'new rom' refers to Basic 2. When Basic 2 was released there was no version number displayed, so it was just referred to as 'new rom', with Basic 1 referred to as 'old rom'. Only when Basic 4 came out did people start calling them Basic 1 and Basic 2.
Fortunately for you there is little difference between Space Invaders for Basic 2 and 4. I wrote a little diff program to see what the changes were. Only ROM interrupt entry location needs to change.
So load your Basic 2 version, and using the Machine Language Monitor change:
0511 a9 2e becomes a9 55
0516 a9 e6 becomes a9 e4
0a51 4c 31 e6 becomes 4c 58 e4
19a5 4c 31 e6 becomes 4c 58 e4
Fortunately for you there is little difference between Space Invaders for Basic 2 and 4. I wrote a little diff program to see what the changes were. Only ROM interrupt entry location needs to change.
So load your Basic 2 version, and using the Machine Language Monitor change:
0511 a9 2e becomes a9 55
0516 a9 e6 becomes a9 e4
0a51 4c 31 e6 becomes 4c 58 e4
19a5 4c 31 e6 becomes 4c 58 e4