VICE 1.21!

Started by Golan Klinger, March 10, 2007, 12:01 PM

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Golan Klinger

The latest version of VICE (v1.21) has been released. Information on what's new in this release can be found here and download links are listed on the VICE homepage or you can get the files directly from

Call me Golan; my parents did.

Stephane Richard

Excellent.  I';ve been checking on a regular basis hoping to be the one to announce this new version course, living with murphy's laws on a daily basis you expect things like "you gotta go do something somewhere" and in the mean time, you miss the release like I

Great news, I think 1.21 was long awaited by many vice users.  :-)
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



Great! I'll check it out. I'm wondering what the minor VDC bugfixes were. I was told the horizontal shift issue would be fixed, but other than that I have no idea.

What's digimax?

Stephane Richard

One vdc problem I had was that the last character on a line (the 80th position) was sorta hidden by the outside border being drawn.  That got fixed in 1.21 it works great.
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



Yep, that's the same horizontal shift issue. Glad to see that got fixed.


If anybody needs it, I can upload a Windows binary with 2MHz support for this version.


Anyone else having problems with X128 under Debian (Sarge) ? It dies everytime I try to run it. I get this message on exit :

Drive: Finished loading ROM images.
Palette: Loading palette `/usr/lib/vice/C128/vdc_deft.vpl'.
GnomeVideo: Successfully initialized video.
X11: Using private colormap.
GnomeVideo: Successfully initialized video.
Received signal 11.

I don't get this with 1.19 (the previous version I was using).



Quote from: nikonikoGreat! I'll check it out. I'm wondering what the minor VDC bugfixes were. I was told the horizontal shift issue would be fixed, but other than that I have no idea.

What's digimax?
The digimax cartridge is an 8bit 4-channel digital audio output cartridge, it can be used with the cart-port, ide64-shortbus or userport. VICE 1.21 supports all 3 interface types.


Im actually rather disappointed in the new release.  (I know, I know... I suppose I have no right to be)... but the thing is, there's a load of things we would like to see in a new release, and I can't see a single one of them included in this new one.  Just pardon my disappointment... when you have folks on here adding 2Mhz patches as well as other really cool things... kinda like not getting what you wanted for Christmas... :)


The 2mhz patch you are talking about doesn't include the vicii clock stretching and it doesn't include the 5 memory refresh cycles, therefor it breaks the timing in x128. I am currently working on getting 2mhz mode into x128, WITH clock stretching AND the 5 memory refresh cycles.

For most of the things I would like to implement I don't have the information/details that I need.

You can always download the source, implement the things you want and send in a patch to the VICE team.


I didn't have a real C128 to test/develop the clock stretching... until today! :cool:

If you think 5 missing cycles breaks the timing, you should my 1.21 patch: it has adjustable FAST mode, from 1 (the old broken behavior), 2 (the standard), turbo mode (4MHz), speed mode (8 Mhz), sizzling mode (16 MHz), super mode (20 MHz), dazzling mode (40 MHz), and insane mode (64 MHz).  All selectible with a nice GUI for the Windows version.

Of course thats a bunch of theory considering my little CPU can't emulate more than 3 MHz. :P


Quote from: BrendonAnyone else having problems with X128 under Debian (Sarge) ? It dies everytime I try to run it. I get this message on exit :
I get the same with unstable. Version 1.20 works allright. I find that this patch somehow works around the problem:

diff -urpN vice-1.21.orig/src/raster/raster.c vice-1.21/src/raster/raster.c
--- vice-1.21.orig/src/raster/raster.c  2004-12-05 23:12:15.000000000 +0200
+++ vice-1.21/src/raster/raster.c       2007-03-27 23:39:02.922589824 +0300
@@ -379,6 +379,12 @@ int raster_realize(raster_t *raster)
     raster_list_t *rlist;
+    static int magicfix=1;
+    if (magicfix) {
+        ActiveRasters = NULL;
+        magicfix=0;
+    }
     if (realize_canvas(raster) < 0)
         return -1;

This was just a quick experiment, I did not even try to understand the code.