in the control I want to have focus.  So
thats a bug :) .

Also, adding "buttons" should be trivial given the current
structure... just havent finished it yet.  I was really excited just to
get callbacks working properly (function pointers).  Dropdown lists,
and other more complex controls should be just building on the current
Beyond all that, there's no reason it couldnt be modified to support
the 40 col screen either.. just havent gotten that far... the idea of
a text GUI library for the 80 col screen, and learning GUI development
in general has been my primary focus here.  Ive had fun, and you guys
have done so much for the community, that I wanted to give back a
little.  Hope you all find it as interesting and useful.

Software / VI for the 128/64...
April 14, 2010, 04:01 PM
yeah, I hate vi.. but someone did a good thing and brought it to the 128/64...
Software / Re: Abacus Cadpak 128
April 14, 2010, 03:11 PM
Quote from: Ready. on February 19, 2010, 11:20 PM
I do have the disks. but they are 40 track disks and my mmc64 does not allow 40 tracks transfer. As soon as I manage to convert them to .d64 using star commander I'll let you know.

Quick reminder.. this would be great to have.  Thanks!
GEOS / Re: Hacking Geos Password
August 31, 2009, 11:17 AM
I agree with Robert.  But you can download D64 images of GEOS 128 on this site and others.
General chat / Floating point storage in BASIC
August 31, 2009, 12:02 AM
Hey guys,

Ive updated the commodore programming wiki with a rundown on how BASIC stores floating point numbers in, what I think is the simplest explanation.  Id appareciate your feedback.  You can check it out here:
Welcome to the forums / Re: hello from germany
August 28, 2009, 01:14 PM
Quote from: Blacklord on August 27, 2009, 05:20 PM
Quote from: BigDumbDinosaur on August 27, 2009, 02:28 PM
Quotemy name is Frank and I come from germany.

Glad you could join us.  Ignore Blacklord...he's the only character around here.  That can be excused, however, since he is forced to stand upside down and stare at 'roos all day long.   :)

I don't stare at roos - I *EAT* roos!

Yeah, I like the McRoo at McDonalds.  Comes with a hoppy meal.
General chat / Re: C=128 RGB & Amiga 2000 video
August 26, 2009, 10:30 PM
Then can you explain the purpose of the digital signals on the video port?  (see  I saw on youtube where some one made a S-Video port for his 1000.. wonder if this can be done on the 2000.
General chat / Re: Amiga Workbench disks? Anyone?
August 26, 2009, 10:26 PM
Actually, no - some kind soul sent me a set (we have a great community).  What did surprise me was putting in the 2091 and SCSI drive and with a little coaxing, I had no problem at all in getting WB installed on it.  Plug and play years before Microsoft ever came up with it.  Typical Amiga.

But Robert - whats in 3.1 that isnt in 2.04?  (I have no clue about Kickstart versions etc) Am I missing on something good there?
General chat / Re: C=128 RGB & Amiga 2000 video
August 24, 2009, 02:39 PM
Well, mine is a Magnavox something-or-another.  It will do both composite and RGB (and a green screen option for RGB).   Works fine for the 128.  Hmm.. now that you mention it, I think I remember back when that a 128 uses RGBI, whereas Amigas are different.  So maybe that wont work?  I think I saw that standard 1084s have two different inputs.
General chat / C=128 RGB & Amiga 2000 video
August 24, 2009, 03:33 AM
Hey guys, was just curious.  I have a C128 hooked up to an RGB monitor, and id like to use the same monitor with my Amiga 2000.  Looking at the pins from the following sites:

It looks like I only need to create an adapter for the monitor cable (its built for the 128), that connects the pins as such:

Amiga pin 6 -> cable pin 6 (intensity)
Amiga pin 7 -> cable pin 3 (red)
Amiga pin 8 -> cable pin 4 (green)
Amiga pin 9 -> cable pin 5 (blue)
Amiga pin 11 -> cable pin 8 (H synch)
Amiga pin 12 -> cable pin 9 (V synch)
Amiga pin 20 -> cable pin 1 & 2 (ground)

Will this work, or will I fry my monitor?

VICE / VICE and Commodore 16?
August 23, 2009, 05:00 PM
I know that the plus 4 and C16 are closely related, but are they so closely related that there's no point in an emulator for the 16? Ive not seen one included with VICE.
Welcome to the forums / Re: New guy...
August 23, 2009, 04:38 PM
Welcome Alex!
General chat / Re: 404.shtml
August 23, 2009, 04:35 PM
Loss of blinking cursor:  I think that is fixed if you find the following:

   i  ;
   if (i == 3) i = 1;

And replace with:

   i++ ;
   if (i == 3) i = 1;

Doing all that by memory - not tested, but try it and see.

VDC Programming / Re: VDC and Block Copy
August 19, 2009, 01:05 PM
Well, this one is really just C source that could be compiled to object code, so probably yes.  I havent messed too much with the linker (cc65), so right now its two C files with the code in it, and a main function to call some test functions (primitive unit testing).  At some point Ill figure that out, but as it is, it makes debugging a breeze.
Very interesting and good information, thank you.  Languages has always been where my interest has been.  Understanding the voodoo behind these p-code engines is pretty interesting stuff.  Id say just the speed from the lookups of GOSUBs would increase performance considerably due to the way, as you said, the program must scan through over an over just to locate the target line.
VDC Programming / Re: VDC and Block Copy
August 18, 2009, 01:46 PM
Hey BDD, I would love to use your code with the library, only thing is that it is written in C.  But that being said, I would definitely like your opinion of the code if you have some time to take a look.  Perhaps some of the routines you have written could be implemented as functions within the library, or improve upon what's already there?
General chat / New Commodore subReddit
August 17, 2009, 05:39 PM
Any of you who may frequent the Digg/Slashdot/Reddit communities are invited to join this new Commodore Reddit:

Slow getting started, but it would be good to see it grow.
General chat / How BASIC P-Code Compilers work?
August 17, 2009, 02:31 PM
Anyone know how those things like Blitz and BASIC-64/128 worked?  I understand pure ML generation, but the P-code they talk about somewhat confuses me.  Is it really just more of a BASIC optimizer?
General chat / Re: 404.shtml
August 10, 2009, 12:29 AM
Well, I stayed with the VDC rather than the crummy 40-column screen (god i hate those colors), but maybe this will be ok:



text-align: center;

#content {


#cursor {


<script type="text/javascript">
var i = 1,timer;
window.onload=function() {
timer = setInterval('blink()', 500);
function blink() {

        if (i == 1) {
              document.getElementById('cursor').style.backgroundColor = 'black';
else {
              document.getElementById('cursor').style.backgroundColor = 'cyan';

i  ;
if (i == 3) i = 1;


<DIV id="content">
<div style="text-align:left;padding-left:90px;">
                     COMMODORE BASIC V7.0 122365 BYTES FREE
                       (C)1986 COMMODORE ELECTRONICS, LTD.
                             (C)1977 MICROSOFT CORP.
                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
LOAD "404.shtml",8,1

<div id='cursor'></div>
VDC Programming / VDC and Block Copy
August 08, 2009, 12:29 PM
Does anyone know if block copy is soley for copying a contiguous portion of vdc ram?  Im working on a windowing library, and if this is true, then to save the screen under the window, I would need to execute a block copy X times, where X = number of rows that the new window will take up.  Is this correct?