Indented listings

Started by Blacklord, December 29, 2007, 10:52 AM

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You can indent program listings by adding any graphics character after the line number & then add as many spaces before the start of the code as you need.


Quote from: adminYou can indent program listings by adding any graphics character after the line number & then add as many spaces before the start of the code as you need.
A similar effect can be obtained by beginning each line of code with a colon.  For example:
1000 for i = 1 to 100
1010 :   print i
1020 next i

The interpreter will skip over the colon with minimal effect on execution speed.  Any amount of space may be inserted between the first colon and the rest of the line.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!


A Jim-Butterfield-ism, start the line like so:

10 {SHIFT-space} {space} {SHIFT-space} <any number of leading blanks> <statement(s)>

Tada! Invisible leader. Takes up a bit more space (ha!), but is nifty, I think.
C128 Programmer's Reference Guide FAIL:

1. Press 40/80 key DOWN.
2. Turn computer OFF, then ON.
3. Remove cartridge if present.