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Messages - stiggity

You know.. i have never typed any kind of harsh words towards anyone, and yes, I do own the 128 PRM, and have Mapping the 128 in .pdf, and of course i read them both. But there are times, when you read something over and over, and it _still_ doesnt make sense.. then i try to look for 128 assem source examples, and you two might be able to find them, but i never get lucky. I usually return to this forum, ask a question.. (thats how i learn) and usually, some person, (i always end up envying them, becuase there brain works right) responds, with a little assistance, instead of ... "ohh.. read 2000 pages, and then read anohter 300.." and i usually do.. to no avail. I dont mean to sound nasty and BDD _has_ helped me in the passed. Anywayz.. BDD, if i came out at the fingertips, just consider me an arrogant, ignorant troll..

If, in fact we _did_ already cover this tidbit of information, and you dont feel like reading/participating, then you probably should check out another thread, eh?
Hydro, is smart, and knows what he's doing! If _anyone_ asks me any kind of question, regardless what its about.. cars, computer, woman, etc.. i try to give them
the best answer possible. And thats what individuals like Lokalhorst, Wagner, Hydrophilic, do. If you dont feel like helping, then..... don't.

This is kind of an Off the wall question, but here goes. In my BBS i am constantly performing a "gosub10" which checks for carrier, carrier loss, boot user, and several other tasks, and once everything is all done, and the user has not dropped carrier, it RETURNS to wherever i called the subroutine @ line 10. Here's the question, _If_ someone drops carrier, or i boot them, the bbs flows too a drop dtr routine, then resets. Leaving, a gosub command on the stack. Would there be any method of "stripping" all the gosub pointers from the stack. And, if there arent any, just RTS, or if there are some un-answered pointers on the stack, clear them out, and then RTS?

     I have an equivalent of this i use on the 64. but... im not using that machine anymore. If you understand what im saying, let me know. Much THanks!! :) :) :)

If i used the $7b0b STRFIN routine, how would i change the string (a$) length, too whatever BUFLEN is?
Or, would there be anohter approach, without using $7b0b? Im sure id need to get hi/lo byte of where a$
is, and _then_ start fiddling around. If this sounds like something you could assist me on, that would be great.

BDD:Thanks.. always enjoy reading your replies... Are you working on any other projects, other than the date & time calendar?

When you reply, it gives me faith. I have a question. Let's say i have "STEVE" store in BUFFER, and the BUFFER's length in BUFLEN.
How could i assign the length of the BUFFER to a variable length? like, if i take the contents of BUFFER (which is simply "STEVE") and use INDSTA to loop the BUFFER
contents, into "a$", it works fine, but the varaible "a$", it's length is all messed up. I know the BUFFER length, which is stored in BUFLEN. How can i make BUFLEN point to "a$"'s length?

What is the size of the biggest BASIC program that can be loaded in bank 15.
My main body is 41blocks (stays in memory the entire duration), and my biggest module is 42blocks.
My BBS has been locking up.. almost like its running out of memory. It cant be variables, becuase I
use alot of the same ones. If i go from my jump table in ML, LDA#$OE, STA $FF00, JMP $9000 is the
module @ $9000 in bank15? i load each module like bload"module.o",b0,p36864,u8 , should i call a bank0
before i enter my jumptable @ $1300?? BANK0:sys4864+xx then when the module @ $9000 has ended, do
a BANK15?

I'm sorry if this is starting to sound confusing. When my BBS did not have the 42block file transfer section module,
all users would participate in the Message Boards. and that module is only 28blocks, and theBBS would stay up for weeks
upon weeks, with no issues. When my file transfer section loads in the protocols @ $9000 is that bank15?


I'd listen to Hydro, cuz he knows what he's talking about.
If your trying to, at first.. find a string, or integer, and in anohter routine, add a buffer , too, a string, i might be able to help.
"Wagner" is the man when it comes to strings... but.. i can send you some source examples.

It friggin works!!! YAY!!ehehhehehe ;)
Hydro, dude.. i big-time appreciate the assistance. My entire error was an rs232 error, and the transfer wasn't flowin like it was supposed too. I just whipped 2 files back and forth and the transfer works, and each file is correct i length, content.. thanks alot!!

Millennium 128 BBS v1
Thanks for all the help, but i do have _another_ newb question..
You said store the low byte ($0F) into $FD so i would LDA#$0F, STA$FD? or would I LDA#$0F sta #$FD im getting my immediate mode confused..
These questions i ask about, may seem _trivial_ or some aspect, but i havnt been 100% hammering the forum with BS.. each question is genuine.
I believe the 128 equivalent of $64 would be $66 floating point routine...

If i want to retreive a value from $0A0F from within my program, and $0A0F not being in common-RAM, how would i go about performing this task?

a basic exmaple would be awesome.
How would i use INDFET and INDSTA for a routine like this.


. and/or what would be correct for a STA


if you can help, i would greatly appreciate the assistance.
We've been through this before. Ive done searches, upon searches, im both "Mapping" books and cannot find "FACHO" for the Life of me. And I'm not being lazy at all. This forum has been great as long as ive been a member, and i never get negative replies.. I mean is it wrong to ask questions?
How would i use INDSTA in this manner.. "STA ($64),Y" ?
or use INDFET to LDA($64),Y, i know these sound like newb questions, but im not the best..

-Steve Bell
Anyone Following This Thread....
the ZP point $64 is in my c64 source-code, and im looking for a 128 equivalent.
Also, i need to know if i LDA/STA @ $64 or LDA($64),y if i need to use INDFET/INDSTA
sorry for the bumbling-idiot-prior post. I re-read my original post, and sorta forgot some key details.
I'm still playing around with my programming project, and have sorta ran into a brick-wall?
Even though i own the 64PRM and 128PRM i still am un-sure as to what the ZP pointer $64 would be on the 128.
My program uses lda($64),y, lda($64+1),y, lda$64 etc.. I am uncertain what it's doing, but figured i would ask here.
My module starts at $9000, using the LDA#$0E,STA$FF00,JMP$9000 , am i going to have to use INDFET in-place of
the way the module is handling these calls? or, can i leave it the way it is..

Let's say i want to use the INDFET routine to read _from_ $0A0F, how would i set that up. I'm only familiar with setting up a Zero page value, I.E. #$BB, #$52+1 etc. like LDA#$FD,LDX#1,JSR$FF74 how do i setup the lo/hi for $0A0F and "string it" or simply find the valuer of that address?

Even thouig I own the 64PRM and 128PRM im having a tough time decyphering a certain ZP pointer.
my Multi Punter (Originally in c64 source) uses $64 extensively. What would be the 128 equivalent?

would  $0A0F be in common RAM? i dont think so... how would i re-write a

CMP xyz

The BBS Program is coming along nice. Except that punter, and multi-punter start/transfer/end just like there supposed to, but the file transfered doesnt work.. ;(

If im using a jump table @ $1300, which does a LDA#$0E, STA$FF00,JMP$9000 is that changing the MMU settings?

Is ZP value $d3 or ascii 211 in common RAM?
I use it to scan a press of the c= key?
from $9000 can i simply lda$d3 cmp#02 etc.. or do i have to get INDFET
Yeah, thats what i was thinking, but it must be something with the rest of this small program im working on. I'm going
too fiddle around with it. But, thanks a bunch.

I tried to print the string at $100, but there is something im messing up. How would i loop over the characters??
Thanks, coming from memory is absolutely amazing. Im the "Reference Material" dude.. ehehehhe i'd like to get a directory routine working that i have on the commodore 64 BBS, I wrote and currently run. I got bored with the 64, and since i have a 128 PRM, i figured,... "Hey, Why Not?" i started writing a bulletin board system for the 128. It's coming along, its just converting these routines i wrote for the 64, 5 years ago is sorta tuff.

Yeah if i would have labeled my work 5 years ago, it would be less painful decyphering it now. :) You were Right! Im working on the directory routine in assem, but i dont want to print/fetch the header, or blocks free.. just a raw "123             "filename"                prg

I appreciate the help. I guess im going to have to use INDFET = $FF74   and index the loop?
how would i set that up? LDA#100 LDX#1 jsr INDFET?


STA $62
STX $63
LDX #$90
JSR $B487
LDY #0
m1 DEX
BEQ m2
LDA ($22),Y
CONVFF STA dir,Y  ;$0400,Y
CMP #13
BNE m1

counter      .byte     0
dir     .byte     0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I forgot to setup the routine.. this is called prior to all the address's..