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Messages - mikeebean

VICE / Re: Vice 128 hogging hard drive space?
July 19, 2010, 09:17 AM
Thank you Blacklord for moving my post to the proper spot.
Quote from: bacon on July 18, 2010, 04:55 PM

Then you didn't look very hard.


Quote from: bacon on July 18, 2010, 04:55 PM

Does it only happpen when you run GEOS?

I noticed it while playing with BASIC 8 so, probably not. But it may not be Vice at all, it just seems a likely culprit because this only recently began to happen and nothing new has been added to my PC.

Quote from: bacon on July 18, 2010, 04:55 PM

What settings do you use in VICE?

True drive emulation, drive 8 and 9 are 1581s, drive 10 is a 1571, warp mode almost exclusively except when typing, that's about it that I can think of...

Quote from: bacon on July 18, 2010, 04:55 PM

Do you have host OS filesystem access turned on?

I'm not sure what that means...

Quote from: bacon on July 18, 2010, 04:55 PM

What OS do you run on your PC?


Again, it may not be caused by Vice at all. I've never had this happen until recently since I've begun leaving Vice up and running while I'm out to save time rebooting. Not a big deal, just thought maybe someone might know.
VICE / Vice 128 hogging hard drive space?
July 18, 2010, 02:55 PM
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, I couldn't really find a better one.

Since I began using geoProgrammer, I've found it easier to leave Vice up and running, pausing it when not in use. However, I've found that my hard drive begins to fill up and the GEOS mouse starts acting wonky. If I quit Vice for a few minutes and restart it, whole gigabytes of hard drive space open up. But the mouse is still unusable, requiring a restart. Is this typical behavior?

Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
July 18, 2010, 11:48 AM
GeoProgrammer is really nice. Concept is for Wheels, not sure if applications assembled with Concept will work in GEOS. You write the apps in geoWrite and assemble/link them with geoProgrammer or Concept. GeoWrite is a pain to code in at first, but it's not too bad when you get the hang of it.

I can only find the geoProgrammer 64 disk image, and some patches to make it 128 compatible. I don't know how the patched version compares to the 128 version or if there ever was a 128 version released. So far I've had no problems, except for the whole 40/80 thing. Still trying to figure that one out.

Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
July 17, 2010, 02:04 PM

I'd love a Super CPU! My birthday is in December!   ;D

Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
July 17, 2010, 09:44 AM
BASIC 8 is a neat add-on with potential, but for this particular project, it's turning out to be cumbersome. Maybe it's me, but rewriting the program is slowing it down a lot. Not sure if it's BASIC 8 or my method. I'm assigning each bit of text to a string variable and sending it to a routine to print to the screen. The real problem is dynamic keyboard input. It really needs assembly to be workable, and I'm just too green in 128 assembly.

Having recently discovered that I'm actually capable of making *working* GEOS programs, I might shelve the BASIC language version for now. I know, I know, but I enjoy GEOS when kept in its proper perspective. Yeah it's kinda clunky and slow (like my BASIC 8 version is becoming,) but it lets me concentrate on the application's purpose instead of printing and input routines, plus I can still use the mouse. I could just go do it on a PC, but it's more fun on a Commodore!

BASIC / Re: light pen in BASIC?
July 17, 2010, 09:24 AM

I only just now discovered your post. I guess I didn't have "notify me" checked.

The program is... somewhere... if I find it certainly I will. My stuff is mostly boxed, and I've been on emulation-only mode for quite some time. I only really crack out the good stuff once a year or so for special projects. Wish I had more time!

GEOS / Re: Hacking Geos Password
July 15, 2010, 02:24 PM
There is a utility to password protect a GEOS disk. I came across it recently looking for other tools, but didn't need it so I didn't make note of it. Possibly on Zimmers...

I myself used GEOS 128 2.0 for many years with a CMD FD-2000 which (I believe) had to be emulating a 1581 to work with GEOS. I also used a RamLink. I believe I also used GeoMakeBoot from CMD to create a bootable 1581 disk and Ramlink partition. The RamLink and FD-2000 came with utility disks that may have included patches to make them workable, but I honestly don't recall needing to do anything special. Again, it was years ago.

I also use GEOS 128 2.0 in Vice and copy data between various drives all the time inside GEOS without problems.

GEOS / Re: GeoWrite 2.2 upgrade
July 15, 2010, 03:58 AM
Is Todd's upgrade still available?

I don't have Wheels, although I have played with it on a 128 without a Super CPU. Unfortunately my applications and Wheels were keyed to different serial number IDs (I hate that) so I couldn't test it out.

GEOS / Re: GeoWrite 2.2 upgrade
July 15, 2010, 03:49 AM
I compared the two I downloaded and they are the same. This is not Todd Elliott's patch for sure. And it doesn't work on geoWrite 128. The one I found is called geoWrite-2.1-2.2.patch.lnx and the author is "Air's"

Here's one, Google brings up more:

The ReadMe file from this download states:

Will make your GEOWRITE from 2.1 to 2.2 this will give you the ability to make Multiple copies of a letter or paper. It will allow up to 99 copies. If you just want one either hit RETURN or click OK.
While this is built for the 64 GEOS it could very well work with the 128 as the major differences are in the storage of the work in memory for the 80 col. and not the printing area. Also to use the same printer drivers the jump codes would have to be in the same spots so IT COULD work. Someone let me know. As Desktop uses the same area and part of the GEOWRITE code (this) to print a file it will also give you multi print from there. But just write files. If any interest is showen I'll see about other programs for Paint or Calc.

So put a copy of GEOWRITE, WRITEPATCH and WRITE.2 all on a work disk. Run the patch, it sticks write.2 on and resets the header and Icon. Well it does put a few other things into WRITE but no big deal. Then you can delete write.2, tun disk valadate to reset the BAM. This was fastest way to do it. And off you go.

Air's :)

p.s. when you preview a page you get the copies prompt just click it and it will go on. This is because in PREVIEW the page is "printed" to the screen not the printer, so part of the same code is used. Just one of those GEOS things."
GEOS / GeoWrite 2.2 upgrade
July 14, 2010, 04:48 PM
I've been playing around with GEOS 128 again in Vice, and I came across a reference to a must-have GeoWrite 2.2 upgrade. I found it only on two sites, and downloaded it.

After de-lynxing it with Lynxs, I read the docs. It said it's designed for the 64 version and might work for the 128 version. The only improvement it mentions specifically is adding the ability to print multiple copies. On various sites I've read that it's a much-needed upgrade to geoWrite 128, so I pressed on, and made a copy of geoWrite, renamed it, and ran the patch. Then I validated the disk as per the instructions.

When I run the new geoWrite and print, it crashes, something about Error Swapping geoWrite. Did I do something wrong? Do I have the wrong version of this patch? Is this worth monkeying around with? Any opinions would be appreciated.

Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
July 04, 2010, 12:29 PM
BASIC 8 is very nice! Printing text to the bitmap screen is a bit awkward, but more versatile. It's well worth it for the mouse pointer aspect. The manual is a bit difficult, I had to play around to figure out how to print variables. BASIC 8 might do the trick for me!
Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
June 30, 2010, 03:31 PM
Thank you guys for all of this info! I will look at the manuals on Pokefinder, and look up Dan's Megabit ROM. I'll post again if/when I get further along on my project.
Assembly / Re: VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
June 27, 2010, 12:43 PM
Bitmap mode is likely to be outside my comfort level, unless there's a routine for putting up text. The program I have is simple BASIC, and I'm pretty much relying on pre-built routines for anything involving VDC assembly. Thank you for the reminder on BASIC 8, I've heard it mentoned many times, but never put much thought into it. I'll certainly check it out.


EDIT: It looks as if BASIC 8 isn't readily available to check out, it looks like I'll just have to stick to the reversed character routine for a bit longer!
Assembly / VDC Mouse Pointer routine?
June 25, 2010, 08:29 AM
I've written a BASIC program which uses the 80-column screen, and I'd really like to be able to add mouse support. In the past I used the mouse in joystick mode and had a little reversed square move around the screen. This was a terrible hassle for the user and slowed down my program immensely, to the point where I abandoned it at the thought of going back to 40-columns.

Does anyone know of any existing ML routines that would facilitate a mouse pointer for me? I'm a beginning ML programmer, and the idea of trying my hand at the VDC is nightmarish! Thanks for any advice!


PS. I might even consider using the 40-column screen with 80-column emulation if it's the only way to get that mouse pointer! But I know this tends to be illegible. Or maybe there's a cartridge/add-on that will do it?
BASIC / Re: Little fun - character in ring
March 07, 2010, 06:19 AM
Very cool program! Just a note to others who might copy/paste into Vice:

Line 40: Change both instances of PI to π (pi symbol, Shift-Delete on my version of Vice.)

Line 340: Change the ^ to an up arrow (Delete key on my version of Vice.)

You will probably want to put Vice in Warp mode (Alt-W) to speed up the process.

Again, very well done!
BASIC / Re: light pen in BASIC?
March 07, 2010, 05:45 AM
I once converted an Othello program from a magazine to work with the light pen.  It was great fun! I still have the pen somewhere, I think it's a Flexidraw. It even worked on a big screen projection TV, I just had to be careful not to scratch the surface.

BASIC / Re: PEEKing Bitmap Color?
March 07, 2010, 05:28 AM
Edwing- The reason was I was trying to convert an Apple II PLOTting program. I wanted to use the split screen mode, so the user could type PLOT commands in the bottom section while the top section would use CHAR to place colored blocks at specified areas.  -Michael