Started by piemmeweb, January 16, 2010, 07:10 AM

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Hello, I placed a GEOS 128 EPROM in my 128D U36 socket but it doesn't works or I don't know how to use it. Anybody can help me? thanks!

Mark Smith

Do you need to hold down a key or something at power up time ?  Maybe "control" ? (or is that BASIC 8 ?)


Commodore 128, 512K 1750 REU, 1581, 1571, 1541-II, MMC64 + MP3@64, Retro-Replay + RR-Net and a 1541 Ultimate with 16MB REU, IDE64 v4.1 + 4GB CF :-)


You still need to have the GEOS128 boot disk in the drive for it to work.  AFAIK the only advantage is that it cuts the boot time down marginally by copying parts of GEOS into memory from the the EPROM before loading the users desktop etc. from the disk.  From the speed increase I saw, it's not worth bothering with.
c128dcr  |  1581  |  1750  |  1084s  |  1351  |  mmc64  |  super-g  |  competition pro


You don't have to hold down any key in order for GEOS to boot, yes Mark, Control is for BASIC8 :), it does so automatically everytime the computer is reset.

Have you programmed this EPROM yourself? If so, you probably have the ROM-image file. Have you tried using it in the VICE-emulator?

Does your C128 screen blank when you reset the computer? The GEOS-image I'm using is set to boot on the 80-column screen regardless of the setting of the 40/80 key. So if you are using a 40-column screen and it blanks upon reset, that might be the reason.

If you want to try the ROM I'm using you can download it here.
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