[Want to buy] C128 European PSU

Started by timscampi, December 07, 2010, 08:18 AM

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Hi everyone :)
It's a pretty long time I've posted here (Last time was, again, for a PSU problem...)

So, my PSU is fried and I'm looking for a new one.
If anyone has a 220v power supply, preferably with a european plug, I'm looking to buy one :)

I would prefer buying from someone living in Europe (I live in Belgium) as shipping for such a heavy item may be expensive.

I should probably precise that i have a flat keyboard-style C128.

Thanks to anybody who answer this :)


     If you can go to the Netherlands Commodore Show on Saturday, December 18, perhaps someone can help you there.  There is a lot of hardware for sale.  The show will be at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, in Maarssen, the Netherlands.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group


Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it :/
I don't have a driving license and I live in the south of Belgium so, it would be really difficult to me to go all the way up to the Netherlands :)
Plus, I'll have a math exam the following Monday, so it's a no go for me... (I would REALLY like to go, though... ;D)

Anyway, if someone have a spare, I'm ready to pay for it + the shipping to Belgium :)