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Messages - BloodyCactus

Herdware / megabit + Ultimate1541-ii
January 13, 2011, 05:14 AM
I was playing around with my megabit (awesome dan!) rom, and it has a REU tester in there, and was surprised to see it comes back as 'bad ram' when run against my u1541-ii cartridge. I tried it at 2mb, then thought to knock it to 512k but still got 'bad ram' when testing.. I have run a copy of zork1 which loaded into reu and that ran fine.

anyone else run the reu tester in the megabit rom against the u1541-ii cart??
Herdware / Re: uIEC or SD2IEC installation in 128DCR
November 17, 2010, 10:32 AM
Dragos on #c64frieds has, he showed me some pics;

its wired directly to the internal iec pins at the back
Herdware / Re: 128cdr internal drive id change
November 10, 2010, 09:27 PM
thanks maraud! I've read all the texts, I just need a pic to 'see' what I'm really doing.

Never soldered anything in my life so I picked up
40watt pencil soldering iron
reson core flux (very thin stuff)
22awg wire (I think I messed up as I got single/solid strand)
and picked up two stsp switches (3amps 120vac)

just wondering if it isnt better to do the disable mod vs the drive number change mod..
Herdware / Re: 128cdr internal drive id change
November 08, 2010, 02:01 PM
thanks, so my initial post was right, cut the lines joining the two pads, then wire one wire to each half moon pad, 4 wires... ? can I ask you to take a pic ;) did you solder in a switch or just cut a pad to make it drive #9?
Herdware / Re: 128cdr internal drive id change
November 08, 2010, 11:58 AM
I see on schematic;

CN12 has 10 pins, IEC has 6 pins, and I can't tell from the schematic how to wire the external 6 pin IEC to the internal 10pin.. I dont think I can?? Has anybody done this?

Also looking at the drive number mod, on this pic I see the two solder pads

but I also see C114..

looking at this pic here

I see 3 wires, one on each of the pads next to the CIA and 1 coming off C114... I dont quit get how you wire the two switches up to 3 wires, does C114 wire to both toggle switches? Im confused at wiring up the two switches to give 4 states (8/9/10/11) off two or 3 wires...
Herdware / 128cdr internal drive id change
November 07, 2010, 11:56 AM
So today when the kids were napping I dropped the jiffydos roms into my 128DCR, then hooked up my new 1541 Ultimate-II... And I have a sd/uIEC to hookup but no extra drive connect...

My problem is I want the 1541Ultimate to be drive #8, a lot of things just dont like not being drive #8 (infocom games come to mind!), so I have read about installing two switches. I see two circle pads with a line in the middle, so I assume from what I read, I need to carefully solder 4 wires, one for each half circle, to give me two switches?? then I have a selectable internal drive..

But I was thinking, instead I should just butcher an IEC cable, and wire the 1541UltimateII directly to the internal drive #8 IEC header with the rectangular header pin then use uIEC into the back with a normal cable..

I dont user the internal drive, and now wonder how much I will use the uIEC that I have the 1541 UltimateII...

I am thinking cable butchering, first I need to figure out what wire is what on the internal IEC pin header... anyone know? I have some books from bombjack but nothing would seem to document the 128DCR internals...
General chat / Re: WANT TO BUY uIEC/IDE+CF
October 05, 2010, 04:49 AM
Jims blog said he had a new job and it was out of state. I'm guessing he is still busy trying to deal with all that.
thanks for posting a link to the pics. hmm that might be my jiffydos rom ;) he was burning...
Anyone know how many folks attended??
Community Projects / Re: fastload
May 27, 2010, 12:09 AM
Hydrophilic, is there info around on what I need to do for that (what address to leave a 1kb hole at). I googled and found a page on SJ128 and where it loads into memory.

Community Projects / Re: fastload
May 25, 2010, 11:45 AM
Thanks for the info on SJLoad.

Saehn this is the direction I was leaning toward, I just wanted to see what the consensus might be. I think no fastload offers the most flexibility.
Community Projects / fastload
May 25, 2010, 05:34 AM
I'm knocking down design notes for my retro crpg I'm planning before I start coding. I was thinking about adding a fastloader but am having second thoughts. I wonder about its utility in this day and age emulators like vice with its warp mode, uIEC does not support it, Ultimate II will etc.

It seem if I add it I'll be locking out a lot of devices (particularly uIEC which a lot of people have). so was planning on not implementing one.

Whats the consesus these days on implementing fastloaders like U3 model 3?
Herdware / awesome but oops!
April 15, 2010, 02:59 AM
Got my 128DCR today with 1902a monitor! sweeeeet :)

oops but I have not joystick or blank floppies...

and uh.. forgot to tell the wife I bought it and I cant exactly hide it anywhere :P

runs like a charm in 40 + 80 col mode!

now if the ultimate1541-ii would just ship....
Quote from: Blacklord on April 08, 2010, 09:11 PM
Well, it's working: "1654 Spammers blocked up until today"

Nearly all gmail accounts - I may just block the gmail domain.

will that impact those of us who have gmail addresses as our profile email? or will it only affect new registrations?
Hey! Us Aussies drink a lot of things!  :P (Right now I'm drinking homemade baileys irish cream).

Hi to our new German friend (might be going to Germany sometime this year to my works German HQ in Erlangen)...
Looks really nice red. Any full pics of your 128T? I thought I read on you were selling your 128T?? Thats ogtta be a beast of a tower (you got the super cpu didnt you?)...
does anyone know if the "Arcade RGBS CGA/EGA/YUV TO 2 VGA CONVERTER(NEW)" works? (Its the guys site who sells the RGB converter)

would that also do it?

I'm electronically inept so, while I understand "add resistors" I don't get the "how" to add part :/
Herdware / checking a c128 over
March 29, 2010, 10:02 AM
So once my C128D arrives next week (hopefully!), what should I do before I fire it up to check it over. Are these babies like Amiga's they need to be re-capacitored? replace leaky batteris like a500's??

Do I need to check the psu? I've never checked voltages before but I'm guessing a basic amp meter/volt meter?? none of the above because they are tanks and just keep working? Should I reseat all chips?

whats the basic things to be done to clean it and check it over prior to use?

Comes with a monitor which is a relief..

I've wanted some real hardware for testing my CRPG on I'm working on, vice is great but some realhardware is good for working out subtle bugs!

Been over 20 years since I had a real c64/c128 in my hands (I use vice a lot).. its gonna be fun :) at least until the monitor dies :P
Herdware / Re: Handheld C128
March 28, 2010, 11:09 AM
vice on the gp2x is pretty awesome stuff. dont know about compressing 80col mode into a 320x240 screen tho...

cpm on a 320x240 screen would be...  interesting... :)
that looks pretty cool, its nice to see a kit for those of us without soldering skills :)
Herdware / Re: Picked up another 128DCR
March 24, 2010, 05:28 AM
augh!! grr.. been keeping an eye on ebay for a while and have not seen any come up lately.. thinking I might have to get a flat model :/ some people get all the luck! :)