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Messages - mistermsk

Herdware / WTB: C128DCR Front Fascia Panel
February 09, 2011, 07:38 AM
This the the plastic panel that houses the LEDs and has the slot for the 5 1/4'' internal 1571 to put the disk in. Just looking for that in good condition with all the clips to attach to the 128DCR intact. Asked for it here as well.
Herdware / Re: 128D ad uIEC
May 05, 2010, 01:30 AM
Cat 5 Wire on the drive signals and 12 gage wire for power and ground.
Herdware / Re: Serial switcher
March 28, 2010, 12:51 AM
Quote from: MIRKOSOFT on December 19, 2009, 02:08 AM

I have one HW Q:

I want to do "serial switcher" - 'cause I don't want to plug and unplug when I need the serial cable...

I want to do a switcher, but don't know how.
Serial cable has 6 pins and I don't know how to connect and disconnect 6 wires with one switcher.
Or it can be done only with dis/connect ATN?
If yes, will be device beyond switcher "invisible" or better "not connected"?

In attachment is image how I want to do it...

Thank you all for every help.


I have a switch on the ATN line. It is a SPST ON-OFF-ON switch. I connected all wires to each other. The ATN wire I broke off and have the middle of the SPST switch going to the commodore wire. Then I attached each end to the ATN wire, which goes to to the equipments. Works well. I have it in my Commodore 64 Arcade machine that switches it from the 1541 to the uIEC.
GEOS / Geos 128 and the SEIKOSH GP-550A Printer
February 24, 2010, 04:20 AM
Geos 128 and the SEIKOSH GP-550A Printer.

Anyone know what printer driver to use for it? MPS-801? Is there one for this since this seemed to be a pretty popular printer?
Quote from: xc8 on February 24, 2010, 12:04 AM
The *most* annoying thing for me is when I connect the MMCreplay, the C128 cannot go to C64 mode via 'software' eg. issuing the 'GO64' command, or any other s/ware that goes to C64 mode.
I only can go to C64 mode via reset+C= key... and the 'beta' firmware does not solve this.. 

Yep. There really is not a way for it to go to 64 mode automatically, even though a previous person said it has it. The only way I was able to go into 64 mode (besides holding the C= key down) was to have the 128 configuration set as YES. However, this just made the MMC Replay Screen come up. Then press F1, then it will go into 64 mode. Again, not what we were looking for.
Herdware / 128D ad uIEC
February 12, 2010, 12:18 PM
Hi All,
Since it snowed so much in my area over the past week, I had time to install my uIEC in my 128D.
Here is a picture of it.

Unfortunatly, it does not work properly with both the 64NIC+ and the MMC Replay with the 64 ROM burned to it. What is interesting however, when I flip the 64NIC+'s to 64 mode all works fine. There seems to be a difference. So, how does the 64NIC+ put the 128 into 64 mode with a flip of a switch?
Ok... I solved part of the problem. The main issue was that when I looked at into the expansion port that two of the prongs were bent up which caused it to not make contact with the cartridge. So that, being the major issue, is fixed.

Now I have a MMC Replay with a Commodore 64 ROM on it auto-booting. It works fine on all my 64s. However, when I try to run it on my 128D, it keeps defaulting to 128 mode. Now, I noticed on my 64NIC+ that it has a 64 switch on it. I was just wondering if I could modify (with a switch) on my MMC Replay to make it work like the 64NIC+? Is it just a matter of taken a one of the leads that plug in the expansion slot and grounding it? Can I modify my 128D in a way that it could go directly into 64 mode (with a switch)?
Thanks, guys. I have to look at that. I'll make sure I'll reply back letting you know the status.

Thanks Again,
Directly... Oh, Well... I guess... What Firmware level are you at?
Yes. Actually, I do not have any memory card in the MMC Replay. It looks like it boots up in 128 mode (with the green screen) with garbled charaters on it. When I keep the C= key press on load, it looks like it boot up into the MMC Replay area but charators are jumbled and you can't do anything.
Hi All,

I recently bought a 128D off of ebay. I have a couple MMC Replays. They work for fine in my 64 bought don't boot up on my 128D. Has anyone had this problem? I tried my Jupitor Lander cartidge and it works fine.
