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Herdware / BitBinders 1581 Replicas
Last post by Blacklord - October 18, 2024, 05:52 AM
These are not cheap - but interesting all the same - especially the side-by-side dual 1581 that harks back to the announced but never released 1572 dual 1571 drive.

(attached image is Jan Neuvian's picture of the 1572)n Neuviansan Neuvians Jan Neuvians
Herdware / Re: CMD HD-4000
Last post by BigDumbDinosaur - October 17, 2024, 11:59 AM
Quote from: RobertB on October 14, 2024, 05:48 AMThat was Jeff Jarian.  He also produced a Lt. Kernal clone.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Ah, yes, now I recall him.
Commodore News & Events / Commodore/Amiga at Bay Area Ma...
Last post by RobertB - October 17, 2024, 08:41 AM
(the first half of this article was originally posted in August when this board was not yet functioning)

    We've been accepted for an exhibit at the October 18-20 Bay Area Maker Faire 2024! Come and see the Commodore 8-bits, Amigas, and other computers at our booth named, "Vintage Computer Festivalers."

    Admittance to the Bay Area Maker Faire starts at $40 per day and on up.  Located at Historic Mare Island, 560 Nimitz Ave., Mare Island, California, USA,  the Bay Area Maker Faire runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.  Mare Island is located across the bridge from Vallejo, California, which is off of Interstate 80 in the North Bay.
    As soon as more information comes in, I'll let you know the exact building and exact location within that building as to where our exhibit will be.

    Multiple buildings and hundreds of exhibitors at the faire,
    Robert Bernardo
    Fresno Commodore User Group -
    Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network –

(today's update)

    Tomorrow is set-up day for the Bay Area Maker Faire!  We'll have our tables in the vast Coal Shed 3.  With more table space compared to the Rocklin Maker Faire, we have more flexibility to set up the hands-on exhibits.  From my collection comes

Amiga 1200 '040 with OS 3.9
Ultimate 64
AmigaOne A1222+
Tandy 102 with Tandy disk drive
Atari 520ST with SFS-354 disk drive and Gotek

From Jerold K.
Commodore 64 with Incredible Musical Keyboard

From Duncan M.
various Japanese-only computers (X68000?)

From Christopher S.
Acorn computer

        The computer list may change,
        Robert Bernardo
        Fresno Commodore User Group -
        Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
News, views, help & info / Re: Discord Server
Last post by Blacklord - October 17, 2024, 05:48 AM
Quote from: skor on October 16, 2024, 08:10 PMHello Blacklord, do you have a more recent invite? This invititation is not working for me. Thank you.

Yup - it expires every 7 days - here's a fresh one -
News, views, help & info / Re: Discord Server
Last post by skor - October 16, 2024, 08:10 PM
Hello Blacklord, do you have a more recent invite? This invititation is not working for me. Thank you.
General chat / Ward Christensen
Last post by Blacklord - October 15, 2024, 11:56 AM
Ward Christensen has died. He was the co-creator and SysOp of the first BBS to ever go online, and the creator of the XMODEM file transfer protocol.

Alpha King was kind enough to write up this tribute:

"Today, we say goodbye to a true pioneer and legend in our community, Ward Christensen. As the co-creator of the first public Bulletin Board System (BBS), Ward laid the foundation for what would become a thriving network of communication and collaboration long before the modern internet.
Through CBBS, Ward and Randy Suess gave us a space to connect, share knowledge, and build communities that transcended physical boundaries. For those of us who lived in the BBS scene, it was more than a platform—it was a culture. Whether we were sharing files, chatting in message boards, or exploring the corners of digital freedom, Ward's contributions made it possible.
Ward's vision and ingenuity shaped a movement that influenced so much of what we do today, and his spirit of innovation will continue to inspire future generations of builders and dreamers.
Rest in peace, Ward. Your legacy will live on in the code, the communities, and the memories we all share."
Commodore News & Events / Pics and video of the Rocklin ...
Last post by RobertB - October 14, 2024, 09:38 AM
Hi, everybody,
    Photos and a short video of the Commodores and Amigas at the October 12 Rocklin Maker Faire are posted.  Go to

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group -

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

Herdware / Re: CMD HD-4000
Last post by RobertB - October 14, 2024, 05:48 AM
That was Jeff Jarian.  He also produced a Lt. Kernal clone.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Herdware / Re: CMD HD-4000
Last post by BigDumbDinosaur - October 13, 2024, 12:57 PM
Quote from: Blacklord on October 07, 2024, 07:34 AMNew (reproduction) CMD HD-4000 units are now available to pre-order at

They aren't cheap!

I suppose being hand-made piece by piece isn't very economical.  Also, parallel SCSI disks are starting to become scarce.  I have a couple of clients whose servers are parallel SCSI and I have advised them to invest in some spare drives while NOS is still available.

Seeing this CMD-4000 repro reminds me of the Rear Admiral clone of the Xetec Lt. Kernal.  I can't recall the name of the guy that was selling them, but he didn't offer them for long once the reality of the Commodore-compatible hard drive "marketplace" settled in.  I also recall he produced a CMD clone...with the same non-results.  His occasionally-abrasive personality may have been a factor.

I wish this guy luck with his superannuated CMD-4000, but suspect he's going to find even fewer customers than did the Rear Admiral clone.
Commodore News & Events / Commodore/Amiga at Maker Faire...
Last post by RobertB - October 11, 2024, 06:08 PM
(This was announced back in mid-July, but this board wasn't back up at that time.)

Hey, we've been accepted for an exhibit at the October 12 Maker Faire Rocklin 2024! Come and see the Commodore 8-bits, Amigas, and other computers at our booth named, "Classic Sacramento Area Computers – CSAC!"

Here is a description from the Maker Faire Rocklin home page, "From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these 'makers' to show hobbies, experiments, projects."

The Maker Faire Rocklin is a free event located at Sierra Community College, 5100 Sierra College Blvd., Rocklin, California, USA. The Maker Faire runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Rocklin is located on Interstate 80, 22 miles northeast of Sacramento.

To see information on our exhibit, go to

(And now for the current announcement...)

Just a couple of days to the Maker Faire Rocklin! Packing starts tonight for set-up tomorrow afternoon. On the 2 tables, this is what is to be exhibited at the Classic Sacramento Area Computers - CSAC! --

Amiga 1200 '40 with OS 3.9
Ultimate 64
AmigaOne A1222+ (hey, that's new!)
Atari 520ST with SF354 external disk drive and Gotek
Tandy 102 with Tandy Portable Disk Drive

Back-up computers (just in case of the above failing)
Amiga 600 with OS 3.2
brown Commodore 64 with TeensyROM
Atari 800XL with external disk drive

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group –
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network –