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Messages - zeke1312

Programming / Altair and the 64
October 26, 2010, 04:28 AM
What are the differences between Basic on the 64 and the Altair 8800 Basic?
Thank you
Yes, I should have mentioned that Ed Roberts had just passed away. Some nice comments from Bill Gates regarding Ed's influence in the PC world. I should mention Vine Briel has included in his Altair 8800, VGA and NTSC video, PS/2 keyboard and a SD card interface. I believe it will have 32k of memory.
Vince Briel is completing his Altair Micro 8800 kit which he plans to have available mid June. It looks like there is a pent up demand for this as many have been ordered according to Vince. There was a full scale copy of the machine available as a kit some time ago but that source has dried up. Anyhow that kit and any Altair 8800 available on ebay go for over $2k. In part what has "tweeked" my interest is this new kit will be about $200.00 dollars, not $2k. There is a web site that explains the whole thing. No, I'm not soliciting for Briel or have any financial interest on it, just passing the info along. I've ordered a kit and I'll see what goes on. Years ago when the Altair 8800 first came out I would have loved to purchase one but had no $. I like playing with new toys!
I'm a C128 and A1200 user but haven't posted here for some time. I'm planning to get into the Altair 8800 world and wanted to know if anyone is or has "dabbled" in the Altair world?
Auctions et al / Re: C128, A1200 & Extras
August 25, 2009, 02:47 PM
Lincoln, NE. Yes, not including postage
Auctions et al / Re: C128, A1200 & Extras
August 25, 2009, 12:47 PM
I'm located in the USA. All items tested and working except the A1200. No longer have a monitor that was A1200 compatible. Does power up OK.
Auctions et al / C128, A1200 & Extras
August 21, 2009, 01:07 AM
I have for sale:
C128 w/Jiffy DOS
1541 w/Jiffy DOS
Supra Drive
Includes all power supplies, cables, manuals, software
Make Offer

Auctions et al / Craiglist?
July 03, 2009, 11:24 AM
I plan to sell the following equipment via Craiglist. My question is what is a fair price for each item.

C128/ Jiffy Dos
A1200/w/o hard drive but SD memory in place of h/d
1571/Jiffy Dos
General chat / Looking For......
October 16, 2008, 01:46 AM
Any member or visitor from Lincoln, Nebraska or surrounding area. I haven't spent much time with my C128 (also have an Amiga 1200) and need a "kick start" i.e., pick your brain to get me started!
Welcome to the forums / Invite
June 23, 2008, 03:35 AM
Just got an invite to come back and's been awhile since I have posted. Questions more than anything. I still have my C128, monitor and floppy drives...just have not been "playing" with them. In the meantime a bought a 1200 on ebay (big mistake) and now I'm full circle back to WinUAE on my new notebook.

I guess I'm far enough along (age!) that it takes me longer to get back in the groove. I'm back to building rockets, you know, the kind you launch. Paper balsa wood, Exacto knife, Dremel drill, etc. It takes me about a month build one. Anyhow, I thought I'd post again and maybe get back in the C128 groove.
Auctions et al / Re: WTS C128; 1571; 1581
February 02, 2008, 03:25 PM
I've acquired an Amiga A1200 so I probably will find a "new home" for my C128 (if the price I get for my C128 is reasonable!). Otherwise I'll hang on to the C128.
Auctions et al / WTS C128; 1571; 1581
February 02, 2008, 01:40 AM
Both the C128 and 1581 have JiffyDos installed. Includes power and I/O cables. No manuals or software. I also have a 1902A monitor. I am contemplating selling these items; no profit to me, just to recover my cost. I'm moving on to other hardware platforms. These items are not yet posted on eBay.
News, views, help & info / Re: Anybody Live Near
January 13, 2008, 02:02 PM
Any contact (phone number, etc) I can use to find out when, where meetings etc are held?
General chat / Amiga Emulation?
December 15, 2007, 07:11 AM
Have you tired the WinUAE emulator? The package consists of amikit (free) and Aimga Forever (fee based). The O/S runs on a PC. Nice!
Herdware / Internal disk Drive
December 06, 2007, 06:13 AM
I'm looking for an internal 3.5" for replacement of the disk drive in my 1581. Any idea where I can get? I've seen the Panasonic JU257 on several web sites but there are many variations of the same designator description. Also I read where the Chinon FB354 is another replacement.

Since I've seen the price listed as low as $15.00 it's better than trying to adjust/align my present 1581.
Herdware / 1581 Alignment?
December 04, 2007, 06:23 AM
When I attempt to read PC created 3.5" diskettes on my C= when using LRR, I get a read or crc header error. One file on one of the disks does load via LRR but very seldom. Loading a 720k disk  to the system directly loads OK and programs run. I suspect an alignment issue between the PC 3.5" and the 1581.

Any ideas? Any program tests that can be run? 1581 alignment disk programs? Head tweeking?
Herdware / Jiffy Dos
December 03, 2007, 04:53 AM
For what it's worth. When installing the heat/RF shield on my C128, I noticed 2 heat sink "fingers' were not making good chip contact (just barely) so I removed the cover and bent the fingers for good contact. Not sure if others missed this but anyhow I thought I'd mention it.
Herdware / Jiffy Dos
November 26, 2007, 04:26 AM
My Jiffy Dos is on its way. $35.00 including shipping. Not a bad price?
CP/M / CP/M Boot Floppy
November 22, 2007, 02:04 AM
OK strandedinnz I will gratefully send you my address! I greatly appreciate your offer. My lack of understanding in this "project" primarily is determining where the different file(s) are to placed in order to make the boot diskette (1581). When booting on the PC in DOS, what program is used (loaded via Dos on the PC) in the process? Does that program further take a file (Dxx as an example) and convert it to a C+ usable format? Once I understand where each file is placed and what it does (example, load what file(s) to the C128 and Run, then what data file does the program use to create the diskette), I think I can be on my way. Here are some things I think:) I know. The diskette media needs to be DS/DD formatted 720kb and not HD 1.44 for the C= to accept. Certain files need to be executed under Dos on the PC. What are they and why? Do you "simply" load (what) files to the C= and what is done with these files? Which are programs and which are data files? I believe once I understand what is accomplished, where and how the lightbulb wil finally turn on!

Of course I need to know the relationship of these files to each other and what is accomplished by each file and how? This is a requirement for me to start understanding the C= "thing". I've been at the PC too long (and spoiled as the result)!

Hopefully I explained myself OK. My guess is most if not all you folks are an "old hand" at this and think I'm a dunce! Wow, I used to mess around with a C64 and a little Basic! Well that was 20+ years ago. :/
CP/M / CP/M Boot Floppy
November 21, 2007, 03:56 PM

OK. I have your CD. Found 64DD/1581 copy. Booted to Dos using a diskette with Dos boot on it 1.44M. Loaded 1581 copy to diskette. Will not read on 1581 because 1681 on C= needs 720kb formatted disk? How to get boot file on 720kb? Then load 1581 copy to it? As you can see, I'm still lost and have not been able to create a CP/M boot disk on a 1581 diskette. Can you help? Thanks I need a step 1,2,3 etc to get me started in the right direction.
128 programmers / Preventable?
November 17, 2007, 04:30 PM
Nikoniko: Thanks for the tip! I do the unzip on the PC side.

RobertB: Thank you. I've printed the manual...great!

Hey, I might get this done yet.

Zeke (Chuckz)
128 programmers / Preventable?
November 17, 2007, 07:39 AM
Moving back to the C= world from the PC world:) has one scratching their head. Yup, when a PC throws up, grab your hat and run! What I've had to do, probably/most likely, (but far too many times)is because of my "entry level" knowledge. My goal is to get my PC C= file xfer going. I'm getting closer but...I can Load, List and Run from diskettes some programs but(again) some programs I execute hang. Now I should say I can Run Little Red Reader and load a zipped file from the PC and display it. I assume I can take one of the Unzip pgms I have to unzip but (well once again) I don't have operator instructions on how to use LRR ,Unzip and the like. Any ideas where I can instructions for such programs.?
128 programmers / Preventable?
November 17, 2007, 04:43 AM
When loading and/or executing programs, they hang or lockup easily if run incorrectly, bad program, bad input data, etc. The system requires a reboot. I assume this is normal Yes, I know well the "stuff" should be entered, executed, good data files,etc. I'm worried my reset button will wear out!
General chat / OK, I Give Up!
November 15, 2007, 02:29 PM
I have my 1571 as device 8, my 1581 as device 9. I'm using the 1581. Does the 1581 need to be device 8 for any reason?
General chat / OK, I Give Up!
November 15, 2007, 01:16 PM
external via usb port. OK. I just used SD 720K capacity media and I was able to format. Now to load files