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Messages - megabit

Herdware / Re: Megabit 128
November 14, 2010, 12:55 AM
Thanks everybody, the four adapters are sold.

Herdware / Re: Megabit 128
November 12, 2010, 11:26 PM
Hi Robert,

No, I don’t plan on making anymore adapters.
I have two left if anyone wants them. I had four altogether.
The gentleman that wrote this message and another are getting
the first two, that leaves two more.

I have the ‘How to do it yourself manual’ about ¾ finished and will
make it available when finished for anyone that wants one.

Herdware / Re: Megabit 128
November 12, 2010, 09:33 AM
Yes, I have one in stock. You can reach me at

If all you want to do is run C64 mode in Bank 1, try the following program.

LDA #$40                  Ram Bank 1, W/I/O & Kernal
LDA $D506               Moves 40-col video to bank 1
ORA #$40
STA $D506
JMP $E24B               Jump to GO64

Load the above PGM to common zero page at $03F0. From the built-in monitor type G03F0 and hit return.

There is no way to go back to C128 mode from C64 without pushing the reset button.

News, views, help & info / Re: New forum software
December 12, 2009, 08:57 AM

QuoteThe only reason that I can fathom is that Megabit manually deleted those replies.

It was not me. :)
Herdware / Re: C128 80 clumn RGB to S-Video...
November 29, 2009, 02:23 AM
Herdware / Re: Graphics Booster 128
October 30, 2009, 11:47 AM
QuoteSomeone go buy one so we can solve this puzzle once and for all!!! :-)

Where would you buy one?

Herdware / Re: Graphics Booster 128
October 30, 2009, 06:00 AM
QuoteA careful reading of the linked documents leads me to believe:
    The hardware component is simply a 64k upgrade. The additional wire may give it some special ability, but I have no idea what it might be.
     The software appears to be a wedge into BASIC that is auto-booted from disk at system startup

It looks like there may be a firmware change also. Below is a portion of the installation instructions. U34 in the DCR is BASIC ($4000-BFFF).

Commodore 128 DCR (with metal-housing)

Installation: Remove the 5 screws on the back and side, slide the housing to the back and lift to remove.
Remove the EPROM on U34 with a screwdriver, install the Eprom, delivered with GB128.
Check same orientation as removed Eprom.
Remount housing and close. Ready.

Herdware / Re: Graphics Booster 128
October 29, 2009, 09:43 AM
Assembly / Re: Manual for Turbo Assembler 128
October 18, 2009, 09:40 AM

QuoteThe site should offer CD's or DVD versions

Try this:

QuoteBut if I had entered, I WOULD have won! 

It's not too late!  ;D

Say Lance, what is happening with the One Liner?

Herdware / Re: Promenade C1
June 30, 2009, 09:16 PM
If you'll send me your email address in a personal message (PM),
I will send you a copy of the Promenade C1 manual and a copy of
The Eprom Programmers Handbook in pdf format.



The 40/80 DISPLAY switch is not part of the Keyscan routine. The 40/80 DISPLAY switch is read during the reset routine.

If you want to know what screen mode you are in, you can peek 215. If it is 0, then you are in 40-col mode. If it is 128, then you are in 80-col mode.

General chat / Re: extremely new to commodore
June 03, 2009, 01:28 AM
Quoteand perhaps learn how to make a working backup of geos,

You can get GEOS for free here.


The latest version for U35 is 318020-05.

Herdware / Re: Weird Incompatibilities...
May 24, 2009, 11:49 AM

Try running your program in RAM 1. If you have a problem with RAM 0, it may run in RAM 1.

Go to the internal monitor and enter this small program:

.1300   LDA  #$40       ;switch to ram 1 with all
.1302   STA  $FF00     ; ROMS present
.1305   LDA  $D506     ;switch 40-col screen
.1308   ORA #$40       ; to RAM 1
.130A   STA  $D506
.130D   JMP  $E24B     ;jump to GO64 routine

Save the program to disk:


When you are ready to run the program, use the monitor again to load the program to $03F0, the location is common for RAM 0 and RAM 1.


Then type G03F0 and hit return. You will be in 64 mode in RAM 1.


Well, I quess I killed this topic. Sorry.
I would like to find a good fast save routine that I can put in BASIC ROM that will work with all the disk drives. I know that JiffyDOS will fast save, but I don't like switching back and forth. I have routines in BASIC ROM and KERNAL ROM that I use when I'm fooling around with my 128.


When I first started playing with the operating system, I changed the ready prompt from READY to OK DAN, I'M READY.

QUIT has been changed to PSCN - the routine will print text from the screen to a printer (device 4).

OFF has been changed to LLT - the routine will print a basic listing to a printer (device 4). It works like the LIST CMD, it will print one line or any number of lines.

BACKUP has been changed to DMERGE - the routine will merge two basic programs and renumber them. It has the same CMD structure as DLOAD, DSAVE, etc. I don't have a dual drive, so I don't use BACKUP.

A routine called DRVSW that will look on the serial bus for any 1571 drives and switch them to 1541 mode. It works like a toggle switch, call it again and the drives will switch back to 1571 mode. It comes in handy when you need a 1541 formatted disk using the HEADER CMD.

Revamped the internal MONITOR also, better displays, print routines, disk drive access.

In the KERNAL:

Disabled the autoboot routine from startup and reset. I don't like to force the stepper motor on my disk drive to track 1 sector 0 every time I turn the 128 on or reset it.

Changed the function keys for my pleasure.

A routine that makes a little tic sound every time a key has been pressed.

QuoteIf we could just get Dan to give up fishing, we'd get a lot more work out of him.

Now you sound like my wife. :laugh:


QuoteThat probably would be the difference, to add one or more devices without putting more strain to the CIA chip.

Yes, that is the idea. But, it will have to wait until winter. It's fishing season now.


Good article!
Assembly / Re: Manual for Turbo Assembler 128
April 25, 2009, 08:02 PM
If you want to write ML code on the C128, then you should buy a Megabit 128 Internal ROM Adapter. It has Merlin 128 macro assembler built in (along with a few other programs) and the manual in pdf format on CD that comes with it.

CBM-II hardware / Re: CBM 610 (B128) IEC adapter
April 14, 2009, 04:07 AM
QuoteDan: Good luck building the adapter. It was rather straightforward. Right now you'll need an EPROM programmer and replace the Kernel chip to use it. My CBM 610 was already modified for Swedish keyboard so it has adapters from 24-pin ROMs to 28-pin 2764 EPROMs. It made the change of Kernel very simple. If your B128 machine is original, you may find actual ROMs inside that would require an EPROM adapter. If you're really unlucky, the chips may even be soldered so the cartridge solution (not yet realized) would be the only feasible way to complete the task.


I don't have a CBM 610, I use a C128.

I'm curious about how it's connected and I thought I could go through to Kernal code to see how the data is transferred.

I have been looking for a way to connect the two printers I use on my system setup.

I have three drives connected to the serial bus (1541, 1571 and 1581). To operate the printer(s), I have to remove two of the drives because of excessive load on the serial bus.

If I can find a way to use the adapter as an extra serial bus, I can use it for the printers.

CBM-II hardware / Re: CBM 610 (B128) IEC adapter
April 13, 2009, 11:26 PM
QuoteVery interesting. Do you have a wiring diagram with the connector pin numbers?

Never mind. I should have looked at the file first. The wiring diagram is in the file.
