
Started by joviyach, January 18, 2008, 11:25 AM

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I'm new here. I have been using the Commodore 64 since the late 80's. I still have a mint condition C64C and 1541-II as a matter of fact. I have recently gotten into the BBS scene again after discovering telnet-able BBSs out there. Any way, this is a nice board you got here...

Andrew Wiskow

Quote from: joviyach on January 18, 2008, 11:25 AM
I'm new here. I have been using the Commodore 64 since the late 80's. I still have a mint condition C64C and 1541-II as a matter of fact. I have recently gotten into the BBS scene again after discovering telnet-able BBSs out there. Any way, this is a nice board you got here...

Welcome!  :)

Have you considered "upgrading" to a C128?  I finally did a year ago, and I have to say now that it's a wonderful machine!  :)

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


Funnily enough, I had a 128 for years and years, but never used it because I thought all c128s had 8250s...... Imagine my shock when I found that flat c128s have 6581s, and I could have been basking in c128 glory all along!


Welcome joviach - hope to see you here more often.  Lots of good folks on here, and some brilliant minds as well (not me ;) ). 


Welcome!  If you do upgrade to a C128 flat model, be sure to get a companion 1571 or 1581 disk drive for fast disk access (assuming you still use floppies).  Besides fast speed, they offer more storage and can read/write MS-DOS disks so you can transfer data with your PC.


Quote from: joviyach on January 18, 2008, 11:25 AM
I'm new here. I have been using the Commodore 64 since the late 80's. I still have a mint condition C64C and 1541-II as a matter of fact. I have recently gotten into the BBS scene again after discovering telnet-able BBSs out there. Any way, this is a nice board you got here...

Welcome aboard!  You should find a lot of interesting and useful stuff around here.
x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!