128 specific Spreadsheet application

Started by Stephane Richard, October 04, 2006, 01:05 AM

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Stephane Richard

Well I actually say alot in the title ;-).

Basically, I'm wondering if there's a C-128 sppecific spreadsheet application out there, who makes it, and if it's available anywhere.  I remember back in the 64 days there were several to choose from.  I just don't know how many of those were ported to the 128 native mode.

for example, visicalc, practicalc are two that I know about. I also believe that timeworks made one though I'm not sure of the name.

Anyone here can clue me in?
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



I have several in original packages.  Shoot me a Private Message and we'll talk turkey.

Stephane Richard

Excellent :-)....PM is sent, of course ;-).
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!
