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C64 general talk / Online C64 sprite editor
Last post by Blacklord - October 09, 2024, 12:36 PM
Yes - there is such a thing -
Commodore PET / Re: Ulti-PET
Last post by RobertB - October 08, 2024, 07:14 AM
Oh, I didn't know about the UltiPET.  Thanks for the information.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Programming / Vision BASIC v1.1 - Much faste...
Last post by Blacklord - October 07, 2024, 09:34 AM
Here's what the developer provides as the list of new features in Vision BASIC v1.1:

What's new:

Support for GeoRAM as an alternative to REU, for the expanded RAM required to run Vision BASIC.

Support for battery-backed GeoRAM variants (e.g. NeoRAM) to store a copy of C64 RAM, enabling instant access to Vision BASIC and loaded programs at all times.

New commands in the add-on pack for accessing GeoRAM memory in your own programs.

Custom NeoRAM cartridge available for purchase as part of a Vision BASIC package.

Improved default Vision BASIC editor colors.

Compile speed doubled when compiling on a C64.

Compile speed quadrupled when compiling on a C128 in C64 mode.



New format for user-defined commands to improve assembly language programming.

Asterisk (*) now allowed for declaration of assembly program starting address.

System clock no longer resets during program compilation.

Filename length now restricted to 12 characters during program compilation to disk, allowing proper appending of file extension.

SHIFT - RUN/STOP key combination no longer causes potential data loss.

Overflow of variable information in designated RAM space is now detected.

RUN/STOP - RESTORE delay implemented to avoid accidental exit out of Vision BASIC editor.

Improved startup experience for PAL users unable to use the on-disk fast loader program.

Variable names can now be of unlimited length, provided everything fits on a single program line.

Vision BASIC manual now includes a command index.

BUTTON command now supports the programming of 2-button and 3-button game controllers - e.g. joysticks, gamepads.

Videos from the developer:
Herdware / CMD HD-4000
Last post by Blacklord - October 07, 2024, 07:34 AM
New (reproduction) CMD HD-4000 units are now available to pre-order at

They aren't cheap!

Gaming / B-1 Bomber
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 10:44 AM
A recently  recovered (in 2023) game from 1987

Find it here -;sa=view;down=782
Gaming / Spukschloss
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 10:41 AM
Newly rediscovered 128 game -  Spukschloss (German)Spukschloss

Find it here -;sa=view;down=781
Commodore PET / Ulti-PET
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 09:10 AM
André Fachat's Ulti_PET is now at prototype status.

Snippets from his page :

The Micro-PET: a PCB that clones a Commodore PET, and adds modern features like SD-Card, USB, DAC audio, Network support, and colour VGA video output
The Micro-CPU: The CPU and modern tech part of the Micro-PET (SD-Card, USB, DAC audio, Network, VGA video) as CPU for the CS/A bus.
The Ulti-PET: a Micro-PET-based PCB with many many new features like Dual-SID, I2C, RS232 / TTL UARTs, fast serial IEC, Joysticks,, ...

  • Ulti-PET features

    • Commodore 3032 / 4032 / 8032 / 8296 with options menu to select at boot

      • Boot-menu to select different PET versions to run
      • 40 col character display
      • 80 col character display
      • 8296 memory map emulation
      • IEEE488 interface (via PETIO board)
      • Tape connector (pin, via PETIO board)
      • PET graphics keyboard, or alternatively a C64 keyboard
    • Improved system design:

      • 512k video RAM, 512k fast RAM accessible using banks on the W65816 CPU
      • boot from an SPI Flash ROM
      • up to 17.5 MHz mode (via configuration register)
      • VGA Colour video output (RGBI in 768x576)
      • Write protection for the PET ROMs once copied to RAM
      • lower 32k RAM mappable from all of the 512k fast RAM
    • Improved Video output:

      • Multiple colour modes (Colour-PET, C128-VDC-compatible, Multicolour)
      • Colour Hires graphics mode
      • Sprites
      • Modifyable character set
      • 40/80 column switchable character width
      • Flexible timing, with up to 72 lines and 96 characters per line
      • multiple video pages mappable to $8000 video mem address
    • Audio output:

      • PET beeper :-)
      • DMA engine to play audio samples on stereo DAC sound output
      • Dual-SID
      • Audio mixer and small audio amp (Ulti-PET only)
  • Extra I/O features on top (mostly Ulti-PET only)

    • Colour-PET compatibility (as defined by Steve Gray's colour-PET project)
    • RS232 interface
    • Fast serial IEC bus (like in the C128)
    • Both IEEE488 and IEC bus are capable of being used as device for another computer (ATNA capability)
    • An extra 8-bit I/O port in addition to the Userport
    • Simpler and more versatile system bus (using the Ultra-BUS backplane:

      • CS/A bus (my standard)
      • Some Apple-II bus compatibility
      • RC2014 bus connectors
    • Built-in Userport extensions, like Joystick ports
BASIC / Hangman (40 column)
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 08:53 AM
10 rem hangman
20 scnclr
30 let x=0
40 let x=x+1:if x<2 then gosub 60
50 goto 140
60 tempo 12
70 play "v1o4t5u8xo":rem v1=guitar
80 a$="v1o4qc.qco3i$bqa$bo4qco3$b.qaigqfqcqc"
90 b$="v1o3hfififqgqaq$bqaqgqfqgqrqc"
100 c$="v1o4.qco3i$bqaq$bo4qco3q$b.qaigqgqeqc"
110 d$="v1o3hfififqgqaq$bqaqgf.f"
120 play a$:play b$:play c$:play d$
130 return
140 color0,7:color4,13:printtab(5)"{clear}{white}{reverse on}hangman "
150 print"{down}the computer will think of 10 words"
160 print"and you will try to guess them by":print"guessing all their letters."
170 print"{down}twelve wrong guesses build the hangman."
180 print"the alphabet will appear at the top of"
190 print"the screen to remind you what you have":print"already picked."
200 print"{down}hit any key to continue.":getkeyq$
210 dim w$(80),a(26),z(80):z(0)=80
220 forx=1to80:readw$(x):next
230 forx=1to80:z(x)=x:next:forx=0to9
240 r=int(rnd(1)*z(0)+1):w(x)=z(r)
250 z(r)=z(z(0)):z(0)=z(0)-1:next
260 forpl=0to9:gosub680
270 char1,1,20,"word #"+str$(pl+1)
280 forx=1 to len(w$(w(pl)))
290 char1,10+2*x,20,"-":next
300 char1,1,22,"pick a letter by hitting the key"
310 getkeyq$:ifq$<"a"orq$>"z"then310
320 l=asc(q$)-64:ifa(l)then310
330 char1,1,22,"{space*28}"
340 a(l)=1:char1,6+l,1,q$,1
350 p=instr(w$(w(pl)),q$):ifp=0thene=e+1:goto400
360 forx=1tolen(w$(w(pl)))
370 ifmid$(w$(w(pl)),x,1)=q$thenchar1,10+2*x,20,q$:cl=cl+1
380 next:ifcl<len(w$(w(pl)))then300
390 char1,1,21,"**success**":cw=cw+1:goto440
400 on e gosub720,790,850,870,900,920,940,960,980,1010,1040,1070
410 ife<12then300
420 char1,1,21,"sorry, the word was "+w$(w(pl))
430 gosub 60
440 char1,1,22,"hit any key for next word"
450 getkeyq$:scnclr:e=0:cl=0
460 forx=1to26:a(x)=0:next:nextpl
470 graphic0:print"{clear}out of ten words, you guessed"cw:print"of them correctly"
480 print"{down}play again (y/n)?"
490 getkeyq$:ifq$="y"thenrun:elseifq$<>"n"then490
500 end
510 data the,and,that,for,with
520 data was,his,not,but,have
530 data you,which,are,her,had
540 data from,this,they,their,she
550 data has,were,been,him,one
560 data so,will,there,who,when
570 data what,your,more,would,them
580 data some,than,may,upon,its
590 data out,into,our,these,man
600 data like,shall,great,now,such
610 data should,other,only,any,then
620 data about,those,can,made,well
630 data old,must,said,time,even
640 data new,could,very,much,own
650 data most,might,first,after,yet
660 data two,end,easy,fly,begin
670 rem set  up screen
680 graphic1,1:color0,7:color1,2:color4,13
690 forx=65to90:char1,x-58,1,chr$(x):next
700 return
710 rem gallows
720 box1,149,27,187,32,0,1
730 box1,187,32,182,142,0,1
740 forx=0to10step5
750 box1,122-x,142+x,192+x,147+x,0,1
760 next
770 draw1,151,32 to 151,37:return
780 rem head
790 circle1,152,47,15,10
800 circle1,152,48,2,2:box1,149,52,155,54
810 paint1,145,47
820 char1,18,5,"--",1
830 return
840 rem neck
850 box1,150,57,154,62,0,1:return
860 rem body
870 circle1,152,85,10,23:paint1,152,85
880 return
890 rem r arm
900 box1,141,65,137,94,20,1:return
910 rem l arm
920 box1,163,65,167,94,340,1:return
930 rem r leg
940 box1,145,97,140,132,10,1:return
950 rem l leg
960 box1,159,97,163,132,350,1:return
970 rem r hand
980 circle1,133,98,3,3:paint1,133,98
990 return
1000 rem l hand
1010 circle1,171,98,3,3:paint1,171,98
1020 return
1030 rem r foot
1040 circle1, 137,136,4,4:paint1,137,136
1050 return
1060 rem l foot
1070 circle1,167,136,4,4:paint1,167,136
1080 return
BASIC / Dr Sigmund listing
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 08:52 AM
10 rem dr. sigmund
20 scnclr
30 tempo 8
40 play "v1o4t5u8x0":rem v1=guitar
50 play "v2o4t5u8x0":rem v2=guitar
60 a$="v1o5ses#d"
70 b$="v1o5ses#dses#dseo4sbo5sdo4sc"
80 c$="v1o4.iav2o2sao3sev1o4irv2o3sao4scsesrv1o4sa"
90 d$="v1o4.ibv2o1sco3ses#g.irv1o4ses#gsb"
100 e$="v1o5qav2o2sao3sesao4ev1o5ses#d"
110 f$="v1o4wav2o2wa"
120 play a$:play b$:play c$: play d$
130 play e$:play b$:play c$: play d$
140 play f$
150 color4,12:color0,16:d$="{clear}{down*21}":dimrx(22),ry(22)
160 print"{clear}{red}hello, i am sandy, assistant to":print"dr. sigmund."
170 input"is this your first visit?";a$
180 ifleft$(a$,l)="n"then310
190 input"{down}what is your name";b$
200 print"{down}you are in luck, "b$",": print"dr. sigmund will see you now.":sleep3
210 print"{clear}please, make yourself comfortable on":print"the couch."
220 print"{down}i see that you are a little bit":print"nervous, "b$". ";
230 print"try to relax.":sleep5
240 print"{down}i have some pretty pictures to show you."
250 print"just let your mind go to rest. look at"
260 print"the pictures and pick from the list"
270 print"what they remind you of. if you think"
280 print"of something else,just enter that.":s=0:sleep5
290 sleep5:rem rorshack test
300 s=s+1:ifs=5then910
310 graphic2,1:color1,7
320 draw1,159,0to159,199to160,199to160,0
330 draw1,0,159to319,159
340 draw1,0,0to319,0
350 forx=1to20:rx(x)=int(rnd(l)*320):next:rx(0)=0
360 forx=1to22:ry(x)=int(rnd(1)*160):next:ry(0)=80
370 forx=20to22:rx(x)=int(rnd(1)*75)+75:next
380 printd$"ok, here is a picture..."
390 forx=1to10
400 draw1,rx(x-1),ry(x-1)torx(x),ry(x)
410 draw1,319-rx(x-1),ry(x-1)to319-rx(x) ,ry(x)
420 next:forx=10to12
430 a=rnd(1)*180
440 xr=rnd(1)*100:yr=rnd(1)*100
450 circle1,rx(x),ry(x),xr,yr,,,a,5
460 circle1,319-rx(x),ry(x),xr,yr,,,360-a,5
470 next:forx=13to22
480 paint1,rx(x),ry(x)
490 paint1,319-rx(x),ry(x):next
500 printd$" spider  mother  cat    butterfly"
510 print" snake    camel  rope  reindeer"
520 print" father  face    food  ink-blot"
530 o$ = "":input o$:print d$;
540 ifo$="spider"then690
550 ifo$="mother"then710
560 ifo$="cat"then730
570 ifo$="snake"then750
580 ifo$="butterfly"then770
590 ifo$="rope"then790
600 ifo$="reindeer"then810
610 ifo$="food"then830
620 ifo$="father"then840
630 ifo$="ink-blot"then850
640 ifo$="face"then870
650 ifo$="camel"then890
660 print"tell me about your childhood.":inputp$
670 printd$:input"go on...";p$:printd$;:input"hmmm...tell me more.";p$
680 printd$"that is enough for now. call me tomorrow about this.":goto290
690 print"obviously you feel entangled. the"
700 print"spider is a symbol of your fear of":print"frustration.":goto290
710 print"your deep feelings for your mother are"
720 print"only natural. do not be afraid to let":print"them show.":goto290
730 print"somewhere in your sub-conscious you":print"have a fear of cats..."
740 print"you startle when one crosses your path":print"at night.":goto290
750 print"beware the snake. you need to control"
760 print"yourself in tense situations.":goto290
770 print"the butterfly symbolizes your free"
780 print"spirit and great inner joy. let":print"yourself have fun.":goto290
790 print"the rope is a sign of the strong support"
800 print"you offer your friends. you have great":print"inner reserves.":goto290
810 print"you are blessed with a childlike love"
820 print"for nature. your heart is pure.":goto290
830 print"either you are hungry or you desire to":print"feed others.":goto290
840 print"your feelings for your father must":print"someday be explored.":goto290
850 print"you are a realist. unfortunately, you"
860 print"are without imagination.":goto 290
870 print"you are like a newborn child; you are"
880 print"attracted to faces. you seek acceptance and love.":goto290
890 print"one hump or two?":print"seriously, you are alone in a spiritual"
900 print"desert. you can prepare to reenter the":print"world.":goto290
910 graphic0:print"{clear}thank you for coming."
920 print"i will see you again next week .":print"please leave $50 on the tv."
BASIC / Basic games
Last post by Blacklord - October 06, 2024, 08:29 AM
Collection of Basic games from the book BASIC Computer Games, published by Creative Computing.

Most of these are very simple and should easily run unmodified on the C128 (or expanded for it).