Links to Online Magazine Archives

Started by airship, August 31, 2007, 08:02 AM

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To avoid just duplicating what's already out there in this topic, I thought we should include some links to existing online computer magazine archives.

Add to this thread if you have found links to other useful computer magazine archives that cover the C128. It'll start with a few of the obvious:

Jim Brain's archive of Ahoy! and Compute's Gazette disks also includes a directory full of scans of the related CG articles, so you can get instructions as well as executables. Another GREAT resource from Jim Brain:

Despite the name, this site has a tremendous archive of many different computer magazines, not just those that focused on the the Atari. Included are indexes and partial archives for Creating Computing, Hi-Res, Compute!, Compute II, and Compute's Gazette, among others. Includes the books The Best of Creative Computing vols. I, II, & III:

Craig Bruce's archive of the Transactor consists of page scans, but it's indexed and that makes it highly useful. Also included is a full scan of The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, and a collection of disk images of all 27 Transactor disks. A real treasure trove:

The Commodore Canada history site has a couple dozen interesting old Commodore-related magazine articles online here:

And, of course, there's C= Hacking. Electronic only, but who cares? It's great. Archives are mirrored everywhere it seems. Here's one:

Okay, now add the ones you know about!
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
History of INFO Magazine


Zzap! 64 / Commodore Force

Commodore Format


Commodore 64 Disk Mags, which besides hosting an incredible number of disk magazines also includes some paper publications -- including a handy single .ZIP of the Gazette type-in archive

Ancient File Library has issues of C=hacking, disC=overy, plus a mirror of the Gazette scans

Apple Assembly Line magazine, which despite its Apple focus might be of interest for its 6502 code

I assume there must be some occasional mentions of the 128 in Zzap! and Commodore Format, maybe even in a few of the disk mags.