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Messages - airship

News, views, help & info / Re: Milestone!
March 12, 2011, 03:16 AM
Shucks. I wanted to win.  :(
Herdware / Re: Clock chip on 64/128
March 11, 2011, 05:54 AM
Quote from: RobertB on March 10, 2011, 03:57 PM
Quote from: BigDumbDinosaur on March 10, 2011, 12:12 PMThe details are too complicated for me to regurgitate.
Then a program must be made so that a user can easily set the time on it.
If it's just a question of sending a series of addresses and/or read requests, that would be no problem. If it requires a specific timing sequence, that would be harder.
Herdware / Re: Clock chip on 64/128
March 10, 2011, 05:00 AM
BDD, you continue to amaze me. Maxim (which owns Dallas Semi) still manufactures these chips. You can buy them in single-unit quantity for $28.26 + shpg. from their web store at I've added it to my 'must-have' list of stuff to buy for my C128. I wonder if it will work with megabit's ROM adapter?
Herdware / Re: C128 RAM Expansion
March 08, 2011, 04:20 AM
Looks like I was wrong. She's  just got a RAMLink in there.
General chat / Re: Big Dumb Dinosaur's Avatar
March 05, 2011, 07:33 AM
Hey! You're a dinosaur now! A big dumb one, too!  :o
Herdware / Re: C128 RAM Expansion
March 05, 2011, 07:32 AM
I'm pretty sure Vanessa has done internal RAM expansion to her Tower C1218.
Auctions et al / Re: BIG BLUE READER
March 05, 2011, 07:30 AM
Thanks so much, MS! :)
General chat / Re: This has to be.....
March 05, 2011, 07:28 AM
The only thing I find interesting is the Cherry keyboard. Maybe you could retrofit it into a real breadbox with a Keyrah interface. That would be nice.
Community Projects / Re: Media Player 128
March 02, 2011, 06:47 AM
Hydro, I assume you've seen this over on the Lemon forums? :)
General chat / Re: 5.25 diskettes for 1571
February 26, 2011, 06:19 AM
Man, I loved my SFD-1001 back in the day! I could get an entire issue's worth of screen snapshots and text files on a single disk.
Humour / Re: Better than a singing 1541........
February 25, 2011, 06:08 AM
BDD, Are you old enough to remember PDQ Bach's organ recitals at the Filmore West in SanFran? He'd pack the place with stoned out hippies and they'd go wild for it! :D

I used to own a couple of antique wooden pipe organ pipes like the ones in this photo:

They have a square cross-section, with a hollow cylindrical wooden connector at the bottom. It is terminated by a lead fitting, and there's a thin lead plate attached to tthe top of the tube for tuning. It's attached at one edge, and you roll it back to tune the pipe. Fascinating design. I'll bet there's a half ton of lead in one of the bigger old organs.

One more tidbit and I'll quit: A friend of mine in high school joined a company in St. Louis that repairs these things. He's travelled the world now for over 40 years keeping these things alive. I can't imagine a more worthy calling.
Happy Birthday, Robert!!!  :o
They also list the KIM-I at #6.
Humour / Re: Better than a singing 1541........
February 12, 2011, 05:54 AM
Love the guy's mask, near the end! :D

I have 11 1541s. I'm inspired...
If it's IPaint, I just bought a copy from the author, Rick Kane, last year.
Humour / Re: Best Tax Refund
February 09, 2011, 08:17 AM
That guy looks good. You can tell because he's wearing a tie and is all serious.
I checked "other" for my 2 64DTVs.

Which raises the issue of how many of each we own! :D

...and peripherals, controllers, software, etc...
General chat / Re: Big Dumb Dinosaur's Avatar
January 27, 2011, 03:22 AM
Genetically, it's 97% identical. Don't nitpick. :D
Would it help to limit the image to the left 256 pixels? That way you'd keep it all to 8 bits.
General chat / Re: Winter..Got to hate it
January 19, 2011, 07:34 AM
Immediately after the Bears game I texted my buddy in Wisconsin and said "The Bears are going to the Superbowl!" He was not amused*. :)

*For our friends overseas who think "football" is "soccer", let me explain that the Bears still have to play Green Bay (Wisconsin) next weekend.
General chat / Re: Winter..Got to hate it
January 18, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: Hydrophilic on January 15, 2011, 11:57 AMHere in the midwest US we normally only get a mild dusting of snow
Huh?!?  ???

What Midwest do YOU live in? I've lived in Iowa for almost 60 years now, and while I've seen a few relatively mild winters in that time, I've never seen one that could be described as having just a a "mild dusting of snow"!

Just to quantify, here's a quote from the NOAA:

QuoteSeasonal snowfall averages 32 inches across Iowa and varies from around 40 inches in northeast Iowa to about 20 inches in the extreme southeast corner of the State. The snow season normally extends from late October through mid-April but significant snows have fallen as early as September 16 (1881) to as late as May 28 (1947). The average number of days per season with snow cover one inch or deeper varies from about 40 days along the Missouri border to around 85 days along the Minnesota border. In about half of all winters, a daily snowfall of five to six inches or more is recorded in southern Iowa and seven to eight inches or more in northern Iowa. December, January and February are normally the snowiest months, averaging about seven inches each. However, late winter and early spring storms in March and April have produced as much as 27 inches of snow in a single storm and 24-hour amounts have reached 24 inches. The snowiest winter of record (since 1887 - 1888) was 1961 - 1962 with a statewide average of 59.0 inches while the lowest State average, only 11.9 inches, occurred in the winter of 1965 - 1966. Seasonal snowfall totals have varied from 2.4 inches at Keokuk in 1965 - 1966 to 93.1 inches at Elkader in 1950 - 1951.
Assembly / Re: 128 MLM Disassembly - with Comments
January 14, 2011, 05:49 AM
Quote from: XmikeX on January 13, 2011, 11:08 AM
Haven't really looked at your disassembly yet, because the stuff is delivered in nanoprint (courtesy browser and forum) and I need to unlazy: copy/paste to offline editor, or whatever.
If you're running Firefox, Ctrl/= will increase the display text size, and Ctrl/- will reduce it. You have the same options in the View/Zoom menu. I assume Explorer, Opera, Chrome, etc. have similar controls.
January 14, 2011, 05:42 AM
Very sweet, BDD! I love to see serious development projects come together for our marvelous machine. :D
BDD is always helpful. He just expects people to use the standard resources at hand before asking questions. I don't think that's unreasonable. It's how we learn. Think of him as a curmudgeonly old professor who expects you to do your own research before you come asking questions. :D
I love how one of the sharpest technological minds of our age (Jeri) spends half of the first segment just trying to get Skype working. It speaks volumes to the combined blessing/curse of technology. :D