WinVICE-2.1 PET Emulator

Started by CompuForensics, February 13, 2009, 03:26 PM

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I downloaded a free Commodore emulator for Windows from another PET site, but was unable to remember any of the Basic 4.0 commands for the SuperPET. Has anyone used the WinVICE-2.1 emulator? Does it respond to PET Basic commands?


As far as I have tested, the VICE PET emulation seems to be a complete emulation of all the machines in the PET-series. As seen in the picture below any machine type can be chosen as well as some special settings for indvidual machines (the different tabs).

You can find the "User's Reference Manual Commodore BASIC Version 4.0" here.

BTW, did you know there is an easteregg in the Commodore BASIC (for instance in the version for the PET 3032)? Type WAIT6502,1 and take a look at the first line of the screen. A reminder of the heritage from Microsoft BASIC :)

You can read more about the different versions of Commodore BASIC here.

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