the best pet game of all time SLIME

Started by Blacklord, August 05, 2009, 06:43 AM

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Original post by Slime

this game i still vividly remember playing back in the day for countless hours. in mine and a few others i knew easily the best pet game ever.

it was written in machine language. cant remember the guys name who made it but he also made i think the missle command, asteroids, galaxian ones as well.

the game is just so amazing as its a out of control bacteria endlessly mutliplying.

i would just be fantastic if i could get a copy of this SLIME to use with the vice emulator. does anybody know where it could be located?

thanks in advance.


Original post by Larry Anderson

Look at my previous post on the Zip Disk Collection there are at least two versions of Slime in there (I think they were different).  Never saw that game before, quite interesting.


Original post by pet1978


You can find "Slime" on the disk image of games that I posted a few months ago. You can find it at:

Larry - you say it is in that massive Zip Disk Collection? I can't see it there. Do you know what the disk image name is?



Original post by Larry Anderson

I guess was wrong - I'm sure I saw two versions. (I was going through the files at VCF last year.) Might be that the name is in dutch or another language in the large files collection (it seems most of the games are in the PBE-0x.d64 files btw).

Definitely in the DD games disk of yours (BTW nice stuff!)



Original post by Slime

well i checked thru all of the 157 discs was it and could not find it either let alone 2 copies of it. i actually checked twice cause was told they were there so i thought
well i guess i somehow missed them.

anyways now that this other person has posted just fantastic to finally have it once again. thanks very much.

of note thou:

if the goal of this forum is to keep the pet alive then why not have a much much more organized section of roms for download.

the headings could be


office apps ie wordprocessors, spreadsheets

basic language games

arcade games

adventure games

machine language games

non english titles


at least some kind of organization.

if someone is even more enthaustic then even screen shots. rahter than stumbling thru disc after disc.


Tried the link. but all I got was a page not found error...

Any luck with another link?


I've uploaded DDGames1 disk image to the "PET Games" section. It should appear there when approved by Admin.


Quote from: pet1978 on January 20, 2010, 07:29 AM
I've uploaded DDGames1 disk image to the "PET Games" section. It should appear there when approved by Admin.

Also done. Any more gems hiding out there ?


As a side note, I spotted a lone floppy disk in one of my boxes o'plenty. The hand written label says "Games (original)" or something like that. Eventually I will pop it into a drive and see what it contains, if it still is readable. Should be for a PET in that case, but most likely most games have been archived within Larry's, Zimmers' or other people's collections. Ideally all known PET software would be kept at one place and catalogized.


Quote from: carlsson on January 20, 2010, 06:39 PM
Ideally all known PET software would be kept at one place and catalogized.

That's always a risk (& I've seen it happen with other classic (more rarer) computers) - if the one repository disappears, it's gone forever.


Thanks, what a blast! :D Hard to believe, but it's been 25 years since I last played SLIME. The other big favorite from those days was STAR SPORES (by the same author, if I recall correctly). Does anyone know where I can find that game? Thanks in advance.