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Messages - lbpd716

PET hardware / Re: Oddball PET - Info request
January 11, 2011, 10:37 AM
From the vintage-computer forums:

Compu*tech was a fly-by-night organization out of Queens NY in the mid 80's. They rebranded machines from both Commodore and Apple WITH PERMISSION to put them into "special" schools... and when I say "special", I mean as in how some Olympics can be... "special". C*T DOS was just CBM DOS burned to a EPROM with the names edited. (Joy of joys when the "DOS" was in a ROM on the DRIVE -- good luck replacing that if you have to)

That's all I really know about them -- they used to have ads in the back of BYTE hitting people up for donations.

Time to start searching old BYTE magazines - Still on the hunt for a "Teachers' PET"...
PET hardware / Oddball PET - Info request
January 09, 2011, 08:10 PM
Looking for more information on this rebranded PET.

Machine functions and is branded "Compu*Tech"

if you are familiar with or have info please reply or email.

danny at