PET Basic compiler

Started by carlsson, December 10, 2009, 11:22 PM

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Would there be a tremendous desire for dumping a PET Basic compiler? I have the software and some documentation for both a PET and a different CBM-II (thus slightly off-topic here) Basic compilers.

I see on Zimmers FTP there is a "DTL Basic" compiler, and possibly the various web sites and Zip files around the net contain some more compilers. While my intention is to dump and upload whatever meaningful stuff I have come across, I was just considering if yet another Basic compiler should be a high priority task or not.

So far I haven't even loaded the disk to know if it is a 40 or 77 track one. I asked on the cbm-hackers list which would be the easiest and best way to archive the latter, and it was suggested a CBM-II series computer with RS-232 (which fortunately I got, just not the right kind of serial cable) would be the most practical solution. I suppose my C2N232I somehow also fits into the mix, just need to look up the software options.


Many years ago I was working with PETSPEED to create commercial programs for 8032. PETSPEED was very impressive in speed and space, compiled executables was very fast.

I don't know DTL Basic, is it as good like PETSPEED?


I have absolutely no idea, I just saw the referenced file on Zimmers FTP.


I have downlaoded this compiler but I don't have an idea what is .lnx file format?


LNX is Lynx, a packed file format used on the C64. Sometimes it is self extracting, otherwise you need a unlynx tool. I think cbmconvert by Marko Mäkelä has support to extract/convert LNX files to e.g. D64.


Bad news: Yesterday I found out the floppy disk for the Oxford Computer Systems Integer/Compiled Basic is unreadable, both on a 1541-II and on a 8250LP. I will try again with a genuine 2031 but I'm afraid the disk has gone to rot since I only get a ?DRIVE NOT READY error.

Good news: The CBM-II compiler "PET 700 Komp" by Datatronic appears to be a CBM-II version of the DTL Basic compiler linked to above. Yesterday I scanned and OCR'ed the manual, which currently is only in Swedish. If you are eager you could have a try with some online translation service, but I think you will understand as much Swedish as I understand German without using a translator.

I'm participating in the RetroChallenge Winter Warm-Up 2010 by archiving this software and eventually get to use it. Probably my project will involve a couple of side projects too, like the cbmlink cartridge to C2N232. Currently you can follow my progress on this web page.