Commodore commercial 128 programs list

Started by Douglas, June 23, 2007, 06:34 AM

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Hello fellow Commodore 128 users!!!  Here is the latest list of Commercial C128 programs that I have compiled.  This is sort of a hobby of mine, so if there are any errors or programs missing that you feel should be here, PLEASE post here and let me know so I can update the list accordingly!!!  Thanks and enjoy!



Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (6/22/2006)

Miscellaneous Productivity
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
Trio 128

Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128

Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
Wordfile 128

BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware

Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128

Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Rhapsody 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128

3-D Canvas v1.7
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter

Programming - Languages & Utilities
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8
Basic 8 Toolkit
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CP/M Kit
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit
Gnome Speed Compiler 128
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power C 128
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128

Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Business Form Shop
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2

GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128

Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0

A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock:  The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *

* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.

C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board

KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips

ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed

ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant

**  Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5



Oh..good call, I read about that but forgot to add it!

Thanks again!!




C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)

I'm sure the PSU works in C64 mode ;-)


Super C is available as a ROM?   Will anyone here burn that for me?  I'll pay!


Shouldn't Ultima V be under the enhanced in 128 mode category?  All the 128 adds is the music to the game... at least that's what I was understanding about it.

bjorn a

Hello everybody!

I added 35 more programs to the list and made a correction ("Rhapsody" from King Microware is not a music program).

Here´s the updated list:

Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (8/16/2007)

Miscellaneous Productivity
Bible Search (SOGWAP)
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Family Tree 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
The C128 Helper
Trio 128

Paperback Planner 128
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Rhapsody 128
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128
Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
Ultrabase 128
Wordfile 128

BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Pro-Term 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Prototerm 128
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware

Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
RAMDOS (Systems Software)
RAMDOS (Free Spirit Software)
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128

Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Music Maker 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128

128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7
Ante Up
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter

Programming - Languages & Utilities
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8
Basic 8 Toolkit
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CP/M Kit
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit
Gnome Speed Compiler 128
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Multisoft - Commodore
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power Assembler
Power C 128
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
Windows on Basic 7.0
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128

Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Bok 128 (program in Swedish)
Business Form Shop
Calc Result 128
Calculator 128
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Memory Academy 128
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2
V-Bok 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Fakt 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Med 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
X-REF 128

GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128

Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 3
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Illustrated Publisher
Page Builder 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
PaperClip II
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Wordfile 128
WordStar 3.0
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0

A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock:  The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
The Great War
The Three Musketeers
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *

* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.

C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board

KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips

ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Quick Brown Fox
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed

ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant

**  Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5

/bjorn a


You know, there's probably another 500 titles that are commercial releases that were sold through Loadstar 128.  I've actually been in the process of making a Best of LS 128 Games collection in my (very limited) free time and am about half-way through the 43 disk collection.  There's actually some pretty good games in there too.


Hi Payton,

Quote from: plbyrdYou know, there's probably another 500 titles that are commercial releases that were sold through Loadstar 128.  I've actually been in the process of making a Best of LS 128 Games collection in my (very limited) free time and am about half-way through the 43 disk collection.  There's actually some pretty good games in there too.
Do you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?




Great to see the list growing!

In the interest of seeing it expand further, I'll mention again that Cloneimals should be added. :P


Quote from: adminDo you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?
Loadstar was and is still commercial, I believe.  I don't think a compilation of Loadstar 128 games would be freely distributable without permission from Dave Moorman.

I purchased a Complete Loadstar CD a few years ago, that includes all the Loadstar 128 issues.  As Plbyrd said, there is some really good stuff in there.


Quote from: 11001010
Quote from: adminDo you qualify these as "commercial" only because LoadStar was commercial ? Or were they actual seperate commercial releases ?
Loadstar was and is still commercial, I believe.  I don't think a compilation of Loadstar 128 games would be freely distributable without permission from Dave Moorman.

I purchased a Complete Loadstar CD a few years ago, that includes all the Loadstar 128 issues.  As Plbyrd said, there is some really good stuff in there.
I never said I was going to distribute it, but putting it together has been a lot of fun and a nice diversion. :)  I especially like the Slot Poker game from one of the early disks.


Quote from: plbyrdI never said I was going to distribute it, but putting it together has been a lot of fun and a nice diversion. :)  I especially like the Slot Poker game from one of the early disks.
My bad, I didn't mean to insinuate anything.  I have a few 'greatest hits' compilations of my own from Loadstar.  
The Complete Loadstar CD is well worth getting, I've spent years plowing through it and still discover cool things.


Is anyone interested in seeing SHORT descriptions of these programs added to Douglas's list?

I mean, if it's under 'Word Processing' it's a no-brainer, but what's included in TSDS? what's a 'Super Chip'? Is 'Format Executive' really 'Miscellaneous Productivity' or is it a 'Disk Utility'?

It might also help to include a publisher/manufacturer name. I know there's been some controversy in the past about similarly named products from different companies.

BTW, I don't think I'd want it to evolve into anything like a FAQ. It's too useful as it is. Short and sweet.

I'll be glad to start with the ones I know, and add some descriptions from the old INFO Product Guide listings if anyone is interested in having this VERY useful (Thanks, Douglas!!!) list become a bit wider.


     Superbase 128, Precision Software, Powerful 80-column programmable database. Can be co-resident with Superscript 128. Not copy protected. Versions for PET & C64.
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Golan Klinger

Call me Golan; my parents did.


Wikis are cool, but I kind of like simple lists for this kind of thing. Though they could certainly complement one another.
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
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bjorn a

Yeah, I think a Wiki would be a nice thing for such a list.
I have pretty much info and pictures of many of the programs in the list, & BTW even more programs I´m going to add.

I think it would by nice to have:

Name, description/info and some pictures of every item..

/bjorn a


Quote from: admin
Quote from: gklingerPerhaps it is time for a Wiki?

What's your rules for the wiki?  I have content on my Wiki that I think would be great for cross-referencing to your wiki.


Sometimes I just want to quickly read a list, not click on 250 links to read each item one at a time. :(

Wikis are great for complex information sets like encyclopedias. And one would be great for in-depth information on all products.

But without a list to serve as a quick index, it would take a LONG time to wade through.
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bjorn a

Maybe we can go the middle way:

A list with:

Name, publisher/manufacturer name, info/description


Superbase 128, Precision Software, Powerful 80-column programmable database

BUT, you can click on it AND get some pictures and some more info.


I'm trying to put together a presentation for the ECCC meeting in Chicago the end of September. Between that and a new job, I've been keeping pretty busy.

But when that all settles down (1st of Oct. or so) I want to revisit this topic. I'll start with the listings in my old INFOs and try to (a) add items to the list, and (b) add short descriptions and publishers.

Then maybe we can talk wikis. If we decide to set one up, I can donate software reviews from INFO to start.
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
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bjorn a

Nice, sounds great!!

I have added a bunch of new programs and made some minor corrections.
And I have also started to name the publisher..

BTW, here´s the latest edition:

Commercial Commodore 128 Specific Software/Hardware - (9/3/2007)

Miscellaneous Productivity
Bible Search (SOGWAP)
Brainstorm 128
Deluxe Circuit Analysis C128
Family Roots 128
Family Tree 128
Format Executive 3.0
Home Designer 128
HomePak 128
I am the C128
Landmark 2.0: The Computer Reference Bible
Land Surveyor C-128
Many Happy Returns
Micro Doctor 128
News Maker 128
PPM 128
Sideways 128
Tarot 128
Team-Mate 128
The C128 Helper
Trio 128

Paperback Planner 128
Personal Choise Collection (Activision Software)
Pocket Planner 2
Pocket Planner 3
Rhapsody 128
Swiftcalc 128
SwiftSheet 128
VizaStar 128
Datafiler 128 (Free Spirit SoftWare)
Data Manager 128
Data Master 128
DFile 128
File 128
Flex File 128 (Mid-Kansas Computers)
Flex File 128 (Cardinal Software)
Mail List 128
Paperback Filer 128
Pocket Filer 2
Pocket Filer 3
Profile 128
Record Master 128
Superbase 128
The Consultant 128 (By: Batteries Included)
Ultrabase 128
Wordfile 128

BBS - Online
Bobsterm Pro 128
C-Net 128
Desterm - shareware
Dialogue 128 - shareware
Dragonfire BBS
EBBS 128
Pro-Term 128
Proterm 128 - shareware
Protolinc BBS
Prototerm 128
Sixth Sense 128 (Prism Software)
Speedterm 128
Spicenet 128
UltraTerm III - shareware

Disk Utility
1541/1571 Drive Alignment
1571 Clone Machine
1571 Physical Exam
Big Blue Reader
C128 Cannon
Copy II Version 3.4
FasTrac 128
RAMDOS (Systems Software)
RAMDOS (Free Spirit Software)
Super 81 Utilities 128
Super Disk Librarian 128
Super Disk Utilities 128

Audio & MIDI
Craig Chamberlain's Enhanced Sidplayer (Compute!)
Digitalker 128
Dr. T´s C128 Keyboard Controlled Sequenser (Dr. T´s Music Software)
Guitar Tuner
Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
Mastertracks Pro (Passport Design Inc.)
Music Maker 128
Rhythm King 128
Super Sequencer 128

128 StarPainter
3-D Canvas v1.7
Ante Up
CadPak 128
Colorez 128
Graph Master
Master Paint
MicroIllustrator 128
Page Illustrator
Poster Maker 128
Ruler 128
Sketchpad 128
Spectrum 128
Spray Paint 128
Star Painter
T.H.I.S. (Micro Aided Design)

Programming - Languages & Utilities
BASICally SIMPLE 128 (Free Spirit Software)
Basic 7.0 Utilities
Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
Basic 8 Toolkit (Free Spirit Software)
Basic Compiler 128
Blitz 128
Buddy 128 Assembler Development System
C128 Developers Package (From Commodore)
C128 Helper
CBasic Compiler
Freedom Assembler
Gnome Kit (SM Software)
Gnome Speed Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Hack-Pack (Systems Software)
How to get the most out of Basic 8 (Free Spirit Software)
Kyan Pascal
Matrix 128
Merlin 128
Micro Detective Automatic Error Detection
Multisoft - Commodore
Oxford Pascal 128
Peek a Byte 128
Petspeed 128
Power Assembler
Power C 128
Programmer´s Notebook (Free Spirit Software)
Rebel Assembler
SM Compiler 128 (SM Software)
Super C 128
Super Pascal 128
TSDS (Total Software Development System)
Windows on Basic 7.0
Xper 128 (Abacus)
XREF BASIC Cross Reference
Zoom! 128

Accounting & Financial
?Book (check book)
Accountant, Inc. 128
B.E.S.T. Accounting C128
Bok 128 (program in Swedish)
Business Form Shop
Calc Result 128
Calculator 128
Cash In-Cash Out
ChartPak 128
CMS General Accounting 128
CMS Inventory 128
KFS Accountant 128
KFS Accountant with Retail-Inventory Package
Memory Academy 128
Money Works
Personal Portfolio Manager 128
Pro Tutor Accounting
SEC Check Register 128
Securities Analyst 128
Swifttax 128
Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager 128
Tax Advantage (Various Years)
Taxware 128
Technical Analysis System 128
The Strategist
TISAR 128 V2.2
V-Bok 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Fakt 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
V-Med 128 (from Swedish company called "Databryggan")
X-REF 128

GEOS Environment
DeskPack Plus
FontPack Plus
GEOS 128
GEOS 128 v 2.0
GEOS MegaPatch 3 128
Geo-Calc 128
Geo-File 128
Geo-Write 128
Wheels 128

Word Processing
Better Working WordPro 128
Braintrust 128
Fleet System 3
Fleet System 4
Fontmaster 128
Ghostwriter 128
Illustrated Publisher
Page Builder 128
Paperback Writer 128
Paperclip 128
PaperClip II
Paperclip III
Pocket Writer 2
Pocket Writer 3
StoryWriter 128
Superscript 128
Term Paper Writer
Text-Right (King Microware)
The Critic 128
VizaWrite 128
Word Pro 128
Word Writer 128
Word Worker
Wordfile 128
WordStar 3.0
Writers Choice
Write Stuff 128
Write Stuff v2.0

A Mind Forever Voyaging
Beyond Zork
Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128
Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Kikstart 128
Last V8 128
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Maidstone Quest
Mr. Quizzer - (Free Spirit Software)
Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Heads or Tails *
Planetfall (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Rocky Horror Show
Sherlock:  The Riddle of the Crown Jewels *
Space Pirates 128
Starship Battles 128
Thai Boxing 128
The Great War
The Three Musketeers
Ultima V
Wheel & Deal 128
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork I (Solid Gold Re-Release) *
Zork the Undiscovered Underground *

* denotes that later versions will run in 80 column 128 mode.

C-128 Specific Hardware (128 mode ONLY)
C-128 External power Supply (various models)
Ketek Command Center
Quicksilver 128 (will work in 64 mode also)
Link-2 C-128 IEEE interface
SuperCPU 128
64K Video RAM Upgrade Board

KERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
C-128 Burst-ROM
Super Chips

ROM Cartridges
Mach 128
Partner 128
Quick Brown Fox
Super Snapshot
Warp Speed

ROM's that are available for the empty socket in the 128 & Commodore RAM Expansion
Basic 8
GEOS 128 v2.0
Super "C" Chip
TASM Assembler
The Servant

**  Programs that are enhanced when run on a Commodore 128 in C64 Mode **
1581 Toolkit
Elite 128 (enhanced version of commercial release)
Flight Simulator II (With patch 20%-25% frame rate increase)
HyperLink 2.5e
Paradroid Turbo
Project Stealth Fighter
Stealth Mission
Test Drive II
Uridium Plus
Wizardry 1,2,3,5

Together we can make a VERY NICE list of items!!
This is a nice project!

/bjorn a


Nice List!

Now, see what you started, Douglas? :)
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
History of INFO Magazine


Quote from: bjorn aKERNAL ROM Replacements
C-128 FLASH!
I've never seen the C128 Flash!  Is it from Skyles Electric Works, because Bob Skyles put out the C64 Flash!
Quote from: bjorn aROM Cartridges
Quick Brown Fox
Quick Brown Fox was an early word-processor cartridge for the C64.  Do you mean the Quick Brown Box (which is a program storage device in a cart)?

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group