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Messages - dabone

Yes, just put it in rgbi mode (not analog).

Herdware / Re: C128 problem
October 19, 2010, 09:42 PM
Did you ever get this working?

Herdware / Re: Little Red Reader 128 CRC error
October 11, 2010, 12:20 AM
No 1581 can read 1.44 formatted disks. Some can read 1.44 disk when formatted as 720k.
To do this you need to cover the hole on the left side of the disk so the PC floppy thinks it is a DSDD disk. They will not hold this data reliably but sometimes it will work to let you transfer data.

If you have any spare amiga disks around, you could reformat them, they are dsdd.

I answered your other thread about this.
Did you not read the article on Ray's website?

     The internal 1571 in the metal case USA version C128DCR has no
external switches for drive select. It is factory set for device #8.
There are drive select "jumpers" inside the computer however, on the
motherboard near the drive. They are the two tiny silver half-circles
with a bar between them. Cutting the bar opens the jumper. If you look at
the PC board just under the left side of the drive, you will see them. It
is not necessary to remove the drive unless you plan to solder in there.
The jumpers are located near ICs U106 (a 6522), U114 and U112. DS (drive
select) jumper #1 is nearest to U112, towards the front of the computer.

And I'm going to guess you are not a native english speaker from the grammer of your posts.

So what this means is cut the #1 jumper to set it as device 9, and put a switch on it to close to go back to device #8.


It's in this article.

Ray is the man.

Herdware / Re: Help! Dead 128!
June 02, 2010, 02:22 AM
Paid, and left shipping details in a pm. Thanks.
This is going to be a round to it project, so maybe I'll get to it this summer, but most likely it will be fall.

Herdware / Re: Help! Dead 128!
May 31, 2010, 02:24 PM
Sure, shipping is to 37421, cheapest possible shipping please. and is paypal ok?

Herdware / Re: Help! Dead 128!
May 31, 2010, 06:35 AM
Do you still want to sell this as a parts machine?
If so, how are the plastics?? (Looking for a donor to retrobrite my 128 and make it look nice).
(Mine has the screw holes stripped out/ perm marker on the bottom)

Herdware / Re: 128DCR Trouble Shooting
March 15, 2010, 03:28 AM
If that cart is like the c64 one, the chips will report bad without the test harness.
I'm looking for a copy of the diag cart image for the 128, any chance anyone has a copy to share?
(I want to try it in a easyflash).

Herdware / Re: 128 Function ROM
March 26, 2009, 12:26 AM
QuoteYou could trade her in then

The last time I did that it got REAL expensive.

Herdware / Re: 128 Function ROM
March 25, 2009, 01:54 PM
Got mine today.
It wasn't what I expected. When I first asked about it it was 16 or 32k version only.
So I open the package,  glanced at the directions, popped open the 128 and tossed it in.
(Flat 128 with 64k VDC upgrade)
Imagine my suprise when I press f1 and get 3 pages of selections!
Very nice job.. Great looking product and dead simple to install.
(I put my shield back in, It's a little bowed, but it helps hold the uiec/sd.)

I would ask that you post how to redefine which function key the rom redefines.
(Yeah, I'm running jiffy dos also). It would be nice to put it on either f2 or f8 for me.

Thanks for the cool new upgrade.
(The wife still doesn't understand what I'm doing with the antique in the corner)

Herdware / Re: 128 Function ROM
March 20, 2009, 11:29 PM

Herdware / Re: 128 Function ROM
March 20, 2009, 12:13 PM
And the dummy with the hex editor that knows nothing about ml code?


Herdware / Re: 128 Function ROM
March 20, 2009, 08:33 AM
Off topic but the autoboot disable you were talking about...
QuoteAfter the routine checks the Internal ROM and Cartridge area, it clears the interrupt (CLI) and then checks for an auto boot. What I do is change the CLI to an RTS. It never reaches the auto boot area, instead it will return to Basic where the routine was called. The very next command is JMP $401C, guess what, the next command at $401C is CLI, then it prints the READY prompt.

Exactly what byte is it to change to do this?

What can I saw, I'm impatient...

(I just took apart and cleaned the 128 I borrowed, including disassembling the keyboard and washing the keys...
Now I don't feel dirty just typing on that one.. I'll return it monday bright and shiny..)

Now if I could figure out why commodore bbs's don't work with a wiport but some pc ones do...
(I remember reading somewhere about raw vs telnet for transport..)

Ok, checked around, checked the fuse, and sure enough the 9vac fuse was popped.
Replaced the fuse and all is well.

When I was troubleshooting the 128 I checked to make sure I had +5v but never bothered to check for 9vac.
I was assuming that like a 64 the 128 didn't need 9vac to boot.

Well look what assuming got me. (Had to drive all the way across town to get another 128).
The z80 requires the 9vac to bootup, and if the z80 ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. :)

So that's another lesson learned.... always check all your voltages, don't do just do a half assed job..

Ok, I went and borrowed another 128 from a friend, and yes it was just the power supply.

Pheew.... dodged a bullet with that one..

Now off to look for a guide on the 128 power supply...

Ok, I'm an idiot. I was playing around with a user port interface I built and partialy unplugged it while my 128 was on.
The machine did a hard lock, and when I tried rebooting, the machine is dead.

Any suggestions on what to try or check?

I've got access to a 64 for parts, but not another 128.

I'm looking to add a internal wireless serial terminal server to my 128, it will need about 700mW of power.
I am using a 3.3volt regulator to power it, and was hoping to draw the input 5v from the computer.

Now my flat 128 power supply is rated for 4.3a on the 5v, but I've read that some are only rated for 2a.
(I figure the c64 is right out with a stock power supply.)

Can I draw the required load without hurting a standard supply?

I'm also running a uiec from Jim Brain internally already.


Yeah, but for that kind of money, getting a sd2iec device and jiffy dos seems to be a better deal, and also doesn't require a large computer running dos just to serve as the drive.

(I'm running a uiec/sd mounted internally in a flat 128, it's really quick with jiffydos installed, faster than a real 1541 by far.)

Herdware / Re: Help me! My C128 want abandon me!!!
February 06, 2009, 06:32 AM
Yes you can use the 4164 rams.

Herdware / Re: Help me! My C128 want abandon me!!!
February 06, 2009, 04:57 AM
Going from the trouble shooting chart located here...

To me it sounds like....

U38 THRU U53   16 RAM chips (4164)
                4 RAM chips (4464) in later versions.
     Blank screen, no border. Shorted chips will get hot. Will sometimes
produce "garbage" screen, abnormal number of bytes free or "out of memory
in 0" error on startup screen, and program crashes when loading (depending
on what part of memory is bad)... repeatable, ie crashes in same place.

Herdware / Re: Jiffy Dos
February 04, 2009, 10:37 AM
I'm just going to pull up the pin. Works in my 1541c. :)

But I'm mainly going to be using this unit with the uiec/sd that is currently on it's way to me.
I've customized a c64 version of jiffy dos with @CD  : and @cd<- and @xs: for ease of use.

So I'll actually have a 3 way switch going to the roms, standard (stock) for 64&128, Jiffydos standard 64&128, and iec jiffy 64/standard jiffy 128).

I'm going to see if I can mount the iec/sd with the card facing out of the cassette port. I don't remember how much room I'll have, I gave away my 128 many many years ago.

I'm currently using a breadbin 64 my sister gave me for christmas a couple of years ago, and my 9 year old son and I have been playing with it since this xmas when I dug it out again. I build an adapter and put Jiffy on it a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for all the answers.
Once you gave me the rom numbers and locations I was able to load up and compare the dumps from around the web.
Beats trying to figure out what goes where from vice.


Herdware / Re: Jiffy Dos
February 04, 2009, 07:32 AM
Ok, so what I can see is that U32 is the C64 Basic rom + the C64 Kernal, in that order.
So for a stock rom I could take the basic and kernal files, burn them to a 27128 and have what is already in there right?

So for a Jiffy rom I'd put BASIC,KERNAL,BASIC,JIFFYDOS,BASIC,KERNAL,BASIC,JIFFYDOS to fill up the 27512. It this correct?

For u35 is it just the 128 kernal,Jiffydos128,128 kernal,JiffyDos128?

Herdware / Re: Jiffy Dos
February 03, 2009, 10:15 PM
Ok, I'm still a little confused about what rom contents go together on a 128 (flat)

For the c64 kernal which ic (U32?) and what order are the roms in the eprom?
same question for the 128 rom (u34???).
